Eu will maybe open, but stop to flavored snus

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  • v2
    • Oct 2007
    • 220

    Eu will maybe open, but stop to flavored snus

    The EU to stop flavored snus
    Wed 22. Jun 2011

    If Swedish Match is allowed to sell snus in Europe, it will also mean that more of their products must be removed from the Swedish market, according to Dagens Industri. The European Commission is now working on a proposal for a revised tobacco directive that can open snus sales in the European market. The back side of the coin is that the flavorings that may entice young consumers, will be prohibited. Swedish Match currently deals in a variety of flavored tobacco products. Kilde: Finansavisen
  • c.nash
    Banned Users
    • May 2010
    • 3511

    That is retarded IMO...


    • Dogfishfsn
      • Apr 2011
      • 91

      Originally posted by c.nash View Post
      That is retarded IMO...
      Think of the kiddies man. You know how much 11-14 year old love salty juniper. I wounder if "flavored snus" includes the 01/02 witch I would call tree bark flavored. O, and what about Grov you think kids would like leather and smoke.


      • c.nash
        Banned Users
        • May 2010
        • 3511

        Originally posted by Dogfishfsn View Post
        Think of the kiddies man. You know how much 11-14 year old love salty juniper. I wounder if "flavored snus" includes the 01/02 witch I would call tree bark flavored. O, and what about Grov you think kids would like leather and smoke.
        Honestly... Every Tobacco product is "flavored". Wtf they want us to do? Just take the leaves, cure them and package 'EM?

        It seems like they just want to get rid of the fruity/Minty kid flavors. Like the US has trying to do for awhile now.


        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          Everyone knows "kids" prefer cigarettes. I did, and all my buddies did. And especially girls.


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            In fact, I am 100% sure, though I don't have the statistics, that if under-18 tobacco users were asked what form of tobacco they use, over 90% would say cigarettes.


            • MJ26
              • Sep 2009
              • 333

              Yeah, and what about flavoured cigarettes. They surely do not care of that. There is flavoured alcohol drinks, for examble. They do not think about things very widely. That barely doesn't have any effect if there is flavored snus. They who want to use snus or smoke cigarettes they do it anyway. It's so ridiculous.


              • truthwolf1
                • Oct 2008
                • 2696

                Don't most Swedes only use straight flavors? so, that would not be too much of a hit to them. Maybe the small group of ladies who like the flavors.

                YOu could always sell the flavorings on the side.

                but something is better at least then nothing.


                • void
                  • May 2011
                  • 189

                  Originally posted by truthwolf1 View Post
                  Don't most Swedes only use straight flavors? so, that would not be too much of a hit to them. Maybe the small group of ladies who like the flavors.

                  YOu could always sell the flavorings on the side.

                  but something is better at least then nothing.
                  I think they do. i can use few cans of some flavor snus for change but 99% of my snus usage it's original Röda Lacket, General or Ettan.


                  • Dogfishfsn
                    • Apr 2011
                    • 91

                    Originally posted by MJ26 View Post
                    Yeah, and what about flavoured cigarettes. They surely do not care of that. There is flavoured alcohol drinks, for examble. They do not think about things very widely. That barely doesn't have any effect if there is flavored snus. They who want to use snus or smoke cigarettes they do it anyway. It's so ridiculous.
                    They just won in the courts to keep menthol. Clove Cig. are gone in Ohio and I think every where, also a lot of states are fighting the "binge-in-a-can" Sodahols


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      completely retarded as nash said

                      in many european countries even 3 year olds can buy cigarettes... lol

                      i suppose buying snus would be even easier...

                      here we go again ... its not the health of kids that these retards care about but the money

                      i can imagine that just like in sweden.. many smokers would turn to snus hence the cigarette comapnies would loose market big time


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        Clove ciggs got banned, but the top clove cig maker just changed them to little cigars, and now they are allowed. They arn't much different from the cigs, which is good, they found a legal way to keep them on the market.


                        • Hanske
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 425

                          Yay! I'll still get the flavoured versions


                          • pris

                            Wouldn't worry me seeing the 'candy' type flavoured snus removed from the EU market as I don't like it but I'm guessing Sweden wouldn't be happy having new restrictons on what flavours of snus they can have with their current carte blanche but on the flip side I assume there would be more revenue to be had my the manufacturers if the sale of snus was legalised in the EU.


                            • spirit72
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 1013

                              Originally posted by void View Post
                              I think they do. i can use few cans of some flavor snus for change but 99% of my snus usage it's original Röda Lacket, General or Ettan.
                              The upshot of course is that even Ettan and Grov contain smoke flavoring.


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