Congratulations Chad and Nash

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Originally posted by Experimental Monkey
    I was hoping that was a video of a plane crashing and burning, which is exactly what you should let happen to this shit feat full of self righteous pricks called SnusOn. Apparently PP has been too busy overcharging chumps for shitty snus to get this problem resolved already.
    It's easy to sit on your ass, and whine about shit instead of doing something about it. Regardless of my personal feelings about YetAnotherTobaccoSite, at least Chad and Nash are putting some effort into doing what they want. Beats being a whiny bitch...


    • jagmanss
      • Jul 2010
      • 12213

      Originally posted by Experimental Monkey
      I was hoping that was a video of a plane crashing and burning, which is exactly what you should let happen to this shit feat full of self righteous pricks called SnusOn. Apparently PP has been too busy overcharging chumps for shitty snus to get this problem resolved already.
      Dude! In my opinion your comments as of late have been rude and inappropriate.... If you feel that way about SnusOn then leave or just take a long walk off a short pier...


      • GoVegan
        • Oct 2009
        • 5603

        Originally posted by Veganpunk
        I signed up, but I will always be a member of SnusOn. It's my internet family. There's room on the interwebs for both.
        Agreed and the world would be a much nicer place if we all felt like this.


        • Experimental Monkey
          • Mar 2010
          • 795

          Originally posted by jagmanss
          Dude! In my opinion your comments as of late have been rude and inappropriate.... If you feel that way about SnusOn then leave or just take a long walk off a short pier...
          No I'm just pissed at everyone here dogging Chad and Nash just because they started another website. Then there's the mindless bandwagon jumpers who just join suit. There's a reason I don't post here anymore. I just had to make a comeback to speak my mind before leaving. This place is nowhere near the community it was 1 1/2 - 2 years ago. Sage was a dick, but he predicted this place going to Hell perfectly.


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            Good - I can see that everyone agrees with me since there have been no posts after mine. Now everyone shut up, shake hands and enjoy the snus!


            • EricHill78
              • Jun 2010
              • 4253

              Wow 5 pages!

              Anyways I will be active on both sites myself.. Many of you I do consider friends and that is the same even if there is a change of scenery. As long as I get to converse with you all on a regular basis im in great shape.


              • GoVegan
                • Oct 2009
                • 5603

                Originally posted by EricHill78
                Wow 5 pages!

                Anyways I will be active on both sites myself.. Many of you I do consider friends and that is the same even if there is a change of scenery. As long as I get to converse with you all on a regular basis im in great shape.
                Kind of like being in a harem - no?


                • myuserid
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 1645

                  Originally posted by Experimental Monkey
                  No I'm just pissed at everyone here dogging Chad and Nash just because they started another website. Then there's the mindless bandwagon jumpers who just join suit. There's a reason I don't post here anymore. I just had to make a comeback to speak my mind before leaving. This place is nowhere near the community it was 1 1/2 - 2 years ago. Sage was a dick, but he predicted this place going to Hell perfectly.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by Experimental Monkey
                    No I'm just pissed at everyone here dogging Chad and Nash just because they started another website. Then there's the mindless bandwagon jumpers who just join suit. There's a reason I don't post here anymore. I just had to make a comeback to speak my mind before leaving. This place is nowhere near the community it was 1 1/2 - 2 years ago. Sage was a dick, but he predicted this place going to Hell perfectly.
                    If you don't like it here, YOU fscked it up. Content here is 100% user generated. Don't like content? blame yourself. Outside of 4chan, you're not going to find a forum that gives you more freedom. You have the freedom to create art. You have the freedom to create bullshit. You have the freedom to lead discussion, and set the forum's direction. You also have the freedom to STFU if you aren't willing to create, and want to offload the creation on everyone else...


                    • Veganpunk
                      • Jun 2009
                      • 5381

                      Originally posted by lxskllr
                      If you don't like it here, YOU fscked it up. Content here is 100% user generated. Don't like content? blame yourself. Outside of 4chan, you're not going to find a forum that gives you more freedom. You have the freedom to create art. You have the freedom to create bullshit. You have the freedom to lead discussion, and set the forum's direction. You also have the freedom to STFU if you aren't willing to create, and want to offload the creation on everyone else...

                      Wow. that was really well said.


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Good lord we are a tolerant bunch

                        We have just given chad and nash 5 pages of free publicity for a site that in many ways is a duplicate of this one
                        Question: will chad and nash return the favor and show the same good will (already chad has posted a big announcement about Gellivare and Landstroms on the front page of his site with no mention that he first heard that announcement here on this forum from Rick Charles) ..........but we are the assholes

                        We constantly give space to Larry and snuscentral to tell folks about new developments on his site, explain shipping mix ups, and etc.
                        Question: have you ever EVEN ONCE seen Frank posting the latest deals at Northerner over at snuscentral.....or seen members from here absolutely bashing SC on their own site.......How do you think it would be received long until Frank or his groupies would be banned never to return...........and yet we are the assholes

                        Look I could care less what chad and nash want to do or what Experimental Monkey and Myuserid think about it one way or another.

                        For my part…………. give me something I can get behind

                        Chad does reviews very well………….they have helped countless people.

