My first experience at an ecig store.

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  • GoVegan
    • Oct 2009
    • 5603

    My first experience at an ecig store.

    On my way home from the archery range I saw an ecig store and decided to go in for a look. Believe it or not, they actually let you try free samples of their juices so I decided to give it a shot. The ecig I got to use was very different from what I was expecting. It was metal, about the size of a cigar and had a little button you had to press before taking a drag. I told them that I used to smoke Basic Lights and wanted a straight tobacco flavor. I took and drag and I couldn't believe it! The taste and feeling on my throat was almost identical to smoking. Impressive! I almost bought one but the model I was using was around $90.00 which seemed a bit steep for something I am still not sure about using long term. On my way home, I stopped at the gas station and purchased a Blu ecig. Very nice looking and comfortable to use but the taste and fell wasn't quite right. I guess you get what you pay for. Anyway, I am wondering if you can change the liquid in the starter kits offered by companies like Blu or do I need to continue to use their product? The Blu starter kit looks good, feels good, is less than $40.00 but it doesn't taste so good. I might be it if I know I can load it up with something else.

    One other question I had about ecigs is are they cost effective? I am primarily looking at using them as a way to save money. I am getting sick of using General but I really don't want to pay $35 in shipping fees to get snus anymore. Is using an ecig cheaper than using snus overall?
  • Zimobog
    • Jan 2013
    • 585

    My wife esmokes (is that what it's called?) the very basic non-refillable one from the gas station. even at Alaska prices, she spends about 8 bucks for an ecig that lasts as long as $160 worth of smokes. But snuff is by far the cheapest nic out there IMO.


    • devilock76
      • Aug 2010
      • 1737

      Better liquid is only part of cape quality. Al the pieces for together to create the flow of the experience. The heat of the drag, thae amount of vapor their flow, etc.



      • Darwin
        • Mar 2010
        • 1372

        GoVegan you certainly do not have to spend 90 bucks on a setup to begin with. You can do just fine for more like 30 bucks. If your shop has a basic "Ego" style kit for 25-35 dollars then that is what you really need starting out. If they try to steer you into spending much more money than that then go online where the savings on equipment can be very substantial.

        If you did not just love the taste of a Blu then do not buy a starter kit from them. Cigalikes, as they are known, are the least cost effective path into vaping and a large percentage of such kits are ripoffs if not outright scams. Here is what I recommend. As a starter battery this is a very good choice;

        This unit has several advantages. It is called a "passthrough" which means that you can use the unit while it is on charge and it will plug into any USB outlet on a computer. I have had one of these for going on five months and it has been trouble free. To hold the juice/s of your choice this is a good place to start:

        This type of unit is known as a "clearomizer" and they come in many versions and in a wide range of prices. They can be used continuously for several weeks straight and then can be cleaned and re-used several times. There are tons of variations on these themes and some super low prices can be had from direct Chinese sources. My Vapor Store is not one of the cut rate outfits but their service and products are first rate. I have ordered from them a number of times and have yet to have any problems at all. There is a great vast world of vaping products out there and it can be extremely confusing. Ask questions, lots of questions, and check in here before you pull the trigger on an equipment buy.


        • GoVegan
          • Oct 2009
          • 5603

          Darwin, thanks for the info and the links. That looks more like what I tried at the ecig store just a little smaller which is a plus. Also, those prices seem very reasonable and that passthrough is on sale. What resistance do I want on the tank?

          Also, what do you think of this kit? I like the way it looks and the price is right.


          • Premium Parrots
            Super Moderators
            • Feb 2008
            • 9759

            LOL GV get ready for a education son. I went thru the same thing and had the same questions. You might want to look at the threads that I started in this vape forum as most of your questions have already been answered by the good members here already. Might I suggest you start here


            good luck mate....there is so much more to learn than you can imagine. But its worth it. If you think the juice in the cheapo gas station/convient stores stick ecigs tastes good then just wait till you can try a real ecig and the real juice that is available. Heavenly.....

            this is the very cheapest set up you can buy, bar none, that is the perfect starter kit. I use this unit daily when I'm on the run.
            I buy 6 at a time and pass them on to friends.


