Interesting article on e-cigs

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  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Interesting article on e-cigs

    What's everyone's take on this?
  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Trust me on this... use only FOOD GRADE vg and pg. If anyone tells you there is no such thing, then ask for Pharmaceutical Grade. You can find bullk vg and pg prices that are all over the road. Your best bet is to get juices made from products approved by an FDA accredited manufacturer. Also, beware of the flavoring you use. They too should be Food or Pharmaceutical Grade.

    Finally, stick with quality vendors. I recommend:
    If you have any problems with my posts or signature


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I'm not surprised, but without the actual study, it's hard to say. What was tested? How was it tested? Were the tests repeated?... I have a problem with inhaling flavoring substances into the lungs. They were tested and approved for oral use. Safe oral use doesn't necessarily apply to heating them up, and putting it in your lungs. That's an entirely different scenario, and only time will tell on how safe they are. Lots of things contain carcinogens, but they won't necessarily give you cancer.


      • wa3zrm
        • May 2009
        • 4436

        Frequently Asked Questions from Virgin Vapor

        Why organic?

        In an article for the CASAA, Kristin Noll-Marsh wrote, "Artificial food flavorings are often called 'the great unknown' when it comes to electronic cigarettes. While all flavorings are FDA‐approved for human consumption, very little is known about the short or long‐term health effects of the inhalation of the ingredients in artificial flavors." At Virgin Vapor we only use USDA certified organic flavorings. Our e-liquids do not contain any artificial flavorings, artificial colors, or artificial sweeteners of any kind.
        While many of our customers come to us for the benefits of going organic, they often don't realize until they taste our e-liquids that organic also just tastes better! If you're used to fake tasting flavors with a chemical after taste, you are in for a treat! Virgin Vapor flavors taste like nature intended!

        What are your ingredients?

        As users of our own products, we are very particular about what goes into our e-liquid. Many e-liquids available today contain artificial flavors, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners and other nasty chemicals. We believe artificial flavors, colors, and sweeteners don't belong in our food, and certainly don't belong in our e-liquid!
        Our ingredients are simple: nicotine, organic vegetable glycerin, distilled water and certified organic flavors. Some of our organic flavors come in an organic ethyl alcohol base. If you would prefer an alcohol-free e-liquid, please order from our Absolute line. On request, your e-liquid will also contain propylene glycol. Our e-liquids NEVER contain artificial colors, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners or any other additives.
        All of our ingredients are made in the U.S.A. with the exception of the flavorings for our Absolute line which are made in the European Union and certified organic by E.U. organic standards. No part of our e-liquid is manufactured in China because, while China produces many wonderful products, we do not feel the quality control is reliable enough for inclusion in a Virgin Vapor e-liquid. Our nicotine is 100% U.S.A made from hand picked tobacco leaves grown in North Carolina. We never use nor have in our e-liquid kitchen any nicotine over 48 mg for the safety of both our customers and ourselves. All of our flavorings are third party certified organic. They do not contain nuts, gluten or sugar and are both vegan and Kosher. We also package in glass, not plastic, to prevent chemicals such as BPA leaching into your e-liquid. While all of these things cost us a bit extra, we simply do not skimp when it comes to quality. We promise, you will taste the difference!

        What quality controls do you have in place?

        Our e-liquids are hand mixed in the USA in a dedicated e-liquid laboratory. All ingredients are kept under refrigeration until you place an order and your e-liquid is created to your specifications. We wash all utensils in an industrial stainless steel sink, separating PG, VG and nicotine to prevent cross contamination for our customers who are allergic to certain components or are looking for a nicotine-free option. Our e-liquid kitchen is never used for anything else but making e-liquids in order to guarantee purity and cleanliness. We even wash our hands with organic soap!

        Is your vegetable based e-liquid propylene glycol free?

        Yes! Our VG based e-liquid is 100% propylene glycol free. Many e-liquids are advertised as being vegetable glycerin based, yet they still contain propylene glycol. This is because the majority of flavorings used in most e-liquids come in a propylene glycol base, so, even if the e-liquid is vegetable glycerin based, you're still inhaling propylene glycol added with the flavorings. Our flavorings do not contain PG giving you a true, 100% propylene glycol free e-liquid.
        We will make your e-liquid with a mix of VG and PG upon request. Just chose your desired ratio from the drop down menu.
        What is the difference between the two e-liquid lines?

        The standard Virgin Vapor line is created using USA extracted nicotine and organic flavors in a base of organic ethyl alcohol. The Absolute line uses the same U.S.A. extracted nicotine found in the Virgin Vapor line but a different line of flavorings that do not contain any alcohol. The Absolute flavor line is ultra pure and highly concentrated. Please note that some organic flavors can interact with the plastic of some electronic cigarette tanks causing it to melt or crack. This is due to the real fruit acids found in organic flavors. Please use caution when using organic flavors in tanks.
        If you have any problems with my posts or signature


        • Darwin
          • Mar 2010
          • 1372

          Some of these arguments about the safety of vaping liquid ingredients remind me of the worries some have had about TSNAs in snus. The presumption by some was/is that the lower the TSNA levels the better and "safer" a specific snus is when the truth of the matter is that even the highest levels found in snus are wildly lower than those found in cigarette smoke. That is the comparison that is the most important. "Organic" ingredients in e-liquids may in fact be slightly safer but since any e-vapor is in the range of three orders of magnitude less harmful than cigarette smoke any worries about that fourth decimal place seem nigglingly pointless.

