EU Snus Ban!?!

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  • blotgode
    • Apr 2009
    • 338

    EU Snus Ban!?!

    Snus is expected to have no in EU proposals
    The EU is expected to keep the door remains closed for the Swedish snus in the proposed new tobacco directive likely to be presented on Wednesday.

    Reuters referred to a leaked draft of the export ban remains, along with including a requirement warnings on at least three quarters of cigarette packets and bans for seasoning with menthol.

    Trade Ewa Björling (M) has previously threatened "all-out war" if the EU does not open for the sale of snus.

    (google translated)
  • Frosted
    • Mar 2010
    • 5798

    Thanks for that info.

    I thought the status quo would be kept for now. Are you sure it's only menthol that will be restricted?


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Regrettable, but not unexpected. The optimism of some was mis-founded because it was predicated on the belief that the ban was in effect due to public health concern. The thought was that once the truth was known, it would certainly be freed. Tobacco users are too few to enact change, so nobody cares about us. People will throw us under the bus, because our concerns don't affect /them/. Health isn't the issue here. The issue is people living living as free men. Somehow, the government's justified protection of consumers against fraudulent marketing claims, got perverted into protecting educated consumers for "their own good". An educated free man has the right to smoke, huff mercury vapor, paddle whitewater, or do anything else he pleases.

      Wait until the government goes after fat, sugar, alcohol, or other things people enjoy. They better hope enough people care freedom to protect their rights. If it weren't so much a freedom issue, I might be inclined to throw them under the bus, because that's the kind of asshole I am. As it stands, I'll reluctantly support their rights to live as free men, even though the support isn't reciprocated.


      • kozleek
        Banned Users
        • Dec 2011
        • 53

        Quote from the article above:
        Last week, Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet reported that the Commission wants all tobacco products to contain at least 85 percent tobacco. Swedish snus, however, only contains about 50 percent.


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          Regrettable, but not unexpected. The optimism of some was mis-founded because it was predicated on the belief that the ban was in effect due to public health concern. The thought was that once the truth was known, it would certainly be freed. Tobacco users are too few to enact change, so nobody cares about us. People will throw us under the bus, because our concerns don't affect /them/. Health isn't the issue here. The issue is people living living as free men. Somehow, the government's justified protection of consumers against fraudulent marketing claims, got perverted into protecting educated consumers for "their own good". An educated free man has the right to smoke, huff mercury vapor, paddle whitewater, or do anything else he pleases.

          Wait until the government goes after fat, sugar, alcohol, or other things people enjoy. They better hope enough people care freedom to protect their rights. If it weren't so much a freedom issue, I might be inclined to throw them under the bus, because that's the kind of asshole I am. As it stands, I'll reluctantly support their rights to live as free men, even though the support isn't reciprocated.
          Very well put

          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
            • Mar 2011
            • 7035



            • Skell18
              • May 2012
              • 7067

              Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
              GN there must be something the snus manufacturers can do? If all of you got together to fight this, surely something could be done?


              • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                • Mar 2011
                • 7035

                Originally posted by Skell18
                GN there must be something the snus manufacturers can do? If all of you got together to fight this, surely something could be done?
                I do not know why but I am positive ? I do think that media runs this hysterical way in Sweden to sell news papers , Aftonbladet is evening paper and ..... Fried facts always are easy to sell , I do not think that EU that Easley will keep same way as before , maybe I am wrong but let's see , Swedish Goverment is very serious , how much it's means for EU will see
                But ? I am on positive side as I have been before , we'll maybe it will be worst for other smokeless products , in EU but for snus no , because what can it be worst , forbid snus in EU ? It's forbidden . Forbid snus in Sweden hahahah then Sweden will go out of EU Pirate party will win and kaput to Swedens EU membership , will change ingredients in Snus no way for Sweden then snus is dead, never the less in fact Dali scandal made it worst not good , because if EU will realise way for snus now then it will show how corrupt they are...