            Edit I fixed the last link to the proper variable voltage kit. this kit can be purchased here as well but you will have to wait about 10 days or so since it is shipped from china. Heres that link


            Make sure you buy some xtra clearomizers.
            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              You are 100% right PP. Its almost like googling snus the first time. The juice I tried was made by the store and they do custom blends as well. They can also step down the amount of nicotine over time. The stuff I tried really made me feel like I was smoking my old brand.

              OK PP that is definitely a good starter kit at $12.95. Now you are thinking like me. Actually, I think it would be wise to get a kit like that at first and then work your way up. The only thing is I really like the feel and look of the Blu disposable ecigs. They are black, heavy and have this cool blue light at the end of it. If they put in a better liquid, it would be perfect.

              That thread made my head spin but that kit you bought looks awesome PP.


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9759

                Check out my last post because I added some valuable info for you.

                I've tried a ton of ejuice so far. Almost ALL of them are good. I'm in the process of narrowing down my favorites and I have quite a bit that I will be putting on the exchange here in the Vape forum soon. I'm thinking of trading maybe 5 varieties of mine for 5 varieties from others and just pay the postage on each end. Other than that I suppose I could sell what I have....discounted of course. There are so many flavors to choose from....I'm told there are over 3000 flavors....

                consider it a hobby.

                I started out with 18 mg nic and since ejuice doesn't hit the spot nic wise for me I worked my way down to zero nic and use snus to give me my nic fix. Nothing will replace the satisfying effects of snus for you I suppose. However, I have cut back on my snus use to about 60% of what I used to snus. Once you get settled and get what you want the cost of using an ecig is cheap as hell.
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • Darwin
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1372

                  GV the difference between the starter kit that PP linked to and the Blue starter kits is quite stark, both in price and performance. For instance the stuff that both PP and I recommended have what is known as an "Ego/510" style connector on them which basically means that your choices in terms of what kind of juice holding setups are usable is almost unlimited. Blu, and many of the cigalike brands, have varying types of connectors on them which is very limiting in what can be used. Empty cartridges, called "cartomizers", that can be filled with whatever juice you like are available for most cigalike brands and they can also be cleaned and re-used quite a number of times.

                  Actually the unit at MVP to which you linked does indeed use a 510 connector which would make life a little easier in the long run but virtually every vaper moves on from cigalikes to other higher capacity rigs fairly soon after getting into the game. An Ego style kit is the next logical move up from cigalikes, and costs little if any more to obtain and maintain. It is, by far I'm sure most here would agree, a better place to start.


                  • Premium Parrots
                    Super Moderators
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 9759

                    I love my Itaste VV. I keep that at home and pretty much only use it at home. I have no need for the mega batteries since I use snus and only use the ecig for the taste and something to do with my hands. Its nice to have the luxury of tasting a good flavor and not have it harm you. On the run I use the cheapo in the link I provided. Its small and fits well in my front pocket in my pants without breaking. I get about 3 or 4 days use before I have to recharge it.

                    Here is a link to the Itaste at a decent cost. You will find that when ever you walk into an ecig B&M store they will empty your pockets pretty quickly. Buy online whenever you can mate.


                    if you end up getting the Itaste make sure you get the chamelian [sp?] color. its beautifull and classy looking.
                    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      Darwin - that's makes sense. I found a video on you tube on how to refill a Blu ecig and it looks like a PITA. It involves using a chopstick and about 15 minutes of time. Almost like replacing the battery on an ipod if you ask me. It can be done but it sure wasn't meant to be user friendly. The Innoka PP has looks great but it has too many bells and whistles on it for me. I really like things that are tough and simple. I am not anti-technology, I just don't want to mess with a bunch of settings and stuff to be able to use something. For example, my wife and son have smart phones but I still use a Kyocera flip phone because I know a tank can run over it and it will still make a call. As a bonus, my cell plan is dirt cheap.

