This one is for Tropical Bob and anyone else that uses e-cigarettes. How much does it cost for everything you need to get set up? Do you like it? I prefer one that you can buy the liquid for instead of purchasing the refill tubes, seems cheaper that way. I know some of those things are really expensive... I dont want to spend a ton of money on it but on the other hand buying cigarettes (I smoke on occasion) adds up anyway...
I looked at these before and almost bought one. Then I thought I really am a tobacco junkie not a nic junkie. These just take the sport out of getting my nic fix. Now for my wife who still smokes cigs I would be willing to put the money into this. She has no interest in any other nic delivery system but smoking cigs. I just have to get her to open her mind to the idea.
Apparently, E-cigs are safe, but it has been speculated that nicotine (the addictive stimulant in tobacco), speeds up the process in which tumors form. So, are E-cigs safer than conventional cigarettes? Definitely. However, they may carry the risk of developing lung cancer, especially in someone who has smoked for several decades.
I've been e-smoking since January, and quit smoking regular cigarettes on July 17, 2007, using snus. I continue the snus ... cause I like 'em.
But smoking is part addiction, part habit. It was the ritual part, the hand to mouth, see smoke exhaled, that I was missing. E-smoking replaces the habit and satisfies (for the most part) the addiction. I always use the highest nicotine level in cartridges and liquid, but still need snus and Stonewall.
Prices for a starter kit begin at about $50 for anything worth having. Do not buy the cheapest Chinese junk. It's a waste of money and an invitation to frustration. I have the Rolls Royce e-cig now, the Janty Kissbox: $160 for the entire kit, with a USB cable linked into my computer for non-stop use as I work and a car charger for when I'm driving. Two batteries take me out on the town.
The Next Big Thing -- and it's coming really soon -- will be disposable e-cigs. Right now, many e-cigs are not ready for prime time. They fail too frequently. With a disposable, you'll consume one cartridge a day. Prices should be about the same as cigarette smoking.
The vapor does not taste like smoke, by the way. It just doesn't replicate real smoking. But flavors are sensational. I like RY4, Camel, flue-cured, Virginia, coffee, Kahlua, etc.
How much you spend depends on you and your needs. A vial of liquid can last me weeks. A cartridge lasts me about two days -- and then I refill it from a vial.
Check out the e-cigarette-forum where you'll find I've made a bit more than 2,000 posts since the forum began.
Good luck if you try to kick the real thing with e-cigs and snus. I'm 15 months and counting!
Thanks Bob. Although I dont want to spend $200 on one, I am interested. I was looking at some of the mini cig reviews on that forum. If I buy one of the recommended minis that come with cartridges, can I use the liquid to refill them instead of buying new cartridges? Just seems like the liquid is much cheaper. This is the most recommended mini from "theminicig" on the forum
I've read some pretty good reviews on it (including yours), and just ordered the mini cigarette and 2 bottles of Janty liquid
OK, ive been browsing those forums for a bit over 2 hours now. My damn eyes are bleeding.
It is an interesting device and i would be interested in trying it. I dont miss smoking, i miss the ritual of it though.
It seems safe, so thats a plus.
However, i saw a lot of posts on there from disgruntled people talking about defective products and poor quality products ( im not saying they all are, i checked the website of tropicalbobs e-cig and it looks like a top notch company and product) and that some of the e-cigs were just a waste of money.
It also seems like you have to spend quite a bit of money.
Then you have to buy cartridges and oils too, just my impression, and batteries (for cheaper models) quite often.
Just seems like a big investment, a lot of hassel, and the uncertainty of the quality of the product you are getting.
I am not saying that this is a very educated reply, but its just a somewhat informed reply.
I was just very confused about what all one would need to get started, all the companies seem to be foreign or chinese and i definately dont want to be huffing lead from china.
I would not know where to start and have big problems with throwing down over 100 bucks to get started on a product that may fail on me and have to be replaced.
Interesting product but seems it need a little more technological advancement or become more mainstream so all the glitches are fixed and theres not as much work to be done just to enjoy a healthy smoke.
I would love to try it out but im not completely sold on the product. Seems sketchy.
Just my opinion, and my statements arent ment to sway someone one way or another.
Im sure Bob knows a whole hell of a lot more than I but this is just my view based on that of a newbie to that genre.
Just all the work scares the hell out of my investment and curiousity.
