Stop smoking with vape or snus.

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  • Renico
    • May 2011
    • 237

    Stop smoking with vape or snus.

    If both snus AND vaping was/are available when you decided to stop smoking. What would you the choose/have choosen?

    I have a hard time choosing. Vaping will of course feel more like smoking, but both are as we know harmless. And both cheap. Maybe vaping is a bit more cheap though.
  • stubby2
    • Jun 2009
    • 436

    There is a bit more to it. I started vaping back in the spring of 2009 and found it very unsatisfying compared to snus. Snus was the clear winner in getting me off the cigarettes.

    Having said that the equipment back in '09 was pretty low level compared to today. I tried it again more recently with better stuff but had the same bad results. E-cigs just didn't work for me. What is important is the try everything and see what works for you. There is no generic answer as to which one is better because we are all to different in why we use tobacco/nicotine, and what is important to us as an individual.


    • Paco
      • Dec 2012
      • 396

      Since I do both now I would choose vaping today. But I quit smoking in 2008 and I'm not sure if vaping was even around back then. If it was it was very very new almost as expensive as smoking and you had to buy ciga likes with no control over the juice etc. Plus there was no PACT act back then so snus was much easier to get. If I knew about both of them in 2008 I would have went with snus no brainer but like I said today I would go with vaping. My own personal choice and only because I am a nicotine fanatic and not really a tobacco fanatic.

      Also I think it's pointless to try to choose as why limit yourself and if you enjoy both that gives you more options in case one day it becomes impossible to get one or the other.


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603

        Snus - it tastes good, last a long time and you can use it anywhere. The only downside to using snus right now are the steep shipping fees if you want something other than General.


        • dman21
          • Jul 2012
          • 1141

          I do both on a regular basis and wouldn't trade it for anything.


          • Skell18
            • May 2012
            • 7067

            Snus, its just better for me and my needs.


            • Faylool
              • Dec 2012
              • 496

              I used a lot of Nicorette gun 4 mg nic for ten years so vaping was to save money and get off gum it was novel and fun but I remember very well a lot of chain vaping and staying up later than usual. A lot later sometimes. So once I learned the facts about snus and snuff its all better now. I chewed a lot of gun too and some late nites quite often but I didn't equate the two. In my world smoking didn't stimulate me. It calmed me or so it seemed. Well, same with snus. Yeah I got the snus and snuff to save money and dependence on WTA e juice. I came to loving the unflavored for DIY and availability was a PITA so in my opinion I simplified. Even though I have more stuff than ever I use less of my time getting my satisfaction ill even start saving money some day! It's become a kind of non event for me after a little over a year and I'm glad. I needed a little solidarity, and a easy routine. It's finally become that. So with all that being said, if your intention is to get off and stay off smoking and nic forever I'd go with snus and vaping and get off nus by vaping and get off vaping by lowering the mg nic you use. If you intend to keep the tobacco experience in your life forever , I'd go with snus first choice, snuff for a smoking like hit of pleasure every now and then and vaping if you have the time. And if you have plenty of money because the hand to mouth factor us bigger in importance for some.


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