                      I am primarily making the move to ecigs because snus seems like it is in decline. I am sick of using General OP but that is what I can get easily. I placed a mock order for 4 rolls of snus and the shipping was $46.00 which I refuse to pay. I prefer to use snus over ecigs but I feel like I am being mugged whenever I place an order now. Also, I am amazed at the amount of juice available for ecigs. It almost feels like going back to the old snus days when you had many different offerings, shipping was cheap and they even threw in a free can to boot. I do plan on puffing on a disposable for a few days just to make sure it is compatible for me. I remember using the prescription nicotine inhalers about 10 years ago and it killed my throat after a few days. The kit was very expensive and I ended up tossing it. On the down side, ecig users seem to face the same bs that smokers do. I couldn't use my ecig anywhere near work and I am sure people will still give you a dirty look if you use it anywhere near them. Maybe I will get to the point where I primarily use an ecig and then have a can of General around for those times using an ecig would be inappropriate.


                      • GoVegan
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 5603

                        Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                        Check out my last post because I added some valuable info for you.

                        I've tried a ton of ejuice so far. Almost ALL of them are good. I'm in the process of narrowing down my favorites and I have quite a bit that I will be putting on the exchange here in the Vape forum soon. I'm thinking of trading maybe 5 varieties of mine for 5 varieties from others and just pay the postage on each end. Other than that I suppose I could sell what I have....discounted of course. There are so many flavors to choose from....I'm told there are over 3000 flavors....

                        consider it a hobby.

                        I started out with 18 mg nic and since ejuice doesn't hit the spot nic wise for me I worked my way down to zero nic and use snus to give me my nic fix. Nothing will replace the satisfying effects of snus for you I suppose. However, I have cut back on my snus use to about 60% of what I used to snus. Once you get settled and get what you want the cost of using an ecig is cheap as hell.
                        I remember some talk about an ecig juice box pass a while ago but I don't know what happened with it. I am not certain about the nicotine yet. The Blu has over 20 mgs but it doesn't seem quite right. The stuff I tried at the store was 12 mgs and kicked my arse.

                        OK I think I found my kit!


                        • TobaccyLassy
                          • Feb 2013
                          • 235

                          I find vaping to be cost effective....and a fun hobby. I'm researching into getting into rebuildable atomizers and building my own coils (which in itself would save a bit more $$). Somehow the whole thing about finding a good Mod, accessories, and maintaining tanks, clearomizers and mods adds to the hobby aspect for me.


                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            Thanks for the links to those kits. Those prices seem about 1/2 off from the ecig store. I am still going to wait a few days before taking the plunge. Rick might have something lined up that will save many of us from high shipping fees for snus. I am doubting if it will happen so I am looking for a back up plan which will be ecigs. So far, I am loving that epipe. I can easily see myself around a campfire puffing on it.


                            • GoVegan
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 5603

                              Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                              I love my Itaste VV. I keep that at home and pretty much only use it at home. I have no need for the mega batteries since I use snus and only use the ecig for the taste and something to do with my hands. Its nice to have the luxury of tasting a good flavor and not have it harm you. On the run I use the cheapo in the link I provided. Its small and fits well in my front pocket in my pants without breaking. I get about 3 or 4 days use before I have to recharge it.

                              Here is a link to the Itaste at a decent cost. You will find that when ever you walk into an ecig B&M store they will empty your pockets pretty quickly. Buy online whenever you can mate.


                              if you end up getting the Itaste make sure you get the chamelian [sp?] color. its beautifull and classy looking.
                              It is shipped from China and there is no guarantee on the delivery time. Also, if you pick the lowest shipping cost option it is $10.00 and they can't ship the batteries that is supposed to come with the unit.


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