I know this is an old thread but i just read somewhere that these is such a thing as Copenhagen Snus. Does anyone know for sure? Not in theory but its sold in stores?
There is no such thing, and it has not been produced yet.
The only thing that has happened is the names have been registered. That's about it.
There is Copenhagen Dip pouches (larger than normal portions) and it's still dip.
I tried some of those once when out of snus. I upper decked them which made me look like someones sparing partner. They tasted like metal or something like that but i got nicked quick
I tried some of those once when out of snus. I upper decked them which made me look like someones sparing partner. They tasted like metal or something like that but i got nicked quick
yes they have a slightly weird taste compared to long cut
I only had a couple of cans and ended up breaking up the pouches and dipping the tobacco
It's not bad, I will say this - it's the best American Snus out there and the closest an American company has gotten to making a snus that is something people like us would expect.
It's not anywhere near as good as Swedish Snus, but it's a BIG step forward.
The only thing I could get out of the rep at Altria/USST is that it is a pasteurized product, they wouldn't tell me anything else.
I'm waiting on my Altria contact to call me back so I can confirm more about the production standards, if they'll tell me anything at all.
Let us know mate,mi like Copenhagen from time to time but I don't like using dip in public, so in a snus it would be perfect for the odd occasion when I fancy some cope.
Exactly ... me too ... Copenhagen Long Cut is a masterpiece of a recipe for oral tobacco and for me no other American dip comes close ... but it is dip nonetheless. Your review doesn't give me a massive amount of hope for that flavour in the natural Copenhagen snus - but it's a step in the right direction!
Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!
Exactly ... me too ... Copenhagen Long Cut is a masterpiece of a recipe for oral tobacco and for me no other American dip comes close ... but it is dip nonetheless. Your review doesn't give me a massive amount of hope for that flavour in the natural Copenhagen snus - but it's a step in the right direction!
I've had the Copenhagen Natural Extra Long Cut and it didn't taste anything like that one.
It's hard to explain, but it tasted like a low-mid grade Swedish Snus, like an off brand with cheap tobacco.
But still way better than any American "snus" out there.
If you like the taste of copenhagen but don't like the thought of mouth cancer just load up on Islay whiskey. Seriously the exactly same thing. Copenhagen smell and taste.