Just bought koolsnus.com,luckystrikesnus.com and winstonsnus.com

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  • kozleek
    Banned Users
    • Dec 2011
    • 53

    Just bought koolsnus.com,luckystrikesnus.com and winstonsnus.com

    Today I registered 3 domains - koolsnus.com,luckystrikesnus.com and winstonsnus.com.I spent $15 and I am hoping one day a big tobacco company layer will knock on my door,while holding a bag full of cash.I guess there is not Winston snus yet and Kool snus test marketing was not a big hit .I don't know about Luckystrike snus deal,is it avalaible in US ? Maybe I just wasted $15 or maybe I have 3 long run lottery tickets .There are still plenty snus domains avalaible in Canada(maybe worthless) and Europe [it might be good bet,after end of EU snus ban)
  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    Good domains to have in your portfolio, but they're "brand name" + "keyword"

    you can expect to get a few couple hundreds for one of them maybe... but be sure that they're not interested in them, they would have registered them before you even thought about it, lewl.

    I'm talking out of my experience with domains on a larger scale, hadn't had any luck, plus the renewals yearly cost you more $30 for 3 domains.

    P.S Kool and Winston doesn't make snus I think.

    Good luck :^)


    • kozleek
      Banned Users
      • Dec 2011
      • 53

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Kool_snus.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	62.5 KB
ID:	596124
      In 2007 they were testing this snus in Japan,maybe one day they will bring it back


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        Winston Snus?
        Haha is that coming after Basic Snus and Newport Snus?


        • precious007
          Banned Users
          • Sep 2010
          • 5885

          @kozlek didn't know Kool has snus, lewl

          must try it, the cigarettes were pretty good compared to others.


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            Just my opinion but I would be afraid to own those domains. You run the risk of a lawyer coming to your door not with cash but with a lawsuit seeking damages. It doesn't really matter if Kool or Winston are making snus or not. They will still defend those names.


            A better suggestion might be to find a website showing you expiring domains and trade to find a name that is not trademarked that is being let go. 5 letters or less and .com will add to the value. You can resell names on ebay.


            • stones
              • May 2010
              • 111

              Hell Id check to see if any of the snus stores offer affiliate marketing put some banner ads up optimize for search engines and make some fun money while waiting for a big fish to offer a few grand for the domains.


              • kozleek
                Banned Users
                • Dec 2011
                • 53

                Thanks for the info Govegan,even that is not what I wanted to hear.I am just a stupid. naive roofer dreaming to get rich and quit that f...ing job.Well it looks that is not gonna happend anytime soon ...


                • EricHill78
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 4253

                  I was about to scoop www.runka.com but it was taken haha. It's a green store or something. I wonder if they know what it really means. If they do the owner has a great sense of humor.


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    Originally posted by kozleek
                    Thanks for the info Govegan,even that is not what I wanted to hear.I am just a stupid. naive roofer dreaming to get rich and quit that f...ing job.Well it looks that is not gonna happend anytime soon ...
                    I wouldn't say that. It's a nice idea it's just that companies have become vehement about protecting their names. We have come to the point where people are even suing each other over stuff like bad reviews on Yelp to protect their name. One way to try and make money is to predict what products will be hot in the future and then buy websites associated with that product. I have tried to come up with some cool snus website names that aren't taken but it looks like Northerner is way ahead of me and bought them already. LOL!

                    Godaddy.com has a pretty cool auction site here https://auctions.godaddy.com/?ci=55868
                    They do charge some kind of membership fee but I believe it is reasonable. Also, .xxx is open or supposed to be opening soon so you might be able to pick up something there. I do think the odds are against you though. I have known lots of people, including myself, that have bought domain names and have never had anything come to fruition. What seems to be hot now is blogging and services. Maybe you can start a blog about your experiences in roofing in the Czech Republic. Who knows? I am reasonably certain you have seen some wild stuff in your occupation.

                    I heard this term on TV not long ago and it is a bit catchy. I couldn't find the definition for it though but it is available. streetuncle.com


                    • kozleek
                      Banned Users
                      • Dec 2011
                      • 53

                      Thanks ,but I doubt ,that there is a high demand for a roofing stories.From my experiences,when I was roofing in Orlando and Chicago,roofers are respected even less then gay porn fluffers(to be fair,they deserve that)
                      BTW none of snuses ,which domains I registered is not trademarked yet at least according to my research


                      • Mykislt
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 677

                        Yeah, if a big tobacco company wanted, they would get your domain without paying you, at least under US law I believe. You can't just hog a domain of a well known brand, and not use it.

                        However, if you do have a brand yourself and it's not to do with tobacco, and you use the domain for that,then you can probably keep it.

                        There is a funny case with nissan.com, go there, you may be surprised by what you see.


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