Want Coffee & Brandy Alexander snus?

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Want Coffee & Brandy Alexander snus?

    Mods - feel free to delete this if you feel it's thread is in bad taste.

    But since it relates to PP & Whalen's beloved snus (and mine as well) I figured ya might let this one slide.

    Like V2 Tobacco on Facebook!

    And spread the word. Why?

    They're currently at 258 likes today, if they get to 500 by 1Jan2012 -
    V2 says : "if we are 500 members [likes] 1. jan 2012 - you will get Coffe and the brandy snus in 2012 :-)"

    Brandy of course refers to my beloved and gone 2009 Brandy Alexander and I can assume the Coffe snus is PP's beloved Coffee Vanilla!

    Help make this happen!
  • BadAxe
    • Jan 2010
    • 631

    Done. Not even sure if either of those SNUS are for me. But for you guys, anything. Plus, Thunder is my daily snus, so V2 is alright in my book.


    • whalen
      • May 2009
      • 6593

      Done! Although PP is the real V2 coffee fiend! I was trying to get GN to make a vanilla though, I just love vanilla. But if V2 makes enough for both of us then PP can buy them all and be set for a while. Lower nic is the key, since we are both needing lower nic portions, actually I think maintaining on 8 Mg is the way to go.
      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


      • pris

        But what will GN do with all those lovely high-nic tobacco plants he has in his garden? :-)

        Nah, just yanking chain, I'm sure it could all be governed through the pH or something.


        • shortiee4
          • Jun 2008
          • 115

          Done. Hope we get to 500. Never got to try that flavor.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435



            • chadizzy1
              • May 2009
              • 7432

              Thanks guys! Brandy Alexander is fabulous, once you try it you'll see how amazing it is.


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432

                258 yesterday, 285 today!

                Getting there!


                • Mikko
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 103

                  The BIGGEST snus news of 2011-2012!

                  If V2 Tobacco gets 500 likes on facebook by 1 January 2012 then they will release Nordstrømmen Brandy Alexander løs snus! This used to be in V2's line back in 2009 but they discontinued it because it was limited edition. Now they will bring it back if they get the 500 likes. I have never tried it before but Chad (chadizzy1) says it is an AMAZING snus and I am excited to try it for the first time. So without further adieu, do your part ladies and gentlemen and we can make 2012 a good year for snus!

                  EDIT: I believe Chad posted about this in the Snus Accessories section, so Mods, feel free to delete this if it seems redundant

                  EDIT 2: It seems they have merged my thread into Chad's, feel free to ignore the redundant information but do enjoy Chad's video if you haven't seen it already!

                  Like V2 Tobacco's facebook page, they are at 285 likes and counting!


                  Here is Chad's info on this snus:


                  • chadizzy1
                    • May 2009
                    • 7432

                    Originally posted by Jed121
                    None of the links work for me and when I search nothing comes up.. What's the name of the V2 page?
                    On their website there's a box so you can LIKE them on Facebook if you can't actually find them on FB.
                    It's mid-way down the page.


                    • Ephemeris
                      • Oct 2010
                      • 184

                      Talk about disappointing! I thought you were going to say that the price of snus was coming down a dollar or two a can.

                      Brandy Alexander was OK, a bit on the bland side. Definitely not as good as some of the others from that year's line (Chocolate Raspberry and Mandarine come to mind). IIRC, the Brandy Alexander took forever to sell out and was still in stock long after the other flavors were gone, so I doubt that there's enough interest to bring it back. But then again, V2 made a special run of Coffee Vanilla, so anything's possible.


                      • WolfenJack
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 140

                        Is there really that much difference in taste between the los and portion? I haven't tried any los yet.


                        • mattarios
                          • Nov 2011
                          • 110

                          Never tried this stuff, would love to try it. Liked their page, up to 290 likes, lets go people!


                          • mattarios
                            • Nov 2011
                            • 110

                            Just liked the page. I would love to try this stuff, sounds like something I'd really enjoy!


                            • jagmanss
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 12213

                              Liked! I'm going to go on my wifes facebook and like it there too...

                              This is epic! I have been hoping for this, I wish V2 was also offering The Chocolate Raspberry, But this is at least something, I have been wanting to try this one and will order a boat load.... Too bad they just don't bring it back without all the fuss...... I just hope their Facebook Page gets to 500 likes by 1 January 2012.... Looks like we are well on our way... Cool!

                              Chad, Do you know if the Brandy Alexander will be offered in both Portions and Los?


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