For anyone living in Edmonton, Shefield & Sons in West Edmonton Mall carries four different varieties of General snus. The clerk there even brought out a product sheet for me to look at with all of the details and prices of each on it. Bought a tin of Titanium and it's AWESOME. I thought the DuMaurier Freshmint snus was great, and was pissed when they discontinued the trial. General Titanium blows DuMaurier's out of the water. 24 1g portions. $18.99 is a little steep but I think a tin will probably last me more than a week. The tins even have a little storage compartment built into the bottom to stash your used portions.
Im starting to think snus in Canada is simply a lost cause. Noone will make the transition at $18.99 plus tax
For anyone living in Edmonton, Shefield & Sons in West Edmonton Mall carries four different varieties of General snus. The clerk there even brought out a product sheet for me to look at with all of the details and prices of each on it. Bought a tin of Titanium and it's AWESOME. I thought the DuMaurier Freshmint snus was great, and was pissed when they discontinued the trial. General Titanium blows DuMaurier's out of the water. 24 1g portions. $18.99 is a little steep but I think a tin will probably last me more than a week. The tins even have a little storage compartment built into the bottom to stash your used portions.
At close to $20 a tin that little compartment would be for re using your portions.
Better off ordering snus online and taking a chance with customs because that's nuts!!!! Lots of the time packages make it through customs untouched and even when they get tagged the 5 can packages BS ships only get dinged like $12 in my parts. At $18.99 I would either get my crap together and quit or go back to dip.