Question for e-cig users

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    I've only been reading up for a week, both snuffhouse and here. But one thing I have heard is that snuff gives you a good initial nic bump, then use snus to ride the nic wave out. Makes sense to me. Up until now, I have always gotten buy by using strong snus throughout the day. But I have always missed that rush I got with cigs.

    I can't wait to introduce snuff into my routine. I find that I have been using more and more strong snus (maybe just so much of the new stuff is so damn good?) Regardless, I am looking forward to discovering this whole new world of snuff and perhaps better refine how I feed my nicotine drive.


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      I tried dry snuff and couldn't get into it. Yes, the E-cig is definitely the same behavior as real cigs. I can puff on this thing all day using 24-36mg fluid and never OD on nicotine.


      • toekuttr
        • Jul 2008
        • 197

        Originally posted by Xobeloot
        I tried dry snuff and couldn't get into it. Yes, the E-cig is definitely the same behavior as real cigs. I can puff on this thing all day using 24-36mg fluid and never OD on nicotine.
        Agreed, there's no danger in ODing on an e-cig. According to the tests performed on these units by Ruyan (sponsor of the only three tests done TTBOMK) their 'high' smokes juice is 1/5 as strong as a real cigarette. That would make even the new 36mg/ml ultra-high test still only a fraction of the strength of a real cig. So safety is built in these. As I've said, I've 'vaped' an entire cartridge in one sitting to no ill effect.


        • TropicalBob
          • Feb 2008
          • 316

          Hey Toekuttr, I remember you from both this forum and the e-cigarette forum. I'm back here for a short time because I'm about to kick snus because of gum recession in the past two years. I mean, it's alarming! For that, I blame snus.

          I've never OD'd on e-smoking, but have on snus. Barfed twice, in fact, before I learned what strengths worked and how long they took.

          I've got the newest Janty stuff now - Kissbox, Mini Fogger and Dura -- and these do the job. They closely mimic real cigarette smoking without the stink and second-hand smoke and fire dangers. The Janty liquids taste great.

          I've studied every word ever written about e-smoking and wrote an article on it that was published in the October issue of SmokeShop magazine. I'm satisfied the liquid contents are safe to inhale (but we don't know manufacutring conditions and there are no batch inspections of liquid from China!). Overall, however, e-smoking is the best way off cigarettes, of that I'm convinced. Habit and addiction are replaced with e-cigs, unlike any other available nicotine replacement option.

          Am I a totally happy camper? Nope. Something critical is missing, even though I'm getting the nicotine. For that missing element, I puff a pipe a few times each day.

          Sorry to hear e-smoking didn't work for you, but you're not alone. It's not for everyone, and it's an expensive failure when a user decides "this doesn't work." So far, it's helping keep me off cigarettes -- for 18 months to date.


          • toekuttr
            • Jul 2008
            • 197

            Gum recession huh, that doesn't sound good. I can empathize with that after using Copenhagen for over 20 years. I've wondered about that with snus too but haven't so far seen anything nearly as dramatic as with Copenhagen. That's why I quit dipping when I did, several others here have too.

            You say your new c-cigs perform well enough, which would you recommend to a heavy nicotine addict? Do you ever feel anything akin to the first smoke of the day with the best one? I see you don't mention the newer 36mg juices, is there any reason you wouldn't recommend them?

            I wish some tests were performed to accurately measure the e-cigs effectiveness, even simple (and relatively cheap) cotinine testing should suffice to see how much is being absorbed. If in fact they are delivering substantial amounts, maybe just knowing for sure would help. Not feeling anything doesn't do much for my confidence in them.

            Too bad about the snus and good luck with the quitting! Yet another pleasurable vice to eradicate. Would be interested in reading your article in smokemag, bet others would as well, too bad you didn't leave a link.

            edit: I missed this part the first read;
            TB states:
            Habit and addiction are replaced with e-cigs, unlike any other available nicotine replacement option.
            Isn't this exactly what snus, and for some of us a combo of snus and snuff, have accomplished, at least thus far? Not to be argumentative, just not sure I understand your meaning.


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              I was about to write that exact same exact thing that toekuttr wrote at the end.

              I mean, it's been 2 years for me almost, I'd say snus has worked just fine as a replacement. I am looking forward to add snuff to my routine just cause. But for almost 2 years, snus has done the trick.


              • TropicalBob
                • Feb 2008
                • 316

                Snus satisifies addiction. It levels out blood nicotine. But it does not satisfy the habit part of cigarette smoking, the hand-to-mouth, fiddle-with-a-device part that is so important in most smoker's rituals. Using an e-cig takes care of that part, too. I swear, I punctuate my conversations with an e-cig (used to be my cig).

                I haven't tried the 36mg liquid, BTW. I did use 24mg for about six months, then settled for the taste of Janty's 16mg liquids. Better than smoke, that's for sure.

                Like you, however, I don't really get the same nic kick that cigarettes once gave me. And I miss that. I use the e-cig all day, almost all the time. I rotate three (and just had my e-pipe die). So I'm getting an almost non-stop stream of nicotine from these devices (not to mention I almost always have either a snus or Stonewall in place at the same time).

