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Gotlandssnus AB builds a new plant
By Linus Ehn +46498202464 Updated 2011-07-24
Several giant markets are opening up
Gotlandssnus AB is building a new factory in Österby in Visby and expects to hire five more people.
It is the rising demand for snus, which is located behind the initiative.
- Today, we sell about 100,000 boxes a month, but we expect to double that figure, says Henrik Jakobsson, co-owner of the company.
Investing. Henrik Jakobsson and Niclas Johansson, co-owner of Gotlandssnus AB, is planning a new facility behind Spendrups distritution in Visby.
There is a growing market in the U.S. and the EU may be about to lift the ban on snus, which is located behind the 40-million investment on Gotland.
- Snus take increasing shares of the tobacco market in the U.S.. Today, smokeless tobacco, 7 percent of the total tobacco market in the country, but we expect it to grow to 30 percent, says Niclas Johansson, production manager.
Investing in India
Gotland Snus is also under way to make a major investment in India.
- Snus will become very global, but so far it's part security around India, says Henrik Jakobsson.
The EU is also preparing new regulations on tobacco and the industry expects that the ban on snus in the EU are lifted.
EU is a huge market
- This opens a huge market directly. Should we take 1-2 percent of the market, so we must be able to deliver much larger quantities, says Henrik Jakobsson.
As more and more states in the U.S. before the smoking ban so the market is growing tremendously in the West.
The factory in the U.S.?
- Today, sold one billion cans a year. If the market is growing 7-30 percent, one can only imagine how it would affect us. It may be that we are building a factory in the U.S., says Niclas Johansson.
Gotlandssnus AB has 15 employees and expects to have 20 employees by the end of the year.
The company is housed today in the abandoned sugar mill in Roma, but the premises are now too small.
Gotlandssnus AB builds a new plant
By Linus Ehn +46498202464 Updated 2011-07-24
Several giant markets are opening up
Gotlandssnus AB is building a new factory in Österby in Visby and expects to hire five more people.
It is the rising demand for snus, which is located behind the initiative.
- Today, we sell about 100,000 boxes a month, but we expect to double that figure, says Henrik Jakobsson, co-owner of the company.
Investing. Henrik Jakobsson and Niclas Johansson, co-owner of Gotlandssnus AB, is planning a new facility behind Spendrups distritution in Visby.
There is a growing market in the U.S. and the EU may be about to lift the ban on snus, which is located behind the 40-million investment on Gotland.
- Snus take increasing shares of the tobacco market in the U.S.. Today, smokeless tobacco, 7 percent of the total tobacco market in the country, but we expect it to grow to 30 percent, says Niclas Johansson, production manager.
Investing in India
Gotland Snus is also under way to make a major investment in India.
- Snus will become very global, but so far it's part security around India, says Henrik Jakobsson.
The EU is also preparing new regulations on tobacco and the industry expects that the ban on snus in the EU are lifted.
EU is a huge market
- This opens a huge market directly. Should we take 1-2 percent of the market, so we must be able to deliver much larger quantities, says Henrik Jakobsson.
As more and more states in the U.S. before the smoking ban so the market is growing tremendously in the West.
The factory in the U.S.?
- Today, sold one billion cans a year. If the market is growing 7-30 percent, one can only imagine how it would affect us. It may be that we are building a factory in the U.S., says Niclas Johansson.
Gotlandssnus AB has 15 employees and expects to have 20 employees by the end of the year.
The company is housed today in the abandoned sugar mill in Roma, but the premises are now too small.