          The only truly cogent question to ask is whether or not a given harm reduction strategy is safer than smoking. In the case of snus and vaping it is just plain impossible that either activity is not dramatically safer than smoking. That salient fact may not good enough for anti-smoking jihadists and hard-core nanny state busybodies but it's more than good enough for me.


          • heders
            • Jan 2011
            • 2227

            Flavorings can already be found in cigarettes (butters, vanilla, chocolate, I think even coffee flavoring), so people that previously smoked have still been inhaling flavorings prior to switching to an electronic cigarette.

            They also state in the article that the test was probably made by well exceeding the normal vaping temperature (well over 1700 F according to the article), which IMO does not make for a reliable result.

            E-cigarettes can't be more or equally dangerous than/as cigarettes. It's impossible. I feel articles like these are lobbied or not trustworthy, and in the meantime, I will vape only high quality juice, right now from Vermillion River.


            • Ansel
              • Feb 2011
              • 3696

              they need to study the effects of vaping WTA juice instead of wasting money giving people shitty nicotine patches (the NHS)

              WTA juice is the way forward and far superior than straight nicotine

              so get on it FDA and NHS! Vaping WTA juice works very effectively more so than straight nicotine... so what are you waiting for?!


              • Thunder_Snus
                • Oct 2011
                • 1316

                Originally posted by heders View Post
                Flavorings can already be found in cigarettes (butters, vanilla, chocolate, I think even coffee flavoring), so people that previously smoked have still been inhaling flavorings prior to switching to an electronic cigarette.

                They also state in the article that the test was probably made by well exceeding the normal vaping temperature (well over 1700 F according to the article), which IMO does not make for a reliable result.

                E-cigarettes can't be more or equally dangerous than/as cigarettes. It's impossible. I feel articles like these are lobbied or not trustworthy, and in the meantime, I will vape only high quality juice, right now from Vermillion River.
                Just had to laugh for a second. Just a few miles away from where I am from the skank town nearby is the home of the Vermillion River. Certainly not a place I would buy things from. Good ol Streator, IL


                • Ansel
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 3696

                  Originally posted by heders View Post
                  E-cigarettes can't be more or equally dangerous than/as cigarettes. It's impossible.


                  • Grim
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 850

                    Originally posted by Ansel View Post
                    But what would happen if in fact it were true? There are no definitive studies to say otherwise as e-cigs haven't been around long enough.

                    Not saying that I think they are, but there is no telling for sure. I keep seeing more and more articles popping up saying the same thing, that they are equally as bad. Now it's hard to tell if these are independent studies or politically/industrially motivated, but I still take those into consideration.


                    • Darwin
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1372

                      The primary question here is whether or not vaping is safer than smoking. By how much, precisely, is of course not yet known but only the most timid anti-nicotine obsessives would deny that it is in fact safer to a significant degree. We may not know the long term effects of vaping with certitude but we absolutely know how bad the long term effects of smoking are. It's as if we thought we desperately needed years long studies to statistically determine whether or not jumping out of airplanes with a parachute is safer than not using one. A parachute jump is not perfectly safe, one might twist an ankle, break a leg, or even have the chute fail to open but do we need to minutely parse the fine points of statistical distributions to know what the results of a chuteless jump will be?


                      • Ansel
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 3696

                        to be honest, i feel so so much better vaping WTAs (not straight nicotine) that after 6 months of chain smoking and then try to go back to the snus and failing and gettin bored that vaping WTAs has been a very welcome relief and i would even say this minute if it kills me as much as smoking i would probably continue to do it because if feels as good if not better than smoking. As you can guess i am a convert and former-luddite. F**k it my tooth brush has just gone electric so why not my smokes.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Originally posted by heders View Post

                          E-cigarettes can't be more or equally dangerous than/as cigarettes. It's impossible.
                          It's absolutely possible. Mystery liquid could be infected with Chinese ingredients. The Chinese appear incapable of making safe drywall, much less inhalable mist. Chinese ingredients have an insidious way of making it into the supply chain, and a retailer that thinks he's being upfront and honest with his source declaration could still be wrong. Not saying it happens often, but it could, and the results could be very bad.


                          • Ansel
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 3696

                            well i feel like a new man so better than when smoking so if it kills me just as fast or faster so be it i enjoy it.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by Ansel View Post
                              well i feel like a new man so better than when smoking so if it kills me just as fast or faster so be it i enjoy it.
                              That's what matters in the end. You're only here for a limited time, so you might as well enjoy your time here. Dying's easy. It's no problem whatsoever. Worrying about it is hard, but easy to correct.


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