US Federal Tax Proposal ACT Now!

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Here's how I see it...

    20% people use tobacco
    15% are sympathetic due to liberty issues
    Everyone else wants free money

    The numbers don't look good for us. Did I miss anything?


    • TheOneandOnly
      • Jun 2009
      • 616

      Whats the increase on cigarettes?


      • Jwalker
        • May 2010
        • 1067

        I doubt that will pass, doing another increase on cigarettes would probably push smuggling over the edge from grey to black, it certainly creates a marketing opportunity I mean when cigs are 6 dollars a pack in the deep south how will people react.

        However I have absolutely no doubt that smokeless tobacco will have a higher federal tax on it eventually.


        • shikitohno
          • Jul 2009
          • 1156

          If I'm reading it right, cigarettes double in federal tax. Man, this just makes me glad that I've got friends in other countries that aren't as crazy that'd be willing to send some on for me.


          • Jwalker
            • May 2010
            • 1067

            Yeah that's actually 2.78 a pack I think, right now it's 1.39, that would definitely have an impact without doubt in making people think where can I get this stuff cheaper.


            • AtreyuKun
              • Aug 2009
              • 1223

              I'll probably just quit. I mean, that's what they obviously want. Fvck the government. You don't have a ****ing say. I don't have a ****ing say. This never was, nor will it ever be a democracy.
              Our pockets are not deep enough to buy a say in what goes on in this ****ed up country. All these politicians are prostitutes in three piece suits. **** the sorry whores. Filthy cocksuckers.


              • spirit72
                • Apr 2008
                • 1013

                Wow, I bet John Boehner is gonna be pissed.

                (Also.........psssssssst. They haven't gotten around to nasal snuff yet.)


                • CoderGuy
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2679

                  Originally posted by AtreyuKun
                  I'll probably just quit. I mean, that's what they obviously want. Fvck the government. You don't have a ****ing say. I don't have a ****ing say. This never was, nor will it ever be a democracy.
                  Our pockets are not deep enough to buy a say in what goes on in this ****ed up country. All these politicians are prostitutes in three piece suits. **** the sorry whores. Filthy cocksuckers.
                  So eloquently put, mirrors my feelings

                  The thing that sux is if you quit, they win, if you don't, they win. Or another way to put it... we f**ken lose either way.


                  • ABW
                    • May 2011
                    • 793

                    I think they are forgeting a major point... What the **** are they going to do when everyone quits? Do you know how much tax revenue they will lose? They are shooting themselves in the makes zero sense..

                    Then they will have to go tax something else to make up the lost revenue.. Humm.. I wonder what that we be? Your guess is as good as mine but I promise you this. It won't be pretty.. This assholes are going to tax us to death!! That's all there is to it.

                    Somebody tell me if my math is right please...

                    For portions they want to make the tax 100 dollars per 1000 which equates to 10 cents a portions so a can of 24 will now have a federal tax of 2.40... Correct?


                    • AtreyuKun
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 1223

                      Originally posted by ABW

                      Then they will have to go tax something else to make up the lost revenue.. Humm.. I wonder what that we be? Your guess is as good as mine but I promise you this. It won't be pretty.. This assholes are going to tax us to death!! That's all there is to it.
                      They'll probably start taxing the shot out of sugar. Maybe we'll start seeing $5 candy bars and $3 for a can of soda.


                      • shag1952
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 83

                        I have a friend that works in one of our local Shell stations here, the owner got a fax from somewhere that cigarettes will be going up 2 dollars a pack. He wasn't clear as to why this was. He mumbled something about new taxes. He didn't say if this was federal or state or both. But as far as I know this new bill has yet to pass.


                        • stubby2
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 436

                          I'm gonna bump this one. Speak now or forever hold your tongue. It only takes a few minutes.

                          Bill Godshall has been following this and he thinks it has little chance of passing this time around. So far 14 liberal democrats have signed on in the Senate.

                          Thanks for posting S. 1403, which was introduced on July 21, and referred to the Senate Finance Committee, chaired by Mac Baucus (who isn't a sponsor of the bill), with Orrin Hatch its ranking member.

                          As introduced, S. 1403 would:
                          Double the cigarette, RYO and small cigar tax rate (from $1.0066 to $2.01 per/pack),
                          Increase the pipe tobacco tax 17 fold (from $2.8311 to $49.55 per pound, or to $2.01 per pack if used as RYO),
                          Increase the snuff tax 18 fold (from $1.51 to $26.79 per lb., or from $.0944 to $1.675 per ounce),
                          Tax dissolvables, snus and other portioned smokeless products at $.10 per dose unit portion),
                          Tax e-cigarettes at the same rate as far more hazardous tobacco cigarettes, and
                          Adjust all tobacco tax rates for inflation annually.

                          Existing federal tobacco tax rates are at TTBGov Tax and Fee Rates

                          The bill would amend the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and it appears that much of new revenue would fund education programs for folks with disabilities (but need to analyze the annually expanding appropriations in more detail, as the tax revenue won't be increasing annually).

                          Please note that ALL 14 sponsors are Democrats (mostly liberals), which importantly means NO Republicans, so its a partisan bill.
                          Also note that the Dems cannot get anything approved by the Senate without support from at least several Republicans, and that the bill is likely to be DOA in the Republican controlled House even if it's approved by the Senate.

                          All 11 Republicans (except perhaps Snowe of ME) on the Senate Finance Committee The United States Senate Committee on Finance: About should be no votes, and Burr (NC) will lead the opposition. Of the 14 Democrats on the committee, our best targets are likely to be Rockefeller (WV), Nelson (FL) and Conrad (ND), although we should contact all committee members.

                          Even if the Finance Cmte approves the bill (or something similar), there are at least several (and perhaps a half dozen or more) Democrats in the Senate that probably could be convinced to oppose the bill, especially if we generate some opposition, including Kay Hagan of NC (who will oppose the bill), Webb and/or Warner of VA, Nelson of NE, Landrieu of LA, Tester of MT, Rockefeller and/or Manchin of WV, Pryor of AR, Casey of PA.

                          Our biggest threat (of any tobacco tax legislation moving forward) is if its included in a mandatory spending bill by the Senate Finance Committee.

                          I'd give this bill between a zero and 1% chance of passage in this session of Congress, although its possible that Congress may enact a smaller tax increase on various tobacco products as part of larger deficit reduction measure.



                          • spinyeel
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 175

                            Originally posted by AtreyuKun
                            They'll probably start taxing the shot out of sugar. Maybe we'll start seeing $5 candy bars and $3 for a can of soda.
                            ha ha! They look like current Australian prices.


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