Senators pushing for a ban on Smokeless Tobacco in Pro-Baseball

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  • stubby2
    • Jun 2009
    • 436

    Senators pushing for a ban on Smokeless Tobacco in Pro-Baseball,1966067.story

    A few busy body Senators are pushing to ban smokeless tobacco...... it's for the children of course.

    "The use of smokeless tobacco by baseball players undermines the positive image of the sport and sends a dangerous message to young fans, who may be influenced by the players they look up to as role models," the senators wrote.

    "We now know conclusively that smokeless tobacco endangers the health of baseball players who use it, but it also affects millions of young people who watch baseball," Durbin and Lautenberg wrote in a letter to baseball commissioner Bud Selig, which was made available to news organizations on Tuesday.
  • Jwalker
    • May 2010
    • 1067

    Good this is Important! Unemployment at 10 percent, debate on strategy and direction of the decade long war in Afghanistan, pfft, people using a legal product on Tv is way more important, I mean I heard 200 percent of people using dip is caused by baseball not peer pressure or curiosity/boredom and the fact it gives you a buzz. Hell let's just take some businesses route and fire baseball players who dip or smoke cigars. I mean yeah some teams will complain when their MVP players are gone and they suddenly suck, but who cares baseball doesn't kill you 100 percent of the time like tobacco.


    • BNSFsnusHauler
      • Jan 2011
      • 542

      Political correctness is madness!


      • nachowayne
        • Nov 2008
        • 316

        That's it! I'm boycotting baseball until this gets passed. Who's with me? Come on, it's for the kids.

        When is baseball season again?


        • Roo
          • Jun 2008
          • 3446

          This too shall pass. It's easy shit like this that makes these clowns feel accomplished.


          • Snusdog
            • Jun 2008
            • 6752

            Player's Union pushing for a ban on Alcohol in Nation's Capital

            "The use of alcohol by elected officials undermines the positive image of the nation and sends a dangerous message to young citizens, who may be influenced by the official or their policies" the third baseman wrote.
            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


            • Roo
              • Jun 2008
              • 3446

              Sorry, I'm on my phone and may be missing something. Dog, is that real? Or just another chapter in "awesome shit; as posted by snusdog"?

              Edit: obviously the latter. Dammit. Anyway, good call. Cigars too.


              • f. bandersnatch
                • Mar 2010
                • 725

                They did this last year as well. It's just some bullshit political capital building ploy.

                And make no mistake, it is bullshit. What authority does the United States senate have over the use of a legal substance on the baseball diamond? What are they going to do, write a stern letter to Bud Selig on the subject? And what the hell is Buddy boy going to do? The same thing he does with every problem in baseball: ignore it and add some more inter-league games.


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