How to ecig with herb

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  • topdog82
    • Jan 2013
    • 98

    How to ecig with herb

    It was $35 at my headshop. The dude there threw in a free bottle of liquid. I gotta say that I am lking it. It was an impulsive buy

    I never really cared for cigs. I came to snus because my gums were ****ing up

    The wax/essential oil attachment at the headshop was $25. I was wondering if I could throw in some cannabis tincture straight in there?

    Any easy guides on how to work with tinctures? and how to make them?
  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Tinctures are either glycerin or alcohol based. In either case, you would need to add pharmacy grade vegetable glycerin (VG) in order to produce a quality vape. The amount of VG you add depends on a number of factors... composition of your herbal tincture (make VERY SURE) you know all the ingredients used to compound the tincture, chemicals may have been added that should not be vaped! I have an educational background in botanical medicines and often make tinctures for personal use. I don't use cannabis; however, there are other medicinal herbs that can be used for vaping.

    Visit this site: for herbs you can make your own tinctures from that can be vaped.

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    • topdog82
      • Jan 2013
      • 98

      Originally posted by topdog82
      It was $35 at my headshop. The dude there threw in a free bottle of liquid. I gotta say that I am lking it. It was an impulsive buy

      I never really cared for cigs. I came to snus because my gums were ****ing up

      The wax/essential oil attachment at the headshop was $25. I was wondering if I could throw in some cannabis tincture straight in there?

      Any easy guides on how to work with tinctures? and how to make them?
      to clarify, I was dipping alot. so thats y i came to snus


      • topdog82
        • Jan 2013
        • 98

        Originally posted by wa3zrm
        Tinctures are either glycerin or alcohol based. In either case, you would need to add pharmacy grade vegetable glycerin (VG) in order to produce a quality vape. The amount of VG you add depends on a number of factors... composition of your herbal tincture (make VERY SURE) you know all the ingredients used to compound the tincture, chemicals may have been added that should not be vaped! I have an educational background in botanical medicines and often make tinctures for personal use. I don't use cannabis; however, there are other medicinal herbs that can be used for vaping.

        Visit this site: for herbs you can make your own tinctures from that can be vaped.

        out of curiosity, have you tried tinctures with cannabis?


        • wa3zrm
          • May 2009
          • 4436

          Originally posted by topdog82
          out of curiosity, have you tried tinctures with cannabis?
          Not personally, but I do know some herbalists that have. If you want a real kick, tinctured opioid's work better than cannabis.

          Here is a popular one that I am aware of:

          I also know some folks that make tobacco tinctures (from both leaves and/or snus) and vape it.

          This link of video's may be of interest to you:
          If you have any problems with my posts or signature


          • BadAxe
            • Jan 2010
            • 631

            Originally posted by topdog82
            It was $35 at my headshop. The dude there threw in a free bottle of liquid. I gotta say that I am lking it. It was an impulsive buy

            I never really cared for cigs. I came to snus because my gums were ****ing up

            The wax/essential oil attachment at the headshop was $25. I was wondering if I could throw in some cannabis tincture straight in there?

            Any easy guides on how to work with tinctures? and how to make them?
            If you want to see how to do it right, go over to grasscity dot com and research BadKittySmiles threads. She not only has a how to make ticture thread, but then she has a How to turn that tincture into a Ejuice threas as well. I am going to give it a shot following her methods. She is pretty respected and has recently made some videos for some MJ World Summit, and presented them. She knows her stuff when it comes to making things with weed.


            • topdog82
              • Jan 2013
              • 98

              Originally posted by BadAxe
              If you want to see how to do it right, go over to grasscity dot com and research BadKittySmiles threads. She not only has a how to make ticture thread, but then she has a How to turn that tincture into a Ejuice threas as well. I am going to give it a shot following her methods. She is pretty respected and has recently made some videos for some MJ World Summit, and presented them. She knows her stuff when it comes to making things with weed.
              I actually do have a grasscity account i will search her up


              • topdog82
                • Jan 2013
                • 98

                Originally posted by wa3zrm
                Not personally, but I do know some herbalists that have. If you want a real kick, tinctured opioid's work better than cannabis.

                Here is a popular one that I am aware of:

                I also know some folks that make tobacco tinctures (from both leaves and/or snus) and vape it.

                This link of video's may be of interest to you:
                Cool thanks!

                I am honestly interested in the tobacco aspect of it. I like snus for that

                It was an impulsive buy rly. Do you know if I can put it just directly in the clearomizer?

                And how do I wash the clearomizer?


                • wa3zrm
                  • May 2009
                  • 4436

                  Originally posted by topdog82
                  Do you know if I can put it just directly in the clearomizer?
                  Not unless you made it yourself or purchased it from a pharmacy.

                  And how do I wash the clearomizer?

