Gotlandssnus Anis (Grey) Loose Discontinued 20120901

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  • chainsnuser
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2007
    • 1388

    Originally posted by sharesnusinfo!
    I can now tell you that i have been lobing very hard for you guy´s on the Julesnus loose!
    The Julesnus Losse will ONLY be avilable on the Internet this year.. So come on and buy the ass out of it this year for the future to come..

    It will not be availible in shops in Sweden this year..
    Oh, somehow I missed that post until now.

    Thank you very much, Jimmy!

    I hope to have a chance to buy the Julesnus again this year. With the latest escapades of the EU, I'm not so sure, that it will be available for us.



    • GoVegan
      • Oct 2009
      • 5603

      Perhaps when you are making that Julesnus you can "accidentally" forget to add some flavoring to a batch.


      • willc
        • Jun 2012
        • 107

        If Gotlands is losing money on loose then they should just try a different way of selling it.
        By just doing limited runs and maybe just selling in bulk that could do the trick maybe, and all would be happy.


        • Kanga
          New Member
          • Aug 2011
          • 4

          Well, I believe it's all about money and most importantly getting more money.

          I very much doubt that you would lose a great deal of money continuing making loose snus.

          Although the greedy always wants to have more.

          A suggestion, why not make loose snus based on preorders.
          Customers order what they want and once a week you tend to it.

          How hard can it be?

          I mean , you could be arsed to ship gotland green and sell it based on wight in certain stores in Stockholm, why not do this for your customers?


          • squeezyjohn
            • Jan 2008
            • 2497

            You know - I was worried in my criticism of Gotlands that I was taking it too far ... but it seems that opinion here by a country mile is that Gotlands have lost a lot of respect with a lot of snuson members for their dropping of all their traditional lines.

            I am very heartened that others see that a brand is more than just what sells best - if your brand is based on heritage then it is foolhardy to completely do away with that part of what makes you unique. For me the argument is now purely academic as I cannot buy Gotlandssnus as an EU member even if I could - but I think it's important none the less.

            I have given away lots of the gotlands gul I have stashed away to friends from here that have not had the chance to try that magnificent snus and without exception every one of them has told me that it's one of the best they have ever tasted. HEAR THAT JIMMY - BEST THEY'VE EVER TASTED!!!

            There's your heritage for the brand right there. Regardless of whether it sells loads or not.

            Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              Damn nice post squeezyjohn! I am wondering if the decision to drop their original line will only hurt them in the end. Anyone can add flavoring and sugar to snus. You can bet the American tobacco companies will be all over this if snus becomes more popular. Gotlands Gul had this unique natural taste that cannot be replicated. The sales volume may have been low but I bet it was steady.


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                I still don't know what I'll do about my bergamot lös. General I guess, but I'm not a big fan of General. I used to like Granit, but these days I find it a bit much. I think it's the smoke flavor. It just doesn't agree with me. It would be grand if I could get LD lös, but... I still have a reasonable stash, so I don't have an immediate need, but it isn't gonna last forever,


                • GoVegan
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 5603

                  Originally posted by lxskllr
                  I still don't know what I'll do about my bergamot lös. General I guess, but I'm not a big fan of General. I used to like Granit, but these days I find it a bit much. I think it's the smoke flavor. It just doesn't agree with me. It would be grand if I could get LD lös, but... I still have a reasonable stash, so I don't have an immediate need, but it isn't gonna last forever,
                  We are here for ya!


                  • Snusdog
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 6752

                    Originally posted by Snusdog
                    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                    • UsualSnuspects
                      • Nov 2011
                      • 278

                      Originally posted by Snusdog
                      Hear that, Gotlands? You made a man quote his own sigh. Not quite a Spanish austerity protest march, but how low are you willing to let us go? I suggest we launch a massive sighing campaign until our demands are met.

                      @lxskllr: I get my bergamot fix from Pioneer -- kinda figured you did too?


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by UsualSnuspects
                        @lxskllr: I get my bergamot fix from Pioneer -- kinda figured you did too?
                        I swear Pioneer doesn't taste like bergamot to me. Pioneer is my plain snus. I use it like I would Grov, Ettan, or Gellivare. For bergamot, I like to be heavily flavored. General is a bit light with the bergamot, but would be ok if not for the smoke. LD, and Gul were my favorites.


                        • Skell18
                          • May 2012
                          • 7067

                          Originally posted by lxskllr
                          I swear Pioneer doesn't taste like bergamot to me. Pioneer is my plain snus. I use it like I would Grov, Ettan, or Gellivare. For bergamot, I like to be heavily flavored. General is a bit light with the bergamot, but would be ok if not for the smoke. LD, and Gul were my favorites.
                          Oden's classic will do it for you then, more bergamot than General but not too much and stilla great tobacco flavour. To me it is one of the best snus brands, that and LD are my favorite bergamot snuses.


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Odens Classic is good, but it's more in the Danish style, rather than Swedish style. Light salt, and a mild sweetness. I like that as an addition to my bergamot lineup, but not as a main snus. I'm hoping GN will pick it up, and make it under the GN name, rather than Gajane.


                            • Roo
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 3446

                              Maybe he means Odens Original? The new one from GN. Definitely lots of Bergamot in that one. None in the old Gajane product, which is one reason I love it.


                              • Skell18
                                • May 2012
                                • 7067

                                Originally posted by Roo
                                Maybe he means Odens Original? The new one from GN. Definitely lots of Bergamot in that one. None in the old Gajane product, which is one reason I love it.
                                Yes I meant the original, the one under GN not Gajane :-P


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