Gotlandssnus Invests 40 million SEK in a new factory/plant

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  • sharesnusinfo!
    • May 2008
    • 477

    Gotlandssnus Invests 40 million SEK in a new factory/plant

    (See the whole article here "in Swedish")

    Gotlandssnus AB builds a new plant

    By Linus Ehn +46498202464 Updated 2011-07-24

    Several giant markets are opening up
    Gotlandssnus AB is building a new factory in Österby in Visby and expects to hire five more people.

    It is the rising demand for snus, which is located behind the initiative.

    - Today, we sell about 100,000 boxes a month, but we expect to double that figure, says Henrik Jakobsson, co-owner of the company.

    Investing. Henrik Jakobsson and Niclas Johansson, co-owner of Gotlandssnus AB, is planning a new facility behind Spendrups distritution in Visby.

    There is a growing market in the U.S. and the EU may be about to lift the ban on snus, which is located behind the 40-million investment on Gotland.

    - Snus take increasing shares of the tobacco market in the U.S.. Today, smokeless tobacco, 7 percent of the total tobacco market in the country, but we expect it to grow to 30 percent, says Niclas Johansson, production manager.

    Investing in India
    Gotland Snus is also under way to make a major investment in India.

    - Snus will become very global, but so far it's part security around India, says Henrik Jakobsson.

    The EU is also preparing new regulations on tobacco and the industry expects that the ban on snus in the EU are lifted.

    EU is a huge market
    - This opens a huge market directly. Should we take 1-2 percent of the market, so we must be able to deliver much larger quantities, says Henrik Jakobsson.

    As more and more states in the U.S. before the smoking ban so the market is growing tremendously in the West.

    The factory in the U.S.?
    - Today, sold one billion cans a year. If the market is growing 7-30 percent, one can only imagine how it would affect us. It may be that we are building a factory in the U.S., says Niclas Johansson.

    Gotlandssnus AB has 15 employees and expects to have 20 employees by the end of the year.

    The company is housed today in the abandoned sugar mill in Roma, but the premises are now too small.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Congratulations Jimmy! You guys will be able to use the old plant for some new los products ;^)


    • Kersentaart
      • Jul 2010
      • 43

      Congratulations! Gotlandssnus has been one my favorite manufacturers of quality snus. Some new products would be very welcome aswell.


      • heders
        • Jan 2011
        • 2227

        Congrats! Pure awesomeness!


        • sharesnusinfo!
          • May 2008
          • 477

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          Congratulations Jimmy! You guys will be able to use the old plant for some new los products ;^)
          I will discuss that idea with Henrik


          • precious007
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 5885

            Wow awesome, happy to hear that these guys are taking the next big step to double/triple their income and skyrocket the business.

            40 million SEK is some serious money, wished I had those on my hand now. (LOL)



            • jmdkodiak
              • Mar 2011
              • 218


              I really like Gotlandsnus products. I wish the Gotlandsnus snus was still made. But Jakobssons is really good too. One of my every day snus'. Just wish the stupid warning labels weren't on it. I don't mind the sweeter flavor. I didn't like it at first but got used to it.

              Make some more traditional/strong/tobacco flavored stuff!

              Nicotine around 12mg/g would be awesome.

              Oh, also, I want to visit Gotland one day. I saw a bunch of pictures of it on a wall in Ikea one day in Atlanta, GA which prompted me to do more research, and it looks beautiful!


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                Originally posted by sharesnusinfo!
                The factory in the U.S.?
                - Today, sold one billion cans a year. If the market is growing 7-30 percent, one can only imagine how it would affect us. It may be that we are building a factory in the U.S., says Niclas Johansson.
                Bring it on! I'm sure you could find some applicants here


                • stubby2
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 436

                  And then there is the Gotlands plain and Flander los. Am I seeing some Gotlands plain portions in the future?


                  • Lcarvone
                    • May 2011
                    • 425

                    Originally posted by jmdkodiak

                    Make some more traditional/strong/tobacco flavored stuff!

                    Nicotine around 12mg/g would be awesome.
                    +1 to this


                    • nicodude
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 688

                      Its good to hear that your expanding but you really need to update your product portfolios. In my honest personal opinion, jaks is crap, ive never liked any of it and renaming good well know quality snus as jaks is not a move I would recommend. I understand you all want to go where the money is but you need to make products that will please everyone. Gotlandssnus pretty much drove away my business, I used to use gul los alot, I would use flader los alot, and I would use plain los somewhat too. Now the only thing from gotlands that I will buy is the anis los, and the second you guys discontinue the los and switch the portions to jaks label is the day gotlands looses my business forever

                      I don't like portions, and rarely ever use them, and I definitely do not want anything with the jaks name on it.

                      Granted I speak soley for myself and this is my own personal opinion, I am sure others will differ to some degree.

                      Just my 2 pennies...


                      • bpc720
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 188

                        This is indeed very good and exciting news. Im glad that you're company is doing so well. However I must agree with nicodude. The jakobssons cans have less portions with no price drop and the cans themselves aren't that great. That being said though, the flavor and quality of jaks is excellent. The gotlands cans are the best cans on the market as far as I'm concerned. They have a really nice sealing effect that keeps the snus way more moist for a hell of a lot longer than any of your competitors. I still have a ton of gotlands cans that i will re-use over and over again for other brands of los. Gotlands Gul los is/was the snus of the gods. I have never, nor do I expect to ever find a better los. Those samples you sent out were also amazing and should definitely be on the market...I dream about those samples.

                        you guys make the best snus in the world
                        Keep up the good work
                        and please for the love of god MORE LOS!!!


                        • ABW
                          • May 2011
                          • 793

                          Originally posted by chadizzy1
                          Bring it on! I'm sure you could find some applicants here
                          Arizona is business friendly!!


                          • GoVegan
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 5603

                            Originally posted by ABW
                            Arizona is business friendly!!
                            Unless your an illegal immigrant or a Democrat. Bring it to California! We love everybody!


                            • sharesnusinfo!
                              • May 2008
                              • 477

                              Originally posted by jmdkodiak

                              I really like Gotlandsnus products. I wish the Gotlandsnus snus was still made. But Jakobssons is really good too. One of my every day snus'. Just wish the stupid warning labels weren't on it. I don't mind the sweeter flavor. I didn't like it at first but got used to it.

                              Make some more traditional/strong/tobacco flavored stuff!

                              Nicotine around 12mg/g would be awesome.

                              Oh, also, I want to visit Gotland one day. I saw a bunch of pictures of it on a wall in Ikea one day in Atlanta, GA which prompted me to do more research, and it looks beautiful!
                              Some pics on Gotland, You are always welcome to visit us here at Gotlandssnus!


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