Knekt, a new cheaper snus from BAT

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  • BlueSaint
    • May 2011
    • 195

    Knekt, a new cheaper snus from BAT

    Knekt is a new budget snus which has entered some stores here in Sweden. But there is actually no information at all on internet except that the portions are 16g and 18g.

    I found only a picture on the white version (there are original portion and white, no lös)

    And those who have bought it says it's kinda bad because the portions are small and it's pretty tasteless, it does smell very odd too. But I personally haven't tried it yet, so I don't have an opinion.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    I was just looking up Gringo snus, which of course isn't available in the USA, and saw Knekt lössnus. It comes in a 37g tin. Are people really this stupid? A snus becomes "budget" when you put less in the tin? I'm in the wrong business. I need to start selling budget lössnus in 1g tins. I'll charge 50¢ per tin. That's quite the bargain, no? Btw, Knekt isn't available in the USA either, so we can't avail ourselves of that amazing deal :^S


    • Jan
      • Oct 2008
      • 439

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      I was just looking up Gringo snus, which of course isn't available in the USA, and saw Knekt lössnus. It comes in a 37g tin. Are people really this stupid? A snus becomes "budget" when you put less in the tin? I'm in the wrong business. I need to start selling budget lössnus in 1g tins. I'll charge 50¢ per tin. That's quite the bargain, no? Btw, Knekt isn't available in the USA either, so we can't avail ourselves of that amazing deal :^S
      Your absolutely right, what you need to consider is the price for a gram of snus, and not the price for a tin.... i wanted to buy get myself a roll of Knekt last time i was in Sweden but the weight scared me off...


      • amzee81
        New Member
        • Oct 2012
        • 1



        • GoVegan
          • Oct 2009
          • 5603

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          I was just looking up Gringo snus, which of course isn't available in the USA, and saw Knekt lössnus. It comes in a 37g tin. Are people really this stupid? A snus becomes "budget" when you put less in the tin? I'm in the wrong business. I need to start selling budget lössnus in 1g tins. I'll charge 50¢ per tin. That's quite the bargain, no? Btw, Knekt isn't available in the USA either, so we can't avail ourselves of that amazing deal :^S
          It seems like the tins keep getting smaller everytime a new snus is released.


          • Frankie Reloaded
            Banned Users
            • Jan 2011
            • 541

            Snus2 sells snus per kilogram, but now not to the EU

            Bloody EUSSR


            • Nuusku
              • Aug 2011
              • 993

              You can truly taste the cheapness in it


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