Tax It For The Children's Sake

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  • trebli
    • Mar 2010
    • 797

    Tax It For The Children's Sake

    Maybe I'm being overly pessimistic, but this looks like the start of something bad for all the vapers amongst us.
  • Thunder_Snus
    • Oct 2011
    • 1316

    Kid are using are also smoking regular that means these ecigs are a gateway drug to real cigs....

    That's pretty much the article summed up. Did they not think perhaps the situation was flipped and they started with real cigs and then changed to ecigs?


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      I heard that on the radio yesterday. If supplies are shelf stable, I'd be stocking up if I vaped.

      No one gives a shit about kids. They're the 'get out of jail free' card zealots use to push their moral view of the world, and for the government to get free money. Sometimes the government doubles down and mixes terrorists in with the kids for extra fail-proofing to get things pushed through congress.


      • Kaplan
        • May 2011
        • 203

        Originally posted by Thunder_Snus
        Kid are using are also smoking regular that means these ecigs are a gateway drug to real cigs....

        That's pretty much the article summed up. Did they not think perhaps the situation was flipped and they started with real cigs and then changed to ecigs?
        Without knowing too much about the study, I got the impression it was simply a stat indicating what percentage of kids had TRIED vaping. So what? I ask. More kids have parents who have switched to vaping, and so the possibility of trying it has increased. Trying something doesn't mean you're doing it regularly. That's what makes me so annoyed by these "studies." What percentage of these kids have tried some sort of inhalant, for example? Kids try stuff. If they weren't trying vaping, they'd be trying cigarettes. Chances are they're trying both. Only a very few of them will keep doing it, and that's the way it is. How many of them have tried energy drinks? Why are these zealots less concerned about that life-long addiction? What about a life-long addiction to sugar? I think nicotine gets the bad rap sometimes all things considered.


        • Darwin
          • Mar 2010
          • 1372

          Unfortunately the default position of today's nanny state bureaucracies is to regulate/tax first and ask questions never. It is, as always, all about the money. If that were not the case little if anything would ever be heard about "the children".


          • rickcharles606
            • Mar 2009
            • 2307

            if the gov't were TRULY "worried" about the children, then they would have banned cigarettes so many years ago. We KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that cigs cause cancer and are highly addictive, so why haven't they been banned? it's only supposition that ecigs cause cancer or harm of any kind for that matter, but these people have to fear monger to justify the taxation and over regulation. Truth is, these idiots know that "alternative" tobacco products, including snus, snuff and ecigs are ALL less harmful than cigarettes. They've seen the science, but choose to ignore it because it doesn't support the taxation agenda.


            • Paco
              • Dec 2012
              • 396

              I'm stocked up for about a year but if this makes more headway I will be buying a gallon of PG, a gallon of VG, and as much NIC liquid I can lol.


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