                Small aside: I went through a hypnosis class with a guy who started chewing tobacco at age 5, because his friend's dad owned a drug store and they'd steal all they wanted. He was 33 years old when I talked with him; he had 3 teeth left, and the dentist said he would lose those that year. He thought it was time to quit, since his wife was expecting their third child. I .. ah .. agreed with him. He was a Cope fan.


                • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 2781

                  It is silly to say you cannot OD on e-ciggs just because it has not happened to you yet IMO. Get a "Screwdriver" and some TW 36mg. Or a few leaky cartridges. Or spill the bottle on yourself. Any of those should do it. Otherwise you are not trying hard enough. People have different tolerances and physical attributes like weight as well. I just don't like to see all this "yeah there's no nic in these" BS. End rant :lol:


                  • TropicalBob
                    • Feb 2008
                    • 316

                    Many users have indeed reported ODing on e-smoking. Toekuttr was unaffected; I've never experienced it. But others have -- even with so-called medium strength liquids. Lots of nicotine horror stories on e-cigarette-forum.

                    One reason I've never tried the highest strength, 36mg, is because I've never relied solely on e-smoking to stop cravings. I found snus, and liked using them. I developed a real affection for Stonewall Java. I smoke about four pipes a day. I have tins of nasal snuff all over the house because I can't get into that on a regular basis. Very unnatural for me, when my nose says "you idiot" after each sniff.

                    Overall, of everything I've used, e-smoking is by far the best substitute for cigarette smoking. It doesn't replicate it, but it's a great alternative that many users come to prefer.


                    • toekuttr
                      • Jul 2008
                      • 197

                      Hey Snufflapegus, I didn't mean to infer you didn't OD nor anyone else couldn't, especially intentionally and most definitely if you spilled or mishandled the juice etc, if it's what I said that's upset you. I just meant I couldn't feel it by using it the way it was intended nor even by stretching it a bit, quite a bit.

                      Anyone experimenting with these should exercise much care and realize the juice is quite poisonous. Although I never actually tried to OD, I just kept puffin away and didn't feel the need to stop.

                      Any luck yet TB with snus cessation? Hopefully that gum recession doesn't occur to many of us, I think I've tried every other NRT out there and was hoping to keep using this one.


                      • Jason
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 1370

                        I have never even thought about the dangers of spilling the liquid on yourself; I wonder what would happen if a large amount ended up on your skin? Do the bottles have any detailed warnings?


                        • TropicalBob
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 316

                          Most bottles (vials) of liquid have NO WARNINGS and no ingredient list. Now, that's a real problem for a first responder called to the scene where a child has ingested "unknown liquid."

                          A half-thimble full would kill a child. "Pretend tea time" could be deadly. But, from the vials, no emergency personnel could know what a child drank. This is a potential tragedy waiting to happen and manufacturers need full disclosure labels, plus an expiration date and storage instructions. BTW: Dogs don't care for e-liquid but cats will lick it. Goodbye, Kitty.

                          As for getting it on the skin ... I have an experimental personality. I try things. I soaked a Band-Air with 24mg e-liquid and stuck it to my abdomen. Nothing. Not even a red spot. I hoped to duplicate the expensive transdermal patches.

                          Then I read about nicotine nasal spray and created one with exactly the same nicotine content as Big Pharma's product. Oh wow! Burned the hell out of my nostrils. Thought I'd never get back to normal. Not a good idea. And a Malaysian researcher said he tried nasal spray and it resulted in infections a week later. Fortunately, I didn't get infections.

                          I'm still snusing, Toekuttr. I really enjoy this, so I won't make any rash decisions until I get my dental bridge work done (I broke a front tooth, not related to e-smoking or snusing).


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            See TropicalBob, you just encapsulated why I never went for the e-cigg. Too many unknowns, just to "fake" for me I guess. Plus I have kitties, and I could never love with myself if I did something that hurt them.

                            I suppose I understand the concept behind it. I would miss smoking too if I didn't smoke so much dope. But fortunately, I do, so the snus and snuff can take care of my nicotine needs, and my magic green weed takes care of my compulsion to have something in my lungs.

                            Happy, happy combo. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              @ Snuffleupagus:

                              Maybe im just extremely tolerant of nicotine these days, but I can puff my 36mg liquid all day not come close to feeling like im about to OD on nicotine.

                              Like TB, I often have a snus in at the same time as the 36mg liquid.


                              • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 2781

                                Originally posted by Xobeloot
                                @ Snuffleupagus:

                                Maybe im just extremely tolerant of nicotine these days, but I can puff my 36mg liquid all day not come close to feeling like im about to OD on nicotine.

                                Like TB, I often have a snus in at the same time as the 36mg liquid.
                                No foul anyone, just don't want anyone to make the mistakes I have. I also never felt like I'm about to OD on them either. It just happened. It's just too damn elusive... And then blam. Trying to figure out if you are over or under sucks. Just don't want people to go into things blind.

                                And yeah Xobe and TB got serious tolerance. I'm not jealous lol.


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