I hear you Grim. I've been looking into e-cigarettes for a while now, everything looked sketchy so I decided to pass on it about a year ago. Just recently with Bobs mention of the Janty unit prompted me to start looking again. I ran across a few very positive reviews (one was actually from Bob on that forum) and decided what the hell. The unit comes with 2 batteries, charger, a few cartridges to get you started. I dont' think there's a whole lot of maintenance involved with the 2nd generation unit, and there is a 180 day guarantee on defective hardware. I ordered the mini cig and instead of ordering a box of refills, I went to Janty's site and ordered two bottles of the nicotine juice..that way when my originals get dry I'll refill them - seems like a much cheaper way of doing it considering the bottles of nicotine are only 8 bucks each. One thing that did kind of tick me off is the minicigarette site charged 17.95 to ship to the USA (I dont even know where they are located but that's a crazy high shipping price). I overlooked it because of the reviews and health benefits from using this device than smoking. Everyone seems to be happy with this particular model. All in all it was around 100 bucks, but I've made a commitment to not smoke AT ALL. I don't smoke a lot because I use snus primarily, but even with light smoking at 5 bucks a pack this thing is likely to pay for itself in a short amount of time. For a normal smoker it probably pays for itself in a few months. I'll post up a review once my order comes in. Maybe that will help you.
Yeah, let me know how yours works out.
I did read that the improvements on the minicig are very nice.
However it seems a few companies make a knock-off version of it so you have to becareful where you buy from.
Let me know how your trials go, i might look into it further but for now ill stick to my snus and snuff.
I wish you the best of luck with not smoking.
I bought one of these several months ago, not to quit smoking really, but rather out of curiosity. While I love all things tobacco, I have no shame in admitting to being a nicotine junky as well. A smoke free source of nicotine was an appealing concept. Unfortunately, the reality of the e-cig for me was rather disappointing.
While these things seem to work wonders for some, I don't get much satisfaction from them at all. The "juice" supposedly contains nicotine, but even after 100 puffs of the 'high test' I'm yearning for a smoke. Again, many people attribute these things to quitting the real thing, and good for them. I only wish they worked that well for me, especially considering the expense. Although I still think the concept and the visual effects are rather cool. I don't find them to taste much like tobacco either, but they do offer a lot of fruity type flavors if that's your thing.
For me, oral tobacco and now snuff is really digging into my cig habit. Snus can get me off cigs for good I imagine and even snuff gives me a more satisfying nicotine sensation. Granted, I do get a little dizzy from all the huffing and puffing with the e-cig, but no felt nicotine effect. Maybe they'll work for some of you all though, and it's definitely a healthier alternative to smoking if you have the patience and funding. Snus for me though, gives me the kind of satisfaction as dipping Cope and smoking real tobacco. As a matter fact, this forum and TB were part of the inspiration for me trying snus in the first place, so thanks to you all and TB I found a satisfying alternative to smoking (although I hate the thought of giving up my DnR and PS for good). ymmv
Originally posted by toekuttrWhile these things seem to work wonders for some, I don't get much satisfaction from them at all. The "juice" supposedly contains nicotine, but even after 100 puffs of the 'high test' I'm yearning for a smoke.
Hey, Toekuttr. I remember you well from the e-cigarette forum. Glad you're happy with snus. Me, too. But I don't consider quitting cigs to necessarily be one thing or another. Why not "all things?"
E-cigs don't fully satisfy me. That's why I use other things. I use what I think I'll enjoy at the moment. But one thing e-cigs did was prevent me from smoking tobacco in my house. I'll sit on my front porch at sunset and puff a pipe, or walk the dog and puff a cigar. But I won't stink up my house anymore and subject others to my smoke. In the house, I e-smoke and/or use snus.
And Grim is right with his concerns. I said these aren't fully ready for prime time. Parts of the cigs must be considered disposable -- the atomizer, for sure. It will need replacement after about two months of steady use. It is guaranteed, but many e-smokers buy extras and keep spares on hand.
The new disposables coming will have atomizer and cartridge in one unit, used one day and then thrown away. Packs of these will be bought just as packs of tobacco cigarettes are bought. That effectively solves "failure" problems.
And, after a period of time, the cost of e-smoking will be lower than heavily taxed cigarette consumption.
Refilling with liquid is a cost-saving practice, Bastage. I sometimes refill, sometimes just pop in a new cartridge. Your choice, your bank account.
And if the vapor doesn't have a "real tobacco" taste (and it doesn't), then do what I do: Tuck a Lucky Strike or 1847 in your mouth and continue e-smoking. Taste, plus visuals!
One more thing. There is 36mg per 1ml liquid becoming available. That is extremely powerful and deadly nicotine liquid. The "I use two Starks at the same time" guys will feel that hit.
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