Question for e-cig users

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  • toekuttr
    • Jul 2008
    • 197

    Question for e-cig users

    I noticed a few of you all got e-cigs recently. Has any of you started using one on a daily basis and consider it an effective alternative to either smoking or snussin?

    Does anyone find the flavor as appealing as snus or cigarettes or even anywhere close? How satisfying would you say it is compared to smoking tobacco, could you imagine ever craving a hit off one like with cigs?

    I had bought one of these earlier last year, really just out of curiosity, and just didn't enjoy it much. I tried it for about 2 months off and on but it never did seem to satisfy my cravings. It ended up being like a chore to finish before my next smoke (then I tried snus and quit for 4 months). They do seem to work for some people though, any thoughts here?
  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
    • Dec 2008
    • 2781

    I quit ciggs for 6 weeks using eciggs. It was easy at first but when the honeymoon wore off it just wasn't enjoyable. I had problems getting the right dose of nic. OD'ed a few times. Lots of headaches, and sore muscles. Spent a ton of money on them. It's a lot of work to get them to perform well. No one really knows if they are safe and for the most part you have to trust Chinese liquid manufacturers with your life. IMO eciggs are better tasting and better healthwise than ciggs. They are also very good at replacing the mental hand to mouth addiction. I quit using them and went back to real ciggs for a couple weeks. Then I slowly started replacing ciggs with snus. Been snusing only for almost 2 weeks now. Life seems much simpler and easier since. I feel much better about what I am doing with snus. They do seem to be quite a magic bullet for many though.


    • toekuttr
      • Jul 2008
      • 197

      Thanks snuffleupagus, I never got the sore muscles thing but heard the lactic acid effect gets to some. My main problem with them was not getting any nicotine, or feeling any anyways.

      When I first started snussin, I could ride a buzz-wave all day (too bad that wears off) and never got anything like that at all with the e-cig.

      I wasn't a huge fan of any of the flavors either but admittedly love the flavor of real tobacco. Agreed on the e-juice bit, who knows what they put in that stuff or if theres even any nicotine, or what? It also bothered my throat a bit if I did too much, which I always did, cuz I didn't feel anything! Still, some people are going crazy for those things.


      • Mr. Snuffleupagus
        • Dec 2008
        • 2781

        The nic hit is kind of elusive. That's why I kept ODing. You don't really feel it until it's too late, but it's there. I was using 24mg and 36mg liquid and a very powerful e-cig. Sold all my stuff already. I'm still buzzing off the snus. Hasn't gone away for me yet.


        • Jason
          • Jan 2008
          • 1370

          Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
          No one really knows if they are safe and for the most part you have to trust Chinese liquid manufacturers with your life.
          That's the reason why I haven't bothered with e-cigs; I don't plan on ever inhaling anything like that unless someone does some serious studies on the health effects.


          • toekuttr
            • Jul 2008
            • 197

            Agreed, the only studies I've seen are from the manufacturers. Maybe just a little conflict of interest going on there, you think? The chinese poison toys just to save a couple dollars on dyes. Remember the hallucinogenic "bead toys" that were recalled a couple years ago?

            How did you know you were ODin snufflegepus? I smoked an entire cartridge without so much as a hiccup. I've done this a couple times with 24mg 'high' juice. I really can't feel these things at all. More power to the people they help though.


            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
              • Dec 2008
              • 2781

              I guess I don't know for sure that I ODed. I never puked or had seizures, but I think I came very close on a few occasions. Headache, cold sweat, dizzy, confused, chest pain, panic attack. Felt like I was going to pass out a few times. Could just be anxiety. Have not had as much trouble since I quit those things. And yes there are health studies but not much data this early in the game for those things.


              • Starcadia
                • May 2008
                • 646

                Originally posted by Mr. Snuffleupagus
                I guess I don't know for sure that I ODed. I never puked or had seizures, but I think I came very close on a few occasions. Headache, cold sweat, dizzy, confused, chest pain, panic attack. Felt like I was going to pass out a few times. Could just be anxiety. Have not had as much trouble since I quit those things. And yes there are health studies but not much data this early in the game for those things.
                That's how I feel when I have too much nicotine, too.

                Meanwhile, though, I actually never really feel a "rush" with snus, or even a "buzz", I just know that I don't want nicotine, and I guess I feel more or less calm. Those rushes I got from some morning cigarettes with coffee, I don't get those with snus, and I use the strong stuff. Much more than a strong portion will make me feel that awful state you describe. Two regular portions can do it to me on an empty stomach.


                • Xobeloot
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2542

                  I got my e-cig about a week or so ago at this point, and I'll be perfectly honest. I havent touched my heaping pile of snus since.

                  I'm debating whether I want to just put my entire stash up in the snus trade forum.


                  • Harry
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 213

                    Could you address some of the concerns the other posters in this thread have brought up?

                    Throat discomfort?

                    I'm interested, but am very skeptical. I'd be curious to hear more from you on this subject.


                    • darkwing
                      • Oct 2007
                      • 415

                      I am eager to hear more too. If e-cigging got Xobeloot off snus, it must be a great source of cigarette-quality nic hits.


                      • toekuttr
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 197

                        Here's a popular forum for more info on these; I think this one's been around since these were first released. They might be able to answer some questions too if you'rE interested.

                        edit: added E


                        • Xobeloot
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2542

                          I dont think it has anything to do with the nicotine. I just always enjoyed smoking. I hated feeling like shit, but loved smoking.

                          I'm actually trying to get back into the snus. I've looked at how much $$ i've spent and how quickly the smoke juice goes. This can be a VERY expensive habit compared to snus.

                          I don't know. We'll see what happens.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Xobeloot, I'm just curious if you have tried snuff yet?

                            You may have and posted but you know i missed some for a while. I am guessing that the e-cig thing is triggering the same kinda addictive behavior that cigs did. Remember, you buy a pack even now and you buzz right throgh it.

                            I haven't studied it enough. What is the nic drop off from the e-cigg. Similar to regular cigarettes, that is really fast?

                            I know that snuff is faster than snus, about 20 minutes. But way slower than cigarettes. Perhaps you just need to realize the e-cigg really is as unhealthy, in that you have little control over it from what you have described.

                            I mention snuff cause if you are a bit bored with snus like me, from everything I have learned so far, it seems to compliment, not replace, snus.


                            • sychodelix
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 280

                              Actually, I've found snuff is more intense than cigarettes, especially when you go to the stronger stuff. The first time, some people don't feel anything, but I did. It gives you a really nice rush, while snusing lets you kinda "coast along". It's almost like the two were made to be used together, or one after the other.


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