My son's new son, my grandson, is slightly asthmatic, which is no joke when you have the lung capacity of a three-year-old. So his condition has pushed my son's cigarette smoking out into the garage.
I just got a birthday wish from my son for an e-cig kit. I've returned the usual questions: what color, shape, etc, might be wanted -- but neither of us know much about the whole deal, even after an hour or two on the appropriate forums.
Does anyone here have any tips -- preferred manufacturers, dealers, usage hints? What about the different nic levels in the formulae? How do they compare with various cigarette types/brands? (We tended toward Camels and Camel Light 100s before we went MYO.)
I'm thinking of a kit for my wife as well. If I can get her to quit the MYO cigarettes made with delicious Daughters and Ryan Turkish blends, there will be no more temptation sitting around the house for me... (I'm still doing four to six cigs a day, one year into my conversion to snus.)
Unlike me, neither my son nor my wife is especially addicted to nicotine -- they've both quit easily a dozen times! but they are habituated to the PUFFING routine, and come back to cigs with each period of stress or long boring drive.
I'm leaning toward a kit from NJOY. It sounds like the brand is the current standard and well-enough-established to survive any shakeout in the e-cig market.
I just got a birthday wish from my son for an e-cig kit. I've returned the usual questions: what color, shape, etc, might be wanted -- but neither of us know much about the whole deal, even after an hour or two on the appropriate forums.
Does anyone here have any tips -- preferred manufacturers, dealers, usage hints? What about the different nic levels in the formulae? How do they compare with various cigarette types/brands? (We tended toward Camels and Camel Light 100s before we went MYO.)
I'm thinking of a kit for my wife as well. If I can get her to quit the MYO cigarettes made with delicious Daughters and Ryan Turkish blends, there will be no more temptation sitting around the house for me... (I'm still doing four to six cigs a day, one year into my conversion to snus.)
Unlike me, neither my son nor my wife is especially addicted to nicotine -- they've both quit easily a dozen times! but they are habituated to the PUFFING routine, and come back to cigs with each period of stress or long boring drive.
I'm leaning toward a kit from NJOY. It sounds like the brand is the current standard and well-enough-established to survive any shakeout in the e-cig market.