New General Bullet Proof Can

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  • spirit72
    • Apr 2008
    • 1013

    I'll be impressed when they make a General can that can withstand a direct nuclear strike.

    I'll get vaporized, obviously, but the snus will stay fresh for whoever trips over the can later on.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Originally posted by spirit72
      I'll be impressed when they make a General can that can withstand a direct nuclear strike.

      I'll get vaporized, obviously, but the snus will stay fresh for whoever trips over the can later on.
      I like this idea...
      Just make it out of the same shit as this...

      That kevlar can sounds awesome. I still want one of the damn Onyx Carbon Fiber cans! They look soooo clean!


      • Xakz
        • Aug 2011
        • 79

        Snusify, are you still using your bullet proof can? - It's either this for me or a snus box from icetool. We'll see how much it goes for.


        • chadizzy1
          • May 2009
          • 7432

          Originally posted by Xakz
          Snusify, are you still using your bullet proof can? - It's either this for me or a snus box from icetool. We'll see how much it goes for.
          The bullet proof can is cool, but large and impractical. I think it's if you're a serious collector and have a swag stash.
          The ice tool can is practical and good for daily use.


          • TheJanitor
            • May 2010
            • 260

            I'd buy it, then promptly throw the Onyx in the trash where it belongs.


            • c.nash
              Banned Users
              • May 2010
              • 3511

              Originally posted by Xakz
              Snusify, are you still using your bullet proof can? - It's either this for me or a snus box from icetool. We'll see how much it goes for.
              The bullet proof can is too big, bulky and heavy for everyday use.
              The icetool cans are much better for day to day use. And they have a great seal.


              • Owens187
                • Sep 2009
                • 1547

                Nash clear your inbox, I can't message you!


                • Xakz
                  • Aug 2011
                  • 79

                  Originally posted by chadizzy1
                  The bullet proof can is cool, but large and impractical. I think it's if you're a serious collector and have a swag stash. The ice tool can is practical and good for daily use.
                  Originally posted by c.nash
                  The bullet proof can is too big, bulky and heavy for everyday use.
                  The icetool cans are much better for day to day use. And they have a great seal.
                  Ok, well thanks guys. Still, it might be nice to use at home then, depends on the premium they're asking. Not long to go before it goes on sale and it's almost time to put in my next order.


                  • Mill
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 198

                    The ice tool is cool and you will probably end up using it a lot. I use mine a few times a day and it will save you money.

                    The bullet proof can is a must if you are hard core about the fact that snus is better than smoking and you want to make that statement. Have never carried my can anywhere but it looks good- and bullet proof - on the desk where a pack of cigs used to sit.

                    You'll find a lot of people asking you about snus when they see it but it adds a good bit of bulk to a normal snus can and I doubt you would carry it either. Don't have an icetool snus can yet but they seem to be the same size as a normal snus can.


                    • Mill
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 198

                      I should add that the can I have seems to have labels top and bottom that are clear plastic with the logo and lettering on it. It seems if the plastic came off so would the writing and you would be left with just a can.

                      This might be why the new can is engraved rather than a label.


                      • Xakz
                        • Aug 2011
                        • 79

                        Originally posted by Mill
                        You'll find a lot of people asking you about snus when they see it but it adds a good bit of bulk to a normal snus can and I doubt you would carry it either. Don't have an icetool snus can yet but they seem to be the same size as a normal snus can.
                        I'm a very discreet snus user. Don't like to show off my snus out in public or at work because they'll be curious and want to try it out! lol. Most times people can't stand it and spit it out and it gets wasted. I don't order much because of the tobacco taxes here are over $300 per kilo. I tell them it's chewing tobacco! ~ That keeps them satisfied and they soon lose interest. - It just depends. I'll certainly share with a fellow "snuser" of course or a tobacco enthusiast as the whole point is enjoyment.
                        As far as the bullet proof can goes, I certainly wouldn't mind one for keep sakes. I do like the idea that you can place a whole can inside the can, shown in snusify's youtube video.

                        @ 5mins 20 seconds into the video


                        • shikitohno
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 1156

                          I carry the old tin around in the winter. Fits nicely in the chest pocket on a flannel jacket, and keeps me safe as long as nobody shoots the other 99% of my body. I might grab one of these if I'm putting in and order anyway, as I'd rather have the embossed one than the old one with the janky stickers. Besides, how much swag do we get in the US post-PACT anyway? I miss getting all sorts of free stuff with every Buysnus order I used to make. Free General icetool, skruf money clip, prismasters and bottle openers are still floating around my house. I could be wrong, but I don't think they do that any more, right?


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432

                            Originally posted by shikitohno
                            I could be wrong, but I don't think they do that any more, right?
                            Nope. Tobacco Control Act made that kinda stuff illegal.


                            • EricHill78
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 4253

                              Chad look a blast from the past lol..


                              • shikitohno
                                • Jul 2009
                                • 1156

                                As I feared. Oh well. Wait a second, I've got an idea. Chad, let's start a business. We'll make money clips, shirts, towels and all that stuff, and as an added incentive, we'll throw in company branded snus as swag. That should fly. You can't give away anything except more tobacco as an incentive for customers to buy more, but nobody said you can't give away snus as an incentive to buy more money clips and hoodies, right? :รพ


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