I believe, Mr. GN, that the rest of us are losing hope, but your work/product might live long and prosper: in Russia. her market is huge and increasingly rich. Her health problems, especially for males, are notorically known to her leaders, and they might not be as easily manipulated by vile pressure groups as the Western politicians. Maybe we will even be able to buy Odens with the name in Cyrilic from Russian traders.
@Frankie: We're not slaves yet, but you are right, our influence on politics is minimal. It's strange, isn't it, that the EU makes the laws for everybody in every European nation, yet we cannot vote for anyone, only those of our nation? Why is this? Well, maybe, just maybe, if we could all vote for one dissenting voice, say Nigel Farrage, Daniel Hannan or whichever euro-skeptic willing to spearhead such a movement, we might be heard. Divide and conquer is a principle the EU understands very well.
@Frankie: We're not slaves yet, but you are right, our influence on politics is minimal. It's strange, isn't it, that the EU makes the laws for everybody in every European nation, yet we cannot vote for anyone, only those of our nation? Why is this? Well, maybe, just maybe, if we could all vote for one dissenting voice, say Nigel Farrage, Daniel Hannan or whichever euro-skeptic willing to spearhead such a movement, we might be heard. Divide and conquer is a principle the EU understands very well.
Vissa sorter av smaksatt snus kan nu försvinna för gott.
Det står klart när EU-kommissionen i dag presenterar sitt förslag till nytt tobaksdirektiv.
Samtidigt finns exportförbudet på snus kvar - mot den svenska regeringens vilja.
Det svenska snusets framtid har diskuterats flitigt under hösten. I dag presenteras EU-kommissionens förslag till ett nytt tobaksdirektiv.
Aftonbladet har tidigare avslöjat att kommissionen planerat att förbjuda smaktillsatser i tobaksprodukter inom EU, vilket skulle kunna slå ut många svenska snussorter.
Inget undantag för svenskt snus
Klockan 12.30 i dag presenterade kommissionären Tonio Borg EU-kommissionens förslag till nytt tobaksdirektiv. Där slås fast att "produkter med karaktäristiska smaker" inte ska kunna säljas - vilket även ska gälla snuset.
– Konsumenterna får inte bli lurade. Tobaksprodukter ska se ut som och smaka som tobaksprodukter. Detta förslag säkerställer att attraktiv paketering och smaksättning inte används som en marknadsföringsstrategi, sa hälsokommissionär Tonio Borg i ett uttalande.
"Förslaget förbjuder inte specifika smaker men förbjuder tobaksprodukter med så kallad karaktäriserande smak, inklusive mentol. Rent konkret kan mentol i små mängder användas, men inte i stora kvantiteter som ger tobaksprodukten en smak som är annorlunda än tobak", står också att läsa i ett pressmeddelande.
Tidigare har uppgifterna om att detta skulle ske skapat stor ilska bland svenska EU-parlamentariker och bland många svenska snusare. Många av dem anser att förslaget skulle slå undan benen på det undantag gällande snus som Sverige har. Det förhandlades fram när Sverige gick med i unionen och gav oss en möjlighet att producera snus, något som är förbjudet i resten av EU. Flera EU-parlamentariker har sagt att man kommer gå till offensiven när tobaksdirektivet ska förhandlas i EU-parlamentet.
Förslaget stötte direkt på kritik från den svenska tobaksbranschen.
– Jag har otroligt svårt att se att kommissionen slutligen kommer att lyckas reglera snuset även här på hemmamarknaden. Men det är det första förslaget som läggs, det är nu som processen börjar, nu ska parlamentet och ministerrådet säga sitt, säger Patrik Hildingsson, informationschef på Swedish Match.
EU-parlamentarikern Carl Schlyter (MP) hittar både positiva och negativa aspekter gällande snuset i det nya direktivsförslaget.
– Det är bra att man förbjuder en massa smakämnen i cigaretter och tobak. Men det är ett tvetydigt undantag för tobak och sådana saker. Det står att tillsatser som behövs för tillverkningen av produkten ska vara kvar. Jag tolkar det som att man får använda smakämnen om det krävs för att göra snus, men inte vanilj, godis eller mint, säger han.
Schlyter tycker dock att det beslutet ska tas i den svenska regeringen.
– Jag tycker att vi kunde ta den diskussionen och bestämma det i Sverige, det hade varit det mest logiska. I princip har kommissionen inte fel, men beslutet bör fattas av Sverige i riksdagen, säger han.
Exportförbud står fast
Förutom hotet mot den svenska snuset på hemmaplan har den svenska regeringen också gått på offensiven när det gäller det exportförbud på snus som råder på EU:s inre marknad. Handelsminister Ewa Björling (M) har tidigare utlovat fullskaligt snuskrig om förbudet blir kvar.
– Nu har vi bedrivit en lågintensiv konflikt i flera år, på flera olika nivåer. Beroende på vad som står i det här nya förslaget från kommissionen till tobaksdirektiv är det fullskaligt krig som gäller, inget annat, sa hon i förra veckan.
Och i EU-kommissionens förslag till nytt tobaksdirektiv finns förbudet kvar - mot den svenska regeringens vilja. Men Sverige får fortsatt producera snus för eget bruk som tidigare.
EU-kommissionens förslag till nytt tobaksdirektiv är dock inte slutstationen för direktivet. Det ska nu vidare till EU-parlamentet och ministerrådet. De både måste vara överens innan direktivet kan bli verklighet i unionen.
Some varieties of flavored snus can now disappear for good.
Clearly, when the European Commission today presented its proposal for a new tobacco directive.
