Interesting bit about e-cigs....

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  • Jason
    • Jan 2008
    • 1370

    Interesting bit about e-cigs....

    Looks like e-cigs are becoming more and more popular. Hopefully some honest scientific types out there will finally do some proper studies on these; I'd like some definite figures on the safety/long term effects.
  • rsuelzer
    • Feb 2009
    • 135

    "(from zero — basically a flavored mist — to 16 milligrams, higher than a regular cigarette.) "
    Holy shit. 16mg inhalable? That is like smoking 13 cigs, that would make me pass out and die possibly.

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • deebocools
      • Nov 2008
      • 661

      some people already smoke 4 packs of traditional cigarettes a day- that's 80 cigarettes. that option is probably available so they could just e-smoke a few times a day.

      also consider that e-smokes don't have a finite timeline like a cigarette, you can take a few drags every hour if you like(I think)


      • NonEntity
        • Jan 2009
        • 138

        I thought the nicotine in one cigarette was comparable to a regular portion? If that were true, 16mg would be similar to an extra sterk. Probably hits faster; not that I know anything as I never smoked.



        • Snusophile
          • May 2008
          • 531

          E-cigs employ the use of a nicotine liquid cartridge which is atomized into vapor mist. The entire cartridge is about 16 mg of nicotine and each cartridge is supposed to provide about 15-20 cigarettes worth of use. You do not by any means use the entire cartridge at once. Just pick up the e-cig, puff on it until you're satisfied, and then put it down for next time.


          • Mr. Snuffleupagus
            • Dec 2008
            • 2781

            The nic content of the liquids range from 0-36mg. It's measured per ml of liquid. They advertise that one cartridge equal 15-20 ciggs, but that's bogus. Maybe 4 ciggs per cart.


            • Frankie
              Banned Users
              • Feb 2009
              • 17

              Originally posted by Snusophile
              E-cigs employ the use of a nicotine liquid cartridge which is atomized into vapor mist. The entire cartridge is about 16 mg of nicotine and each cartridge is supposed to provide about 15-20 cigarettes worth of use. You do not by any means use the entire cartridge at once. Just pick up the e-cig, puff on it until you're satisfied, and then put it down for next time.
              Most people (me included) are not really able to put an e-cig down after some 15 drags which is an equivalent of tobacco cig. At least those who write in forums. There are various reasons for that, e.g. e-cig smelling good and not burning your throat/lungs as cigarettes when chainsmoking, not ending its useability before the battery goes flat, not filling the house with stinking smoke, etc.


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                I have 36mg liquid and I have to puff on it non-stop to get the same satisfied feeling I get from 8mg snus.

                Just a comparison basis for you.


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  From my experience with e-cigarettes, they don't deliver nicotine too efficiently. Even the strongest nicotine liquid won't satisfy my cravings. As well, my throat and lungs burn similar to smoking a regular cigarette afterward. The heat of the mist might be the blame. As well, there is not much known about the levels of carbon monoxide produced by the atomizer; there have been studies on the Ruyan brand, but other brands have not been studied. Personally, e-cigarettes are not for me. Snus is better because it delivers a reliable dose of nicotine and is discreet.


                  • Frankie
                    Banned Users
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 17

                    Snus is definitely better nicotine-delivery-wise as well as health-wise, but sometimes I miss the act of smoking, to be true. Even with a portion in I automatically reach for an e-cig which is not there I hope it will wean off eventually.

                    BTW, e-cigs caused bad indigestion and other problems to me. Very bad. Something in them did not sit well with the body. I used them for 3 months to quit smoking, in which they helped a lot, but I am immensely glad I found snus thanks to certain members of both this and e-cig forum (you know who you are ).


                    • thatguyjeff
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 103

                      Wondering if e-cigs can be used indoors where smoking is otherwise banned - here's a piece from the MN law regarding smoking indoors:

                      Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 144.413, subdivision 4, is amended to read:
                      Subd. 4. Smoking. "Smoking" means inhaling or exhaling smoke from any lighted
                      cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other lighted tobacco or plant product. Smoking also includes
                      carrying a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other lighted smoking equipment tobacco
                      or plant product intended for inhalation.

                      Seems to me that the e-cig may fall under the definition of "pipe," except perhaps that it has to be "lighted." Since you don't necessarily light an e-cig - loophole? Thoughts?


                      • Frankie
                        Banned Users
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 17

                        As soon as they get on the radar of the rabid anti-tobacco types, it will be banned together with nornal cigs. In my country they just last week or so added e-cigs to the smoking ban. The e-cig vapour should be completely harmless to bystanders, but the rabid anti´s just cannot stand somebody enjoying himself in spite of them wanting otherwise. Exactly like with snus. The very idea people enjoy tobacco without health risks scares them so much that they do everything possible to have it banned. I am afraid in my life this will not change. There is just too much hatred and the possible outlets for that hate are getting limited every day. Those who would wholeheartedly hate blacks, gays or gothic rock musicians are left with almost no way to vent their inner self. Even hating hardcore drug addicts is polically incorrect. But then they find tobacco or nicotine users and...


                        • jamesstew
                          • May 2008
                          • 1440

                          Wonder if Tropical Bob will pop up for a post? He regularly uses these gizmos and finds them quite pleasurable. Haven't tried one myself, scared it may make me start smoking again.


                          • Jason
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 1370

                            I found this strange:

                            "Dr. Murray Laugesen, a New Zealand physician involved in tobacco control for 25 years who was commissioned by Ruyan to test its e-cigs, said he found "very little wrong" with them."

                            "Very little" is obviously not "nothing", so what exactly DID he find wrong? These are the things I want to know.... :?


                            • Frankie
                              Banned Users
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 17

                              The minor things that are wrong with them are alergic reactions they cause in some people and also the fact they are too new and use chemicals (e.g. propyleneglycol, various food flavourings, alcohol, etc.) that have not been *inhaled* on such a massive and long-term basis, so there are some open questions of what the future brings. Imagine tobacco smoking being "invented" (introduced world-wide) only three years ago. It would also look safe, I believe.

                              "All pointers so far show the device is safe," Dr Laugesen said.

                              BTW, I have several kits: If anybody wants to try, let me know. Will exchange for snus way below the price


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