                        I never thought snuson should have a review section………….I thought we should link to chads reviews.
                        I never thought we should have a snuff section………….snuffhouse does snuff very well…………why reinvent the wheel……… to snuffhouse and in turn let them link to us
                        Larry does in depth articles very well……….snuson does discussion and one on one help very well………each brings something needed and different………and each does their part well
                        Let Tropical Bob link us to the best site for E-cigarettes……where there are folks who are passionate and know their stuff………….

                        In other words………..rather than duplication, competition and dilution……….there should be consolidation, strength in numbers, and confederation.

                        But do you know what chad does not do well………..forums…..regardless of whether you love him or hate him you can not deny that his presence is polarizing…………….and yet a forum is exactly what chad is starting……..he is playing to his weakness…..and that is dumb

                        Nash got his following from doing you tube videos………….I assume he does them well. Chad keeps telling us all the inside connections he has all over the industry

                        Why then would these two people not play to their strength?

                        Let them gear a site toward insider videos…………..Called it Snusvision

                        Every week they do an interview (via skype or whatever)………..with an industry leader, policy maker, vender……..the guy from PA who is lobbying for snus…..the possibility is endless…..

                        Announce your guest and topic ahead of time and let people post questions…….chose the best to ask that week’s guest

                        Then after the interview you have forum space for people to discuss it



                        But instead all I see is a scaled back version of snuson just with different prefab templates

                        And to me………….IMHO……….that’s not new…….or exacting…….. or even particularly interesting………

                        instead its little more than petty larceny
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          All great points Dog, and they follow my line of thought exactly. Imo, a project fork should be a last resort. There's strength in numbers, and with more eyes looking at a problem, better results can be obtained. It works for FOSS, and it can work with analog information too :^)


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432

                            Originally posted by lxskllr
                            at least Chad and Nash are putting some effort into doing what they want.
                            LX - Thanks! We're hoping it does well. It's been a lot of work to get it going so we're hoping to continue moving forward and educating and informing!

                            'Dog - Just to speak on a few things, most of your post is really objective, but I did want to at least mention a few things.

                            Originally posted by Snusdog
                            Question: will chad and nash return the favor and show the same good will (already chad has posted a big announcement about Gellivare and Landstroms on the front page of his site with no mention that he first heard that announcement here on this forum from Rick Charles) ..........but we are the assholes
                            To clarify, I heard this information from a contact at Gellivare a few minutes before I posted that information. I was waiting until I actually heard it from them before I wrote anything about it, regardless of "who said it first here". Just FYI. I wanted to make sure before I shared it that it was direct from them before I posted it.

                            Originally posted by Snusdog
                            Question: have you ever EVEN ONCE seen Frank posting the latest deals at Northerner over at snuscentral.....or seen members from here absolutely bashing SC on their own site.......How do you think it would be received long until Frank or his groupies would be banned never to return...........and yet we are the assholes
                            I know this doesn't really relate to our site, but in case we haven't mentioned it or clarified, we have a Northerner/GetSnus space along with space for everyone else. So if anyone thinks we started a site just to "bash" Northerner or SnusOn - I wanted to clarify that we also gave Northerner equal space at our site too.

                            The rest of it your post is really objective so I won't really say anything about it - everyone can form their own opinion about me, Nash, our site, SnusOn, other stores, etc etc etc. As I've said before, the more sites/forums/blogs/YouTube channels out there - the better! People may find SnusOn and not like it, they may find our site and like it. People may find GoSmokeless and not like it - and find SnusOn and like it more. If so, great! The more sites out there the better because it will continue to help grow snus in America and spread awareness around the world.

                            Thanks for all your kind words and well wishes! We appreciate it!


                            • Ephemeris
                              • Oct 2010
                              • 184

                              My take on it is this:

                              There's twice as many smokeless tobacco users in the world than there is pipe smokers. Yet look at the number of pipe smoking forums on the web. I counted ten "major" pipe forums in just a quick google search. By that formula, we should have at least twenty smokeless tobacco forums in the world... but we don't. We've basically got three, and two are dedicated to snus. Why not start a smokeless forum?

                              And ultimately, it's not up to Chad and Nash whether their site is a success, it's from the people that go there. Just like Snuscentral and Snuson, Gosmokeless will be known by the company it keeps. If a bunch of assclowns and junior high dip thugs take over, people will cease to visit. I'm sure that there exists new potential members out there that don't feel at home at either Snuson or Snuscentral, and maybe they'll feel comfortable at Gosmokeless. And after awhile, there'll be new people that don't feel comfortable at any of the "big three", so somebody will start a fourth forum, then a fifth, and so on. Hell, someone might even come along and start another smokeless tobacco magazine!

                              So I think that there's always room for a new toy in our sandbox. There's no use in everyone crowding around the middle and ignoring the rest of the sand.


                              • chadizzy1
                                • May 2009
                                • 7432

                                Originally posted by Ephemeris
                                If a bunch of assclowns and junior high dip thugs take over, people will cease to visit.
                                This was one thing Nash and I were going to watch really closely, it's something we talked about in the beginning. The last thing I wanted was for it to turn into that SMPOST or whatever it was called, haha. Lots of close moderation has been going on, that's for sure. It's been a lot of work!


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