Meanwhile, the export ban on snus left - against the Swedish government's will.
The Swedish snus future has been discussed extensively in the fall. Today the European Commission presented proposals for a new tobacco directive.
Aftonbladet has earlier revealed that the Commission planned to ban flavor additives in tobacco products within the EU, which could wipe out many Swedish snus.
No exception for Swedish snus
At 12:30 today announced the Commissioner Tonio Borg, the EU Commission proposed new tobacco directive. It states that "products with distinctive flavors" are not to be sold - which also applies to snuff.
- Consumers should not be fooled. Tobacco products should look like and taste like tobacco products. This proposal ensures that attractive packaging and flavors are not used as a marketing strategy, said Health Commissioner Tonio Borg said in a statement.
"The proposal does not prohibit specific tastes but prohibits tobacco products with so-called characterizing flavor, including menthol. Concretely, menthol in small quantities used, but not in large quantities gives tobacco product a flavor that is different than tobacco," is also read in a press release.
Previously, the information on this would be caused great anger among Swedish MEP and among many Swedish snus users. Many of them consider that the proposal would pull the rug on the exemption applicable snuff by Sweden. It was negotiated when Sweden joined the EU and gave us an opportunity to produce snuff, which is prohibited in the rest of the EU. Several MEPs have said that they will go on the offensive when the tobacco directive shall be negotiated in the EU Parliament.
The proposal came directly to the criticism from the Swedish tobacco industry.
- I have been incredibly difficult to see that the Commission will finally be able to regulate snuff even here domestically. But this is the first proposal that is added, it is now that the process begins, now the Parliament and the Council have their say, says Patrik Hildingsson, CIO at Swedish Match.
MEP Carl Schlyter (MP) find both positive and negative aspects regarding snus in the new proposal.
- It is good that it prohibits a lot of flavors in cigarettes and tobacco. But it is an ambiguous exception of tobacco and such things. It says that the additives necessary for production of the product will be left. I understand that you may use seasonings if necessary to make snuff, but not vanilla, candy or mint, he says.
Schlyter think, however, that the decision should be taken in the Swedish government.
- I think we could take this discussion and decide that in Sweden, it would be the most logical. In principle, the Commission is not wrong, but the decision should be taken by Sweden in parliament, he said.
Export ban stands
In addition to the threat to the Swedish snus at home, the Swedish government has also gone on the offensive when it comes to the export ban on snus prevailing on the European single market. Trade Ewa Björling (M) has previously pledged all-out war on snus ban remains.
- Now we are engaged in a low-intensity conflict for many years, on several different levels. Depending on what is in this new proposal from the Commission to the tobacco directive is the all-out war related, nothing else, she said last week.
And the European Commission's proposal for a new tobacco directive's ban left - against the Swedish government's will. But Sweden will continue to produce snus for personal use as before.
EU Commission proposed new tobacco directive is not the final stop for the directive. It will now go forward to the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers. They both have to agree before the Directive can be a reality in the Union.
I still don't get it. If they said that they'd restrict the flavourings and then legalise the sales I'd probably get it...but it's nothing of the sort. I'm never going to understand the cretins in the EU.
Ok guys. So I don't really understand european politics. What kind of timetable are we talking about on this directive and what chances of it getting shot down or modified before it's ratified?
Me neither, but I've just read that the real directive is now expected for 2015.
After that the member states will have ten years to convert the directive into national law. So, in most countries it will be 2025 before anything changes.
Until then I hope that the general population will have become so disgusted by the work of the health nazis that everything will be abolished.
The (mostly self proclaimed) "experts" of Public Health are actually on a good way to discredit and ridicule their tax- and bribe-financed "movement" not only for us users of a niche-product but for virtually everybody.
Most importantly, it is not their intention to ban flavourings that are essential to produce snus (what a relief). Bergamot is probably there to stay and so is the rose oil. What they are fighting against is "overwhelming" flavour that would kill off tobacco taste completely thus making tobacco products taste like candies.
I don' t see SM and most other lines in danger... GN however will possibly have to reconsider taste profiles of some of their Extreme brands.
The article also comments on nicotine content of tobacco products. There will still be "light" versions of everything (lower nic content but warning lower does not mean less harmful). It says nothing about stronger than usual products however. I am afraid they may eventually try set limits to how much nic every product may legally contain... we will see.
That proposal is a load of old tosh, were they high when they came up with those proposals? What the hell is a "novel tobacco product" a comedy cigar shaped like a cock? A book of tobacco leaves? utter bullshit!
Most importantly, it is not their intention to ban flavourings that are essential to produce snus (what a relief). Bergamot is probably there to stay and so is the rose oil. What they are fighting against is "overwhelming" flavour that would kill off tobacco taste completely thus making tobacco products taste like candies.
I don' t see SM and most other lines in danger... GN however will possibly have to reconsider taste profiles of some of their Extreme brands.
The article also comments on nicotine content of tobacco products. There will still be "light" versions of everything (lower nic content but warning lower does not mean less harmful). It says nothing about stronger than usual products however. I am afraid they may eventually try set limits to how much nic every product may legally contain... we will see.
GN's stuff tastes primarily of tobacco with only a hint of the flavouring, its Jaks who need to worry about that.
GN's stuff tastes primarily of tobacco with only a hint of the flavouring, its Jaks who need to worry about that.
Skruf Cranberry too comes to my mind.. but again, its only a speculation for now.. directive has not been approved yet and it will not be for some time... I still hope Sweden would at least get an exception to the new rules as regards suns... and things will remain largely as they are now.