EU Snus Ban!?!

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  • Fazer
    • May 2011
    • 663

    Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded
    Last time I lived in it, it worked just fine. It just lost a war, albeit a cold one.
    I've been told the same from people that lived with communism, parts of it did work well. Right now, if i could afford it because the housing is very expensive, i'd live in Moscow. Apart from the housing, groceries, public transport and petrol are quite reasonable. They have a rich history and cultural heritage, lots of unspoilt countryside. And, i can't remember the name of the town just outside Moscow, but if has very cheap gold for sale


    • Chiliphil1
      • Sep 2013
      • 89

      It's odd for me reading this. Here in the states the left wing side or the democrats are the ones who seem to push the socialism issue and have the view that the government should do everything for everyone and make the decisions of how people live their lives, on the other hand the right wing side or republicans believe in government being a neccessary evil but trying to stay out of the way so that people can live their lives.

      I may have mis read something but I'm seeing that the right wing guys in Europe are causing the problem? Then I suppose it depends on how you look at things, some like the idea of the government taking care of things while others despise it.

      I do like that Nigel farage guy, he reminds me of a British Ron Paul whom I wish so desperately could have won the presidency, if this guy we've got keeps it up we will be in the eu before it's over with.


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        Farage is a very talented man. It's just a shame that everybody else in his party are bleedin' idiots.


        • NeonMouse
          • Apr 2013
          • 193

          Meh UKIP, bunch of loons from what I've seen. Im not sure if im even going to vote at the next general election. Might vote green, pirate party or one of the communist party's.

          The pirate party in the uk isnt as strong in as their swedish counterparts. They seem quite limited to policies about the internet freedom, but i have paid for a yearly membership


          • Frosted
            • Mar 2010
            • 5798

            I've got a strong feeling that I'll sadly be marking an x in the box 'none of the above' this time.


            • Skell18
              • May 2012
              • 7067

              Originally posted by Frosted View Post
              I've got a strong feeling that I'll sadly be marking an x in the box 'none of the above' this time.
              It would be funnier if you just drew a big cock on the voting slip instead


              • Frosted
                • Mar 2010
                • 5798

                Originally posted by Skell18 View Post
                It would be funnier if you just drew a big cock on the voting slip instead
                lmao - now there's an idea.


                • Darwin
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 1372

                  How would a foreigner tell which one is the Monster Raving Loony Party? And I don't mean the UKIP.

                  Not criticizing. We have two MRLPs here. They just don't dress as funny.
                  Last edited by Darwin; 03-10-13, 03:33 AM.


                  • MrMalmsten
                    • Dec 2013
                    • 22

                    Originally posted by Frankie Reloaded View Post
                    Nobody will leave EU unless the EU decides them to leave. The will of "the people" means nothing to these new age world masters. And I mean it as a fact from somebody who occasionally meets the commissars and their minions face to face in the course of his work, not as some shout in the dark. If you look deeper in the issues of European integration, you will find that the hypothetical leaving from the Union is at least as demanding and lengthy as the accession process. Also, the rest of the member states would have to agree.

                    Do you remember a radical politician called Heider winning elections in his country? And how brutally that country was placed back in line, so nothing of his political agenda could be implemented?

                    Do you remember the referendums, which were repeated as long as necessary for the selected country to vote for accession (but never - NEVER! after joining the Union)? The Swiss are still opposing, it will take a few more referendums for them to give in, and then their voting about the EU stops. Forever.

                    Do you remember how Hungary had to change their referendum laws literally hours before the plebiscit, because there was a threat of the referendum not to be valid (not enough people coming to vote, 50% used to be required)?
                    No, your votes -and my vote, for that matter - mean less than toilet paper to our not-so-new-but-still-nicely-hidden rulers.

                    Admit that or not, we are slaves.

                    I agree, Sweden won´t leave the EU, and snus will never become illegal in Sweden at least. 1 000 000 out of 9 000 000 are snusers in Sweden, mostly men (though women more and more). There has been protests here against snus-legislation, as well as the Swedish cheesecake and lutfish, that EU wanted to ban. The fact that Swedes online activities (and the rest of the world) are monitores, our integrity and freedom is being threatened, doesn´t seem to bother swedes, and that says alot to me.

                    New to the forum btw
                    Dedicated snus head. Making my own snus, growing tobacco, mixing natural flavors and running a snus shop


                    • trebli
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 797

                      Originally posted by MrMalmsten View Post
                      I agree, Sweden won´t leave the EU, and snus will never become illegal in Sweden at least. 1 000 000 out of 9 000 000 are snusers in Sweden, mostly men (though women more and more). There has been protests here against snus-legislation, as well as the Swedish cheesecake and lutfish, that EU wanted to ban. The fact that Swedes online activities (and the rest of the world) are monitores, our integrity and freedom is being threatened, doesn´t seem to bother swedes, and that says alot to me.

                      New to the forum btw
                      Welcome to Snuson! It's always great to hear from Swedish citizens. We hope that someday Swedish snus will be more than a small niche market in the US.


                      • Snusdog
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6752

                        Originally posted by MrMalmsten View Post
                        I agree, Sweden won´t leave the EU, and snus will never become illegal in Sweden at least. 1 000 000 out of 9 000 000 are snusers in Sweden, mostly men (though women more and more). There has been protests here against snus-legislation, as well as the Swedish cheesecake and lutfish, that EU wanted to ban. The fact that Swedes online activities (and the rest of the world) are monitores, our integrity and freedom is being threatened, doesn´t seem to bother swedes, and that says alot to me.

                        New to the forum btw

                        Welcome to the forum mate!!!! Glad to have you

                        So is your brand General.....or something else

                        Portions....or los?
                        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                        • MrMalmsten
                          • Dec 2013
                          • 22

                          Thank you Snusdog!

                          I snus alot of diffrent snus. On weekends its mostly lose and portions on workdays.
                          My favourite los is General, favorite portion is Göteborgs Rapé.

                          Making my own snus as well, los and portion using a snus syringe and filling portions. Experimenting with flavoring trying to find the Göteborg-taste. Really hard.

                          What about u?
                          Dedicated snus head. Making my own snus, growing tobacco, mixing natural flavors and running a snus shop


                          • DanF
                            • Nov 2013
                            • 260

                            On an earlier post I was dying to find out how these Snus producers got the Snus into those little portions.

                            You use a syringe filling each and every little portion one at a time.

                            Now I finally know the truth.

                            Someone here said "elves", and I went along with that for civility sake.

                            But now I really know!



                            • MrMalmsten
                              • Dec 2013
                              • 22

                              Ha ha thats a good guess DanF

                              I buy empty portions and fill up my home made snus. To close the portion I use a small hair straightener (never used for hair).
                              I make the snus in a rice cooker so alot of home appliances...
                              Dedicated snus head. Making my own snus, growing tobacco, mixing natural flavors and running a snus shop


                              • CzechCzar
                                • Jun 2010
                                • 1144

                                Welcome to the forum!!


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