Thought this rant was worth sharing with you all.
A Nurses response to the bogus articles against E-cigs

I was reading an article about the harm to lungs with e-cigs and saw this nurses response. I LOVE IT! Feel free to copy and paste it everywhere you see negative articles on E-cigs
"This article upsets me to NO end! I am a Respiratory Registered Nurse. I work for an oxygen company. In just 9 months I have seen patients get off of oxygen AND their lung function IMPROVE from YES, E-cigs. You can't fool me that E-cigs are "harming" the lungs. If they are, where is the comparison to that of cigarettes??? I have seen E-cigs help control the progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseased patient's when pure oxygen and other FDA approved medications DIDN'T. Why not mention this? Let me let you in on a little secret. Big pharmaceutical companies pay MILLIONS to get ads out there to get people off of E-cigs. WHY? Their patches, gum, inhalers, etc are losing millions if not billions from the best invention to date...E-Cigs. Are they perfect? No. Would I rather be around someone smoking an E-cig than someone wearing perfume? Yes. The risk of lung irritation is much less. Some people go into full blown asthma attacks just from people wearing perfume. Have you ever witnessed this from an E-cig? I doubt it! Did you know that working at the post office may be more hazardous to your health from all of the paper dust then an E-cig. The air pollution may be more dangerous to your health than an E-cig. Am I saying one should constantly puff on an E-cig? Absolutely not, but the patient's I know who have used it in REPLACE Of their cigarettes have been praised by their doctors for their "LUNG IMPROVEMENT!" The people who wrote this article must not have a conscience!!! How can you sleep at night knowing that millions die per year from cigarettes. These poor people need your help and support! I don't smoke, never have. As a nurse for over 15 years, I have seen tobacco cigarettes take lives over and over again. Since my patients have been on E-cigs I have only seen lung improvement. You should be ashamed of yourself...motivated by greed makes me sick!!!"
"This article upsets me to NO end! I am a Respiratory Registered Nurse. I work for an oxygen company. In just 9 months I have seen patients get off of oxygen AND their lung function IMPROVE from YES, E-cigs. You can't fool me that E-cigs are "harming" the lungs. If they are, where is the comparison to that of cigarettes??? I have seen E-cigs help control the progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseased patient's when pure oxygen and other FDA approved medications DIDN'T. Why not mention this? Let me let you in on a little secret. Big pharmaceutical companies pay MILLIONS to get ads out there to get people off of E-cigs. WHY? Their patches, gum, inhalers, etc are losing millions if not billions from the best invention to date...E-Cigs. Are they perfect? No. Would I rather be around someone smoking an E-cig than someone wearing perfume? Yes. The risk of lung irritation is much less. Some people go into full blown asthma attacks just from people wearing perfume. Have you ever witnessed this from an E-cig? I doubt it! Did you know that working at the post office may be more hazardous to your health from all of the paper dust then an E-cig. The air pollution may be more dangerous to your health than an E-cig. Am I saying one should constantly puff on an E-cig? Absolutely not, but the patient's I know who have used it in REPLACE Of their cigarettes have been praised by their doctors for their "LUNG IMPROVEMENT!" The people who wrote this article must not have a conscience!!! How can you sleep at night knowing that millions die per year from cigarettes. These poor people need your help and support! I don't smoke, never have. As a nurse for over 15 years, I have seen tobacco cigarettes take lives over and over again. Since my patients have been on E-cigs I have only seen lung improvement. You should be ashamed of yourself...motivated by greed makes me sick!!!"