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                  • BadAxe
                    • Jan 2010
                    • 631

                    When I make my weed e-juice, I will be using it in the ProTanks (Pyrex Glass) because with weed e-juice, rinsing with water probably will not clean the clearomizers from the trichome residue buildup, for that, iso-alcohol is needed, and I don't want to rinse plastic with iso-alcohol, so I will use my glass tanks for the weed ejuice so I can clean them properly.


                    • wa3zrm
                      • May 2009
                      • 4436

                      Originally posted by BadAxe
                      When I make my weed e-juice, I will be using it in the ProTanks (Pyrex Glass) because with weed e-juice, rinsing with water probably will not clean the clearomizers from the trichome residue buildup, for that, iso-alcohol is needed, and I don't want to rinse plastic with iso-alcohol, so I will use my glass tanks for the weed ejuice so I can clean them properly.
                      Yep, you are right on the money! Most tinctured juices contain some wicked and heavy alkaloids. Pyrex tank soaked in Everclear grain is the trick for a good cleaning.
                      If you have any problems with my posts or signature


                      • topdog82
                        • Jan 2013
                        • 98

                        Originally posted by wa3zrm
                        Yep, you are right on the money! Most tinctured juices contain some wicked and heavy alkaloids. Pyrex tank soaked in Everclear grain is the trick for a good cleaning.
                        Yo sorry for the late response my computer broke and I had to scrape together money for a new one

                        I will try and get a glass clearomizer. I was wondering, could I put say, a gram of hash into the clearmizer and throw in some hookah juice (the no nicotine ecig juice) and shake it around?

                        I figure that ecig juice is mainly glycerin and nicotine andflaovring?

                        I understand that the hash will be a tad watered down, but I kind of want that. Smaller doses of thc over a longer time. I can also titrate the doses easier like that. Sometimes I don't wanna get TOO baked. Just eough to sleep and wakeup fresh


                        • BadAxe
                          • Jan 2010
                          • 631

                          Originally posted by topdog82
                          Yo sorry for the late response my computer broke and I had to scrape together money for a new one

                          I will try and get a glass clearomizer. I was wondering, could I put say, a gram of hash into the clearmizer and throw in some hookah juice (the no nicotine ecig juice) and shake it around?

                          I figure that ecig juice is mainly glycerin and nicotine andflaovring?

                          I understand that the hash will be a tad watered down, but I kind of want that. Smaller doses of thc over a longer time. I can also titrate the doses easier like that. Sometimes I don't wanna get TOO baked. Just eough to sleep and wakeup fresh
                          If you are going to do that, you might as well instead, just get some food grade veg glycerin, and put the hash in that. The issue is, whether heat is used or not, glycerin as a solvent takes TIME. You can initially speed the process up a bit by applying heat (don't go over 190 degrees) for up to 8 hrs or so, then store it at room temp for a week or 2, or you can do it without heat, but it takes 2 to 3 months, and needs to be shaken about once a day. Glycerin is not as good of a solvent as oils, butter, or alcohol, but given the correct time it works well.

                          If you make your glycerin tincture from VG + hash, when its ready, you should add a little bit of everclear to it (which in effect turns it into PG, which most e-juices are, then some flavoring if want.

                          For vaping weed e-juice, its best to make it that way. For a more detailed explanation, join up at and look up BadKittySmiles posts on her tinctures, and making ejuice. She knows her stuff, and thats the method I follow.


                          • topdog82
                            • Jan 2013
                            • 98

                            Originally posted by BadAxe
                            If you are going to do that, you might as well instead, just get some food grade veg glycerin, and put the hash in that. The issue is, whether heat is used or not, glycerin as a solvent takes TIME. You can initially speed the process up a bit by applying heat (don't go over 190 degrees) for up to 8 hrs or so, then store it at room temp for a week or 2, or you can do it without heat, but it takes 2 to 3 months, and needs to be shaken about once a day. Glycerin is not as good of a solvent as oils, butter, or alcohol, but given the correct time it works well.

                            If you make your glycerin tincture from VG + hash, when its ready, you should add a little bit of everclear to it (which in effect turns it into PG, which most e-juices are, then some flavoring if want.

                            For vaping weed e-juice, its best to make it that way. For a more detailed explanation, join up at and look up BadKittySmiles posts on her tinctures, and making ejuice. She knows her stuff, and thats the method I follow.
                            Sounds good, I will check her out

                            Was my hypothesis right? That ecig juice is purely glycerin and nicotine and flavoring?

                            I just figured that I would try it out with hash and hookah juice first before I try it with glycerin

                            I was thinking of watering it down a ****ton and increasing discreetness

                            Yeah, but bad kitt smiles' threads rotate around ecigs shaped like cigarettes, not the pen style ones. Are they any different? Sorry if I come off as naïve, I just have very little knowledge in this area


                            • topdog82
                              • Jan 2013
                              • 98

                              If I threw in alchohol based tincture, wudnt that get me a tad drunk? I didn't understand what you said about it changing?


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