you would be a fool to believe that no one in any circumstance cant find a way to get into a server. all it takes is an open port someone opened to fix something or remote in and forgot to close it or forgot to update a security patch and boom someones in poking around. There are several known exploits .. if known and not patched/fixed its like a open door to hackers that know what they are looking for
you would be a fool to believe that no one in any circumstance cant find a way to get into a server. all it takes is an open port someone opened to fix something or remote in and forgot to close it or forgot to update a security patch and boom someones in poking around. There are several known exploits .. if known and not patched/fixed its like a open door to hackers that know what they are looking for
In my lifetime I have gotten into many a server. All I have to do is put on the charm, place my food order and wait till she gets off of work.
Talk about poking around an open port........
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
dude, there's never holes in the server of any sort.
You better get yourself a copy of AVG and try to protect your computer better.
These guys have sent you a little piece of code that basically got your ftp login / Can bet that's what happened. Without a user name and a password there was no way they could access the files on your server.
my 0.2
lol.. Well that's exactly what happened. The host even acknowledged it.
they would have still needed a username and a password to access
your files.
Anyways IF that's what happened I guess you need to switch from
to another hosting provider: I'd recommend HostGator or 1and1. (BTW 1and1 gives you the first 3 months free of charge.
In my lifetime I have gotten into many a server. All I have to do is put on the charm, place my food order and wait till she gets off of work.
Talk about poking around an open port........
Dirty old dog - but also a refreshing change of subject from all this technical server stuff.
I mean I'm at the state where I messed up changing the insides of my PC(the motherboard, not the basic stuff.. I'm not that retarded).
they would have still needed a username and a password to access
your files.
Anyways IF that's what happened I guess you need to switch from
to another hosting provider: I'd recommend HostGator or 1and1. (BTW 1and1 gives you the first 3 months free of charge.
No they don't. I mean ideal world but that is exactly what cracking is. It is pretty obvious you don't work in IT security nor have you ever been on the other side of the equation and cracked a server.
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