EU Snus Ban!?!

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  • DanF
    • Nov 2013
    • 260

    Originally posted by MrMalmsten View Post

    Ha ha thats a good guess DanF

    I buy empty portions and fill up my home made snus. To close the portion I use a small hair straightener (never used for hair).
    I make the snus in a rice cooker so alot of home appliances...
    I guess I am just never going to know how the hell Snus is put into those portions made by the Big Guys.

    Oh well....I don't know a lot of stuff.



    • squeezyjohn
      • Jan 2008
      • 2497

      Originally posted by MrMalmsten View Post
      Ha ha thats a good guess DanF

      I buy empty portions and fill up my home made snus. To close the portion I use a small hair straightener (never used for hair).
      I make the snus in a rice cooker so alot of home appliances...
      I thought I was the only one using a hair straightener to seal the prillan portions!

      Have you tried an icing gun to fill the portions more quickly? Like the one here - It makes filling the portions with home-made snus much faster.

      Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


      • squeezyjohn
        • Jan 2008
        • 2497

        DanF - the big companies have fully automated filling and heat-sealing production lines. There were some videos of them working on the Swedish match website.

        Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9759

          Originally posted by squeezyjohn View Post
          DanF - the big companies have fully automated filling and heat-sealing production lines. There were some videos of them working on the Swedish match website.
          While this may be true it is the elves that operate the machines.

          welcome to the circus Mr.Mally
          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • DanF
            • Nov 2013
            • 260

            Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
            While this may be true it is the elves that operate the machines.

            welcome to the circus Mr.Mally

            And let me tell you something up front Mr. Mally: when The Parrots uses the word "circus" he is putting it mildly!



            • Skell18
              • May 2012
              • 7067

              Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
              While this may be true it is the elves that operate the machines.

              welcome to the circus Mr.Mally
              Everyone knows it's done with witchcraft! It's the only logical explanation.


              • Snusdog
                • Jun 2008
                • 6752

       summarize........ and at the same time......... to bring the thread back on topic....we may conclude

                If you are gay.........the EU is the place to be (see threads on Norway and Russia)


                If you are a snus making fairy (or elf)........... they are gunning for ya
                When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                • SpitFire
                  • Jun 2012
                  • 79

                  Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
         summarize........ and at the same time......... to bring the thread back on topic....we may conclude

                  If you are gay.........the EU is the place to be (see threads on Norway and Russia)


                  If you are a snus making fairy (or elf)........... they are gunning for ya
                  I put it straight this time: I just did laught my fuc**** ass off !!!


                  • blotgode
                    • Apr 2009
                    • 338

                    Snus On , Swedish snus users . The EU will not turn the box away for you. The Swedish exemption stands up - the only one who has the power over the snuff is our own parliament.

                    When we are in 1995 joined the EU we got in our accession treaty for an exemption to be allowed to continue selling snus in Sweden . But as attention Aftonbladet readers probably seen it has nonetheless stormed around the snus. It has been about two different things. First, snus manufacturers wished to be allowed to export snus to other countries within the EU (with some backing by the Swedish Government ) . It came to nothing .

                    First, there has been about the health aspect of snuff - according to Marita Ulvskog (S) , which sits in the Environment and Health Committee, which dealt with the issue , there is the " tobacco restrictive " forces in both Parliament and the Council of Ministers who have questioned Sweden's right to exemption in this matter . There have also been proposals to ban certain condiments.

                    But this morning came the parliament and council agree: the Swedish derogation of snuff is that it was written in 1995. It is our own parliament which owns the issue, even when it comes to condiments and how the packaging may look like.

                    - You can see it as a Christmas present for all users of snus . But I think it is important that the EU keeps its word . Have you received with the exception of the Accession Treaty so it should stand , said Marita Ulvskog .

                    Tomorrow Wednesday attributed the decision below and we now hope to snuff once and for all is gone from the EU table . (Google translated)


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