Eu will maybe open, but stop to flavored snus

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  • Mawdryn
    • Mar 2011
    • 353

    Originally posted by Dogfishfsn View Post
    Clove Cig. are gone in Ohio and I think every where
    The clove cigarettes they're selling here in Alabama look just like the ones I bought in college 10+ years ago...don't think anything has changed here...


    • void
      • May 2011
      • 189

      Originally posted by spirit72 View Post
      The upshot of course is that even Ettan and Grov contain smoke flavoring.
      That's true. Did not think that.. But kids don't like smoke flavor, they want mint, cola, apple etc. Kiddy flavors...


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        Originally posted by pris View Post
        Wouldn't worry me seeing the 'candy' type flavoured snus removed from the EU market as I don't like it but I'm guessing Sweden wouldn't be happy having new restrictons on what flavours of snus they can have with their current carte blanche but on the flip side I assume there would be more revenue to be had my the manufacturers if the sale of snus was legalised in the EU.
        Same here - I can't stand it, especially now that Extreme is available. Oddly enough I have no problem with this.


        • Ansel
          • Feb 2011
          • 3696

          But flavoured nasal snuff is okay?


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            Originally posted by Ansel View Post
            But flavoured nasal snuff is okay?
            Oh yeah, it's crazy but I'm cool with it as long as snus comes to the whole of Europe.


            • Ansel
              • Feb 2011
              • 3696

              If it's like with alcohol that's fine. I hate alcopops but likewise i wouldn't want to see say aniseed or orange flavoured alcohol banned, if not an alcopop.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                This is a good way for SM to hold on to their monopoly. Flavored snus is a small part of SM's portfolio, but a large part of V2's. I don't like this one bit. SM won't think twice throwing everyone under the bus to protect their bottom line.


                • shikitohno
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 1156

                  Originally posted by lxskllr
                  This is a good way for SM to hold on to their monopoly. Flavored snus is a small part of SM's portfolio, but a large part of V2's. I don't like this one bit. SM won't think twice throwing everyone under the bus to protect their bottom line.
                  Yep. Plus, this would kill much of V2/Gajane's products for an unproven thing. Who knows if snus would take off outside Sweden/Norway? And Frosted, if you're honestly okay with this, you're an idiot. If snus winds up having to meet EU regs, have fun with the European PACT Act soon to come your way, along with a litany of regulations that make it either incredibly expensive to keep snusing, or just restrict you to only the most bland brands offered by SM. You think you're going to see extreme on sale in the UK, you're kidding yourself, it'll be the same crappy SM snus that you don't like.


                  • TheJanitor
                    • May 2010
                    • 260

                    I may not always agree with SM's business tactics/ethics, but IMO they make the best snus out there. Apparently, on this site I am in the minority it seems.


                    • shikitohno
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 1156

                      I'd rather have Landströms, Gellivare and my Odens ES Lakrits than SM snus. The only stuff they make that I enjoy at all is Ettan and Röda Lacket. I'd have to wager the only reason that so many people think they make the best snus out there is because their position as the state monopoly means that they can cut out any competitors who threaten the SM bottom line, and then here comes those business tactics you were mentioning.


                      • TheJanitor
                        • May 2010
                        • 260

                        Or it's also quite possible people just think it's better, because they like it more. People vote with their wallets. Monoploy schnopoly, are you telling me no other brands exist in Sweden?


                        • shikitohno
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 1156

                          Originally posted by TheJanitor View Post
                          Or it's also quite possible people just think it's better, because they like it more. People vote with their wallets. Monoploy schnopoly, are you telling me no other brands exist in Sweden?
                          No, I know there's other brands, although you just told me you've no clue how things work in Sweden. Sweden Match gets the final say in distribution. You cannot distribute snus for retail sale in that current without going through SM.

                          Nobody seemed to have noticed any quality issues with it, as far as customers are concerned, but all of a sudden as it's getting a bit successful, SM tells them to get out. If you're going to try and educate me about the state of things in Sweden, I'd recommend you make sure you understand how things work next time. Swedish Match has an effective monopoly, and any brand which becomes too successful is culled under whatever pretext they can manage. They're currently trying to force BAT, V2 and Gallaher off the market, all under various trumped up pretexts.


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Additionally, people just got used to their snus. For ~60 years, Swedish Match snus(produced by the state) was the only snus available. It then got turned over to Swedish Match in the 60s, which gave them all the snus available in Sweden. Inertia's a powerful force, and when you have the first through tenth most popular brands, it's hard for anyone else to break into the market, when people stick with what they're used to best or not.


                            • TheJanitor
                              • May 2010
                              • 260

                              I did not know about all that honestly. I assumed it was more of a free market than that. My bad.


                              • shikitohno
                                • Jul 2009
                                • 1156

                                Originally posted by TheJanitor View Post
                                I did not know about all that honestly. I assumed it was more of a free market than that. My bad.
                                Nope, no worries, though. I realise my response there sounds kind of dickish, but I couldn't think of another way to rephrase it and get the message across. Regarding being in the minority on this site, one thing to consider is that we're pretty non-traditional users over here. Most of the people on this forum use multiple brands regularly, and often variants of those brands, versus the common one brand/style for life of use in Sweden. And like lx said, they're also got all that time on their side, along with general cultural knowledge. General's the best selling brand over there, but to outsiders, that means nothing. It'd be like showing someone who'd never seen cigarettes a selection of Marb Red, Newports, and Virginia Slims. TO us, it's obvious all the things that go along with each box, but it's meaningless without the relevant cultural background.


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