General Snus now available in Canada

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  • SnusGuy
    • May 2010
    • 83

    General Snus now available in Canada

    My friend in Toronto recently informed me that a few tobacconists in have begun to sell Swedish Match's General snus brand in Toronto! The details are still a little unclear right now, but hopefully soon we will see General snus spread to other tobacco shops in Canada. This is great news for Canadian snusers like me!

    There are three flavors, Smooth Taste, Wintergreen, and Original (which tastes like General White). The portions are 0.5g, but I'm quite sure they have more nicotine in them than a mini portion.

    For pictures and additional information, take a look at this post on Snus Authority
  • pinklungs
    • Dec 2010
    • 115

    Great news SnusGuy,

    Those guys out in T. always get the cool stuff first!...........but then again, they've got the Leafs to deal with so I guess it all balances out.

    I'd be grateful to receive updates on the expanded availability of snus in Canada. Thanks in advance!


    • Snarfblat
      • Apr 2010
      • 75

      I think the duMaurier snus was selling for about $11 a tin, and I guess that was around 10 grams. In contrast, a single 24g can of portions from Sweden costs roughly $15 (in Alberta), all taxes and shipping included, not including any sale offers etc. I wonder how much these new products will cost?

      I don't exactly have my finger on the pulse of the Canadian market, but I don't know why they don't just market the entire General line in the Swedish style portions. Why change it up?


      • pinklungs
        • Dec 2010
        • 115

        I'd be grateful to receive updates on the expanded availability of Swedish snus in Canada. Thanks in advance!


        • BudSpencer
          • Jul 2010
          • 17

          Wow, this is great news, and I'm just back from Toronto for work :-( I should go back in January so I'll make sure to check it out. But I'm also wondering how much they sell for and I hope they decide to test market Montreal soon.


          • charmando
            • Oct 2010
            • 151

            does anyone know if the general line branched out to montreal? i'm going for my birthday/ memorial day weekend with a bunch of my friends. this trip won't be complete unless i'm double barreling something/ getting a double lap dance. might have to smuggle three cans up my can.


            • monkeypunch
              • Feb 2011
              • 125

              I was in Toronto a few weeks ago and wandered into a tobacco shop. I asked if they sold snus. The clerk pointed to the cool looking General snus fridge on the floor. I bought a can of Original, which were white portions. I remember the can costing around $12 and some change. Not too bad.


              • Tracer
                Banned Users
                • Mar 2013
                • 107

                Wow any updates on this? I hope it's selling OK. The tobacco shop around me won't carry it, said I was maybe the 5th person to ask in the stores entire history

                Pretty tough to break through this market, can't even advertise without getting really crafty..


                • squeezyjohn
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2497

                  The price I've paid for Cope in Canada - how much must snus go for in the shops? $15 for a can of dried up Copenhagen Snuff in Vancouver! And that was 2 years ago!

                  Good luck getting it there though - from my times in Sweden it is a beautiful form of liberation to be able to just go to a garage or newsagents and buy a tin of Ettan!

                  Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                  • crullers
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 663

                    It's around $12 for snus in the retail stores.

                    I hear you about the dry dip. I can get Skoal on the reservation for $12 but its really stale and dry as the sahara.


                    • Tracer
                      Banned Users
                      • Mar 2013
                      • 107

                      Originally posted by crullers
                      It's around $12 for snus in the retail stores.

                      I hear you about the dry dip. I can get Skoal on the reservation for $12 but its really stale and dry as the sahara.
                      That's surprising. The Skoal/ Cope people are freshness nazis in ON, they go the gas stations atleast twice a week to check dates etc.


                      • squeezyjohn
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2497

                        That wasn't my experience in London 2 years ago!

                        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                        • crullers
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 663

                          Originally posted by Tracer
                          That's surprising. The Skoal/ Cope people are freshness nazis in ON, they go the gas stations atleast twice a week to check dates etc.
                          I was just there yesterday as a matter of fact. I was about to buy a Wintergreen fine cut, looked on the bottom and made on date was 27/12 - that's getting close to a year old! Got the long cut wintergreen which is dated 51/12 and it's not too bad. Picked up a citrus and it's dated 35/12. Decided to take a chance on it as I haven't tried it yet so I put a cap full of distilled water in it and shook it thoroughly. Today its somewhat better but still nowhere near as good as fresh dip. Maybe I should give the distributor a call.


                          • Tracer
                            Banned Users
                            • Mar 2013
                            • 107

                            Originally posted by crullers
                            I was just there yesterday as a matter of fact. I was about to buy a Wintergreen fine cut, looked on the bottom and made on date was 27/12 - that's getting close to a year old! Got the long cut wintergreen which is dated 51/12 and it's not too bad. Picked up a citrus and it's dated 35/12. Decided to take a chance on it as I haven't tried it yet so I put a cap full of distilled water in it and shook it thoroughly. Today its somewhat better but still nowhere near as good as fresh dip. Maybe I should give the distributor a call.
                            What how does the dating system work on these things?


                            • Tracer
                              Banned Users
                              • Mar 2013
                              • 107

                              Just googled it and found a snuson thread, and after reading it.. WHY WHY WHY do they do this?


