Fastech in China has free shipping. But I haven't found that kit on that site yet. It will take a bit more searching of the Fastech site I suppose. Its only about 10 days for shipping tho. Just ask the members as many of them order from them. You will get your product tho. All of those chineze companys have the very best prices all the US vendors buy from them.
My first experience at an ecig store.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
What about this one? I trust Amazon to a point.
that looks like the cheapo in the link I provided but that one isn't variable voltage.
they added a bottle, usb ac adapter and a case to the deal. For the life of me I don't know why a case would be necessary at all tho. That not a bad deal but I'd much rather have a variable volt device.
go here for a free battery if you buy $40 worth of stuff. Mines on the way. I doubt that its variable voltage but wth its free.
If you sign up for their newsletter you get a 10% discount on all future orders. Make sure you do that before you place your first order and get 10% discount right off the bat.
GV please keep in mind that almost all the online vendos have some kind of discount code or freebies.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Originally posted by GoVeganI am soooooo confused.
lmao, so was I but you will get the hang of it pretty easy. Try to take the advice of the members here. We all went thru the same shit as you are going thru now. That cheapo kit IS the best dam deal out there on a great little device for virtually no money. Just make sure its the variable voltage battery so you can easily dial it in for your tastes. The VV version consistently puts out the voltage that you have it set to. The non VV batteries like that will lose voltage as soon as you start toto run out of charge.
In the beginning of my research I was kinda stuck on the Iclear 16 clearomizers. While they are a fantastic clearomizer there are better options available. Yesterday I finally order a few Kanger mini protank 2. They are a brand new item and I had to preorder and will have to wait a few weeks for delivery. Coincidentally my buddy came over today with a regular Kanger protank. That sucker is freaking great. I'm so glad I made the plunge yesterday. Innitially the price of them held me back. But they are worth the xtra coin.
again, good luck.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
If you wanted to go entry level cheap and versatile I would go with:
One of these:
One of these:
One of these: OR
Boom there you go you have a whole kit that is very versatile for under $17 with free shipping upgraded USPS First class shipping with tracking so you get your item in around 7-8 business days instead of 15-30. You can go the American route but you won't find something as good as cheap in my opinion. Just don't buy Chinese E-Juice.
Also if you wanted to go the passthrough route Fasttech does have a nice one that is similar to the one Darwin listed here by all means if you can afford to pay the extra $10-15 for the initial setup then go the route Darwin is suggesting.
No problem GV hope I helped. I just got the EVOD clearomizers in myself from FastTech and they are fantastic. Don't be afraid to change the colors on the battery I recommended as well as the clearomizer. Also the battery I recommended comes in 1100mah, 900mah, and 650mah. Personally I wouldn't get the 650 mah because it is about the same price and the 1100mah will last almost double the amount of time before charging but some guys like the 650's because they are much smaller. Also if you wanted to add $5.50 on to that you can get a variable voltage pass through here that you could keep plugged in and vape on while at a desk or simply while the ego battery is charging. I just bought one myself and will report back how it is when I get it. You may need a 2A USB adapter for that though like the ones that come with IPAD's to get the full range of voltages but for $5.50 if it's crap who cares. In fact you don't even have to get the EGO battery if you are only going to be vaping near an outlet lol. You could just get the passthrough and the clearomizer for $8and then some juice from or where ever. There are many ways to go and a ton to learn but these are the most cost effective ways I have learned while starting out that would also give you the best bang for your buck.
One more question? Is it common to get a headache from using an ecig? I bought a Mistic kit at WalMart to use temporarily and I am wandering if it might be from the type of juice in the ecig. I have to say its kind of cool to smoke everywhere. In the bed, in the car, in the bathroom... lol It's like the old days.
I also think it is very possible. When I first started I would get brief headaches but strongly believe it was because of the crap Ejuice I was using which was bought on FastTech. I made the mistake of believing the ejuice was made in Italy but the fine print said PG,VG,water, and Italian FLAVORS. So basically the flavor concentrate was from Italy and who knows where the PG/VG and water were from. I seriously doubt the PG/VG was 100% USP Food grade as it should be. You will find quickly that there are things you can skimp on vaping and things you simply cannot. Clearomizers and ejuice you should not cut corners on, batteries you can. Ditch that prepackage Mistic crap ASAP. Good for now but as soon as you get one of the real deals that we have suggested there is no reason to ever use it again, + you really have no idea what you are putting into your body. Being a vegan that should concern you. Not getting on you just laying down the facts.
One last side note when I switched to 100% american made juice from the headaches immediately went away and they very clearly outline what's in their juice.
Also GV (or anyone else) go here
Pick your flavor, and enter code TRYKING in the coupon section and you will get a free sample ecig with freeshipping so even if its sh!t who cares it was free and will make a good back up. Little do they know we will never be ordering from them hahahah.
I got headaches with almost all the chineze ejuice as well. So much so I almost decide to not go any further with the ecig venture. I've not had a problem with the American made juice.
The Bubas Bounty, Gorilla Juice and a few others juices should be in my mailbox today. Yippie!!!!Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Well mine came in a few hours ago. This is an odd one for sure. Many layers to it, even unsteeped although I've read that steeping is not that big a deal with Boba's. One thing I do notice right away is that the flavor changes rapidly when going from lesser to greater wattages. At 6 watts, in a 1.8 metal Vivi Nova, the biscuity, grahamish, fruityish layers predominate whereas at 8.5 watts the tobacco base starts to rise to the top layer. That holds up to about 10 watts and at 12 watts the milder elements take a far backseat and the tobacco takes over almost completely and starts to get a littly burney. Backing off to about 8 puts it in a very nice sweet spot. I could get used to this.
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