Vaping is in its infancy. It's here to stay

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  • Faylool
    • Dec 2012
    • 496

    Oooo FayDoll, sounds like a drug. Ha ha.
    darwin,My iPad has a question question mark instead of a chart so I put the link. It's probably my iPad and cookies thing. I never did understand cookies but please, do not bother yourself explaining to me because that stuff never makes sense. Now I see the chart is blurry.


    • Premium Parrots
      Super Moderators
      • Feb 2008
      • 9759

      now that you mention it FayDoll sounds more like Fatal. opps

      I always thought cookies were for eating.
      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


      • Faylool
        • Dec 2012
        • 496

        Oh no no, it's a euphoria pill. Very nice. Hard get though. But legal


        • rickcharles606
          • Mar 2009
          • 2307

          I do agree that vaping is in it's infancy. That being said, I'm thinking that this "bubble" (for lack of a better word) will be burst by our beloved FDA. We all know it's coming, and I'm really afraid that they will come in and regulate it out of existence, or just enough to put it out of reach of most consumers price ranges. If they force the manufacturers to increase production costs (via quality controls or just taxation) it will run the plethora of little guys out of business, and it will be left to the large tobacco manufacturers, who will put out a bastardized product.

          Being in the industry, I know that we and other manufacturers of e-cigs are going to make as much money as we can now...until the bubble bursts. We and all the analysts are saying it's going to happen, it's just a matter of time. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big believer in the technology and feel that the FDA shouldn't have ANY say in what happens.

          One thing that I do know is that FDA is looking hard at e-juices being made and sold in the US, you can guarantee that they will regulate these guys. They perceive them as making a product that IF it got in the hands of kids, they could harm themselves. It's the "save the kids" defense, and they'll probably start requiring a manufacturer of ejuice to jump through all sorts of time consuming and expensive hoops before bringing product to market. Then they'll more than likely begin a real push to stop the sales of ALL tobacco and OTP (Other Tobacco Products--E cigs) from being sold online...which will further make it difficult for the little guys. They'll not only require them to jump through the hoops, but will probably force them to sell through traditional channels, meaning...brick and mortar stores. Let's say you're a little guy that can and does jump through the potential hoops, there's one last hoop to jump through, and it's probably the most difficult. Getting a retailer to pick up your products and sell them, when the big guys utilize their vendor contracts with the retailers to FORCE them to carry their bastardized brands. Which is how they got such good distribution with Camel SNUS.

          I'm still hoping for the best though, because I've read several articles written by Mitch Zeller, prior to him taking over at FDA tobacco control. He basically said that he thinks we should embrace a theory called continuum of harm, which is that some products in the US are less harmful than others. And by doing so, can lower cigarette usage nationwide. Sound familiar...yep, sounds just like good old harm reduction to me. Now that he's in charge...we'll have to wait and see how it goes, but they're really playing their cards close to the chest now.


          • Darwin
            • Mar 2010
            • 1372

            Wish I could disagree. There could be a "PACT" panic that will make what happened with snus look like small potatos. There are some key differences though. Making one's own snus is a time consuming and personally involving enterprise that very few are willing to undertake. Mixing one's own e-juices is however already fairly common and the practice would explode with massive regulatory intrusion. All but one juice ingredient is not available commonly through non e-cig channels and the one that isn't, nicotine base juice, can be easily had in large quantities, many years worth, ahead of any stifling regulations. Furthermore vaping is exploding in popularity and already has adherents that number many many times those who use snus. At the least this fact will produce a backlash that will be far more publically visible than what happened with online snus sales and should make it much harder for the FDA to proceed with yet one more of its imperiously clueless regulatory nightmares without effective pushback.

            All of that, and the presence of someone at the FDA who is not actively hostile to the concept of harm reduction, could mean that the public adoption of vaping might proceed relatively unhindered compared to the near disaster that has befallen the easy acquisition of snus. As a natural pessimist, and despiser of the burgeoning nanny-state, I realize that for me this represents an uncharacteristic glass-half-full attitude but all things considered it does not seem overly pollyanna-ish. At least I hope it's not.


            • whalen
              • May 2009
              • 6593

              Well reasoned arguments..... I believe the rapid growth will cause a rapid response from the "nanny's". You "lika de juice"....
              wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


              • Faylool
                • Dec 2012
                • 496

                A lot of variables and too many possibilities but one thing I'd appreciate from intervention from such people is a list of ingredients and their percentages on e juice.


                • alopezg1
                  • Jul 2013
                  • 722

                  Do we think that Snus maybe a less harmful option still than vaping?


                  • Darwin
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 1372

                    My opinion is that it's a wash. It's possible that one might be statistically safer than the other but it would be an argument over the fourth decimal place after the zero. I contend, as do some others here, that vaping and snusing complement each other and make backsliding towards cigs far less likely.


                    • alopezg1
                      • Jul 2013
                      • 722

                      A wash meaning they cancel each other out?


                      • trebli
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 797

                        "A wash" just means "about the same." And if someone hasn't already said so, ……. Welcome to Snuson.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          I don't know if any of you have a plum (I think Wa3zrm does) but I have their original model vaporizer and they just came out with new model that's even slicker if you guys wanna check it out:

                          Not sure about the new one, but their original model is sexy and it my favorite vape of all time.


                          • alopezg1
                            • Jul 2013
                            • 722

                            Thanks trebil


                            • Paco
                              • Dec 2012
                              • 396

                              Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                              now that you mention it FayDoll sounds more like Fatal. opps

                              I always thought cookies were for eating.
                              Femme FayDoll


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