Gotlandssnus Anis (Grey) Loose Discontinued 20120901

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  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
    • Mar 2011
    • 7035

    Originally posted by UsualSnuspects
    My current roll of Pioneer is undoubtedly bergamot, but not strongly so. It's the only flavor component I taste besides the lovely dark tobacco. I raised hell when my first roll tasted overwhelmingly of anis, and found out that the intended flavor is indeed bergamot -- the anis was an accident (that's what she said).

    I never did get to try any Gotlandssnus lös, just got to look at the pretty pictures of the cans on their website (still there) and hear tales of its awesomeness.

    Oh well. I'll go throw my money at GN.
    You little tricky fox


    • bpc720
      • Dec 2010
      • 188

      Originally posted by sharesnusinfo!
      thx lx.

      That´s the only thruth i have! loose is such a small product for us that it takes more time and money then puching for the quality on the product that we accually have suscess with.. witch is the portions snus!

      The flavor of Gotlandssnus products have always been in the region of odd products with alot of flavors and non tradtional taste such as General or ettan or skruf and so on..

      New products will be launched i promise you but loose snus for us is not the direction for the future
      PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't stop making Julesnus Los. every year I buy a few rolls so I can enjoy gotlands los throughout the year....I implore you to please still make los julesnus during the seasonal release ATLEAST.

      I really love your company and snus but it seems there is only ever bad news from you guys


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        Jimmy -

        Would it not be easier to sell your los in bulk? Less can usage, less labels, and easier to package.

        Like Snus2 does with their tubs. You don't even have to label it, just write on top of it, "Jimmy's Special Blend" or some shit.
        ^like this, simple.


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9759

          Thats an excellant idea Chad. Good thinkin

          Originally posted by chadizzy1
          Jimmy -

          Would it not be easier to sell your los in bulk? Less can usage, less labels, and easier to package.

          Like Snus2 does with their tubs. You don't even have to label it, just write on top of it, "Jimmy's Special Blend" or some shit.

          ^like this, simple.
          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            I am still waiting for the day when snus comes with your happy meal.


            • sharesnusinfo!
              • May 2008
              • 477

              Originally posted by chadizzy1
              Jimmy -

              Would it not be easier to sell your los in bulk? Less can usage, less labels, and easier to package.

              Like Snus2 does with their tubs. You don't even have to label it, just write on top of it, "Jimmy's Special Blend" or some shit.

              ^like this, simple.
              Im not the only one that decide the destiny for the products, my wich is that there should be more of special products! but im not the only one that deside it .. We have alot of great ideas for the future but loose is not in the favor as it looks today.


              • chainsnuser
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2007
                • 1388

                Jimmy, I hope you will produce at least the Julesnus in a lös-version this year again. I don't think that the Julesnus really works as a portion (I once got it as a freebie and while it wasn't bad at all it was much less tasty than the lös-version).

                The decline of the lös-variants really is beyond me. I probably would still be a smoker, if there had only been portions around, 5 years ago. Lössnus really is a very pleasant experience and while I also mostly use portions today just for the convenience, I really wouldn't want to miss the special treat of 1 or 2 or 3 prillas of lös per day. The taste, the mouth-feel and the nicotine-delivery is a total different world, compared to portions. So many greats lös-brands have gone over the years, it makes me sad.

                The Gul and the Grå are/were both great snuses but probably not for everyone. How about something in the direction of Ettan or General instead? Skruf, Fiedler & Lundgren, GN, V2, JTI ... are still producing such lössnuses. For me, there is no doubt that a snuscompany should produce at least one lös-variant, if only to keep the reputation as a full-scale snus-producer.



                • squeezyjohn
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 2497

                  What worries me is that Swedish Snus is currently banned in the EU and I can see a potential massive market in a future where the snus ban is lifted (or the EU implodes and falls to pieces). There was talk here about the dialogue about the ban being re-discussed by the EU parliament with a view to reviewing it.

                  The more snus that is on the market that could be seen as attractive to children/minors - the less likely the EU are to look on it kindly. Traditional snus is salty and traditionally flavoured with adult flavours like bergamot, pepper, juniper, anis or just plain strong tobacco - which just have no appeal to children - which makes the case for repealing the ban much more likely to succeed.

                  And then comes Jakobssons, first with ice-fruit ... then sweetened mint and wintergreen ... then sweetened melon ... then strawberry sommarsnus which is so sweet that I can't have it in my mouth ... sounds like the kind of flavours that Haribo might implement rather than a snus company. If the EU want any excuse to keep the ban it is right there for them in the Jakobssons portfolio ... it doesn't taste like tobacco - it tastes like candy ... it appeals to children.

                  In my opinion, Swedish Match have it right - carry on with a portfolio of traditionally flavoured snus and enforce the snus ban with an eye to the long game of the possible repeal of the ban by keeping on the right side of the EU parliament. The rewards of an open market in Finland and Denmark plus the other snus friendly EU member states like the Baltic states, Germany and Poland and the rest of Europe ripe for conversion with smoking bans almost universal now ... that's something worth holding out for. Candy flavoured snus will never help that cause at all.


                  Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    Well said squeezy. The situation is the same in the USA. The anti tobacco people just love it when some fruity or candy flavored tobacco product comes out. That way they get to tell everyone that these products are aimed at 12 year old children. If people really want some heavily flavored artificial crap, perhaps they need to be buying candy instead. The candy flavored snus approach will only backfire in the long run. You cant buy flavored cigs except for menthol. Snus will be next.

