Inconsistent vape?

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  • Chiliphil1
    • Sep 2013
    • 89

    Inconsistent vape?

    Hey guys, I'm using a kanger tech evod vape with vapedojo 24mg juice.

    The issue I'm having is very inconsistent vape production, sometimes I puff it for 3-4 seconds and get so much I choke and other times I puff for 6-7 seconds and barely get anything. This can be at different times or back to back.

    There have been times when I could get huge amounts with no issue and other times where I barely get any vapor no matter what I do, filling and charging don't seem to affect it much except that immediately after a full charge it works pretty well for a few puffs and then starts with all this again.

    My question is what could cause this? Battery issue, coil issue? Maintenance issue? I'm stumped on it

    One other thing, I saw online how to rebuild these coils and use cotton, I'm going to try that tomorrow to see it may help, anyone ever done that?
  • dquinn104
    • May 2014
    • 135

    Evods are awful IMO. They hit nice for two pulls then either flood out or dry hit. I know people rave about kangertech and aspires but i never liked them. Have you used cartotanks? Out of al the hardware i have i find them to be the best and most consistent.


    • dquinn104
      • May 2014
      • 135

      RBAs are fun, just be sure that you have an ohms reader and some knowlage of the relationship between ohms and voltage/watts. If your ohms and voltage are too far apart it will short out your battery and you'll be ordering a new one. Smoktech makes a little rba dripper that is real easy to work with. Patriot and nimbus single wick rbas are pretty good to start with as well. I wouldnt reconmend a rebuildable tank system to start, they can get kinda complicated (Oddy comes to mind).

      Sorry if you know some or all of this, just wanted to answer you question about rebuildables.


      • Chiliphil1
        • Sep 2013
        • 89

        Thanks for the reply, I was actually thinking of upgrading to this and just running the evod battery on that tank, would that be any better?

        I don't really think I'm wanting to get into mods or anything crazy I'm a snus guy I just vape to fill in between snus and at bedtime.


        • dquinn104
          • May 2014
          • 135

          Got ya.

          I personally haven't used an areotank, gave up on kanger after my 2 evods and protank. Heard good and bad about them. One positive is the adjustable airflow so you can tighten up the draw if you like (Kangers are WAY to airy for me, protank was like inhaling oxygen with a hint of menthol). If you like the bottom coil design I would be more inclined to recommend the aspire line. For example:

          Same idea but the coil is designed much better and isn't prone to flooding. I mentioned I don't like them in my previous post but that's a personal dislike of bottom coil tanks and not based on their performance. They actually hit pretty hard and are reliable. They will dry hit here and there, but just about any tank will. The Nautilus is their answer to the areotank, but i think they are around 35 bucks a shot, so get a cheap one first and see if you like it.

          It's all trial and error, along with personal preference. I have about 25 tanks sitting in a box under my desk right now, and at the end of the day I really just stuck with my 3 5ml DCTs.


          • alopezg1
            • Jul 2013
            • 722

            I have an aerotank and I think it's great.


            • alopezg1
              • Jul 2013
              • 722

              you'll get the best vape out of an RDA though on very low ohms