                I hate you EU .... Who are you? ... I am a man who hates you for your double standards in every single way you dealing in politics in side and outside of EU
                I hate you EU ... Why you little man ? Because you want to make me country less , culture less, one way minded moron,
                I hate you EU ... Hate as much as you want little man I am big and you are not even drop in the ocean do you think so EU then remember drops makes the see which can in form of tsunami erase your hypocrisy ones and for ever
                I hate you EU;(


                • Skell18
                  • May 2012
                  • 7067

                  Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                  I do not know why but I am positive ? I do think that media runs this hysterical way in Sweden to sell news papers , Aftonbladet is evening paper and ..... Fried facts always are easy to sell , I do not think that EU that Easley will keep same way as before , maybe I am wrong but let's see , Swedish Goverment is very serious , how much it's means for EU will see
                  But ? I am on positive side as I have been before , we'll maybe it will be worst for other smokeless products , in EU but for snus no , because what can it be worst , forbid snus in EU ? It's forbidden . Forbid snus in Sweden hahahah then Sweden will go out of EU Pirate party will win and kaput to Swedens EU membership , will change ingredients in Snus no way for Sweden then snus is dead, never the less in fact Dali scandal made it worst not good , because if EU will realise way for snus now then it will show how corrupt they are...

                  I hate you EU .... Who are you? ... I am a man who hates you for your double standards in every single way you dealing in politics in side and outside of EU
                  I hate you EU ... Why you little man ? Because you want to make me country less , culture less, one way minded moron,
                  I hate you EU ... Hate as much as you want little man I am big and you are not even drop in the ocean do you think so EU then remember drops makes the see which can in form of tsunami erase your hypocrisy ones and for ever
                  I hate you EU;(
                  I think Sweden has made its position on any flavouring ban quite clear. If Sweden left the EU then there is nothing the EU could do on the snus sellers shipping snus to EU member states, absolutely nothing!


                  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 7035

                    But Skell as you understand Sweden will not leave EU , and EU will somehow please Sweden and vice versa so the moral is as follows , lets live till that day and I promise you I will tell you what they decide


                    • Skell18
                      • May 2012
                      • 7067

                      Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                      But Skell as you understand Sweden will not leave EU , and EU will somehow please Sweden and vice versa so the moral is as follows , lets live till that day and I promise you I will tell you what they decide
                      Aren't Sweden just as euroskeptic as we are in the UK? In essence the people want out like we do here? There are no benefits for either of us to remain in the EU! The EU had better lift this ban. Thanks for keeping us posted GN, I need to put in an extreme as this is winding me up no end!


                      • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 7035

                        Well we are careful I would say , but the way it's gone and way Swedish Government reacts its means that there is big push in Sweden against all of this , remember Sweden did not have war in 40' a because of carefulness


                        • Skell18
                          • May 2012
                          • 7067

                          I just hope its dealt with sensibly and that if needed, Sweden does take serious action!


                          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 7035

                            Originally posted by Skell18
                            I just hope its dealt with sensibly and that if needed, Sweden does take serious action!
                            I think it will , maybe I am wrong and it is wrong from my position to say but I hope.. Hope dies lost you know


                            • Frankie Reloaded
                              Banned Users
                              • Jan 2011
                              • 541

                              Nobody will leave EU unless the EU decides them to leave. The will of "the people" means nothing to these new age world masters. And I mean it as a fact from somebody who occasionally meets the commissars and their minions face to face in the course of his work, not as some shout in the dark. If you look deeper in the issues of European integration, you will find that the hypothetical leaving from the Union is at least as demanding and lengthy as the accession process. Also, the rest of the member states would have to agree.

                              Do you remember a radical politician called Heider winning elections in his country? And how brutally that country was placed back in line, so nothing of his political agenda could be implemented?

                              Do you remember the referendums, which were repeated as long as necessary for the selected country to vote for accession (but never - NEVER! after joining the Union)? The Swiss are still opposing, it will take a few more referendums for them to give in, and then their voting about the EU stops. Forever.

                              Do you remember how Hungary had to change their referendum laws literally hours before the plebiscit, because there was a threat of the referendum not to be valid (not enough people coming to vote, 50% used to be required)?
                              No, your votes -and my vote, for that matter - mean less than toilet paper to our not-so-new-but-still-nicely-hidden rulers.

                              Admit that or not, we are slaves.


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