                    Its sad because Gotlands used to make a great product. Other than Jaks classic, they really don't have much left anymore.


                    • squeezyjohn
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2497

                      Imagine a world where Guinness were run by Jimmy in the 1960s when only old men from Ireland drank their beer and sales were declining...

                      They would have brought out a few clones of Budweiser that might sell well in the USA in pretty bottles and then started to phase out their stouts one by one until they only sold fizzy weak light beer.

                      Instead though, they believed in the product and the tradition. Got some great creative advertising and long term business plan. And now they're one of the biggest players in the market ... And we still get to taste great Irish stout - win-win I'd say.

                      It's just a thought about what could be in the snus world if Gotlandssnus believed in the spiel they gave us when Jakobssons first came out - i.e. the belief in the traditional values of mr. Jakobsson and the old local variety of Swedish grown tobacco. Instead we have got this and I am very disappointed.

                      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                        Imagine a world where Guinness were run by Jimmy in the 1960s when only old men from Ireland drank their beer and sales were declining...

                        They would have brought out a few clones of Budweiser that might sell well in the USA in pretty bottles and then started to phase out their stouts one by one until they only sold fizzy weak light beer.

                        Instead though, they believed in the product and the tradition. Got some great creative advertising and long term business plan. And now they're one of the biggest players in the market ... And we still get to taste great Irish stout - win-win I'd say.

                        It's just a thought about what could be in the snus world if Gotlandssnus believed in the spiel they gave us when Jakobssons first came out - i.e. the belief in the traditional values of mr. Jakobsson and the old local variety of Swedish grown tobacco. Instead we have got this and I am very disappointed.
                        ^ one of the best posts I think I've ever seen on SnusOn, and very true.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Originally posted by squeezyjohn
                          Imagine a world where Guinness were run by Jimmy in the 1960s when only old men from Ireland drank their beer and sales were declining...

                          They would have brought out a few clones of Budweiser that might sell well in the USA in pretty bottles and then started to phase out their stouts one by one until they only sold fizzy weak light beer.

                          Instead though, they believed in the product and the tradition. Got some great creative advertising and long term business plan. And now they're one of the biggest players in the market ... And we still get to taste great Irish stout - win-win I'd say.

                          It's just a thought about what could be in the snus world if Gotlandssnus believed in the spiel they gave us when Jakobssons first came out - i.e. the belief in the traditional values of mr. Jakobsson and the old local variety of Swedish grown tobacco. Instead we have got this and I am very disappointed.
                          I hear ya. My problem is I really like the Jakobssons products, just not full time. I think they do a great job of skating the line of real snus, and American candy, but outside the occasional portion, I'm not really interested in sweet snus; or portions as far as that goes. I still remember my very first Gotlands portions(I had them before the lös). The flavor was amazing and complex. It was the deluxe sophisticated version of snus, and I was immediately hooked. I then got into lössnus, and it was a treat every time I used it. Now I've got nothing. I can buy the portions, but I literally use less than one roll of portions per year. If I use 2 per day it's a lot.

                          Maybe I romanticize things more than I should, but if I made a product, I'd expect it to conform exactly to my vision. If people aren't willing to see the superiority, then fsck 'em. They can get inferior products elsewhere. No compromises, especially for something as trivial as money.


                          • Grim
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 850

                            The last couple of posts are very well thought out and I agree 100%.

                            What made me a fan of Gotlands is the fact they were different. The Gul was the best Los I ever tried hence my signature. However seeing as Gotlands doesn't even carry a snus with their namesake is quite odd. When I think of Gul I think of the great outdoors, the earthy seemingly all natural unique flavor that was yellow and how moist and fresh every can was.

                            It was not a wanna be SM clone it was its own thing.

                            I was scared to post this because of potential flaming but I kinda lost respect for Gotlands after these discontinuations to pursue the candy market.

                            I find it hard to believe sales were that bad because look at these "newer" companies which have no problem pushing a Los product.

                            Out of their whole lineup Gotlands Anise and Gul especially were the LAST flavors I'd expect to see go.

                            Oh well if they brought it back I'd be all over a couple roles of it but alas I guess I am no longer a supporter of their products as they carry nothing of use to me.

                            It was a good run.


                            • GoVegan
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 5603

                              I have an idea! You can sell Gotlands Yellow but with a flavor packet in the can. If you want plain snus you open the can and throw the flavor packet away. If you want flavor then you simply open the packet and drizzle sugar infused artificial flavoring all over your snus.


                              • rickcharles606
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 2307

                                It's always disappointing to see a company discontinue a snus, especially ones that have been produced for such a long time. However, I don't fault Gotlandssnus for making business decisions that help keep their bottom line nice and trim. We have to remember that they aren't the behemoth Swedish Match and can't carry brands that aren't making money. Face it guys, lossnus use is declining, no matter how much I love it and no matter how much you love it...less people are using los.

                                Remember, this is the company that produced these fine snus brands. I think that the longer they stay in business, the better off we are, because they can always re-release these brands...or just rebrand them. I like the Jakobsson's lineup and think that they have created a good snus, one that embraces Swedish heritage and one that can be competitive in the US market. Once these brands are really selling well in the US, maybe then we'll see some brand extentions with some flavors that you guys will recognize ;-)


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