Manufactures might be banned under the new directive from naming snus "wintergreen, cranberry, vanilla...etc" but again, let' s hope for a general exception for Swedish snus in Sweden
EU Snus Ban!?!
Originally posted by Skell18That proposal is a load of old tosh, were they high when they came up with those proposals? What the hell is a "novel tobacco product" a comedy cigar shaped like a cock? A book of tobacco leaves? utter bullshit!Originally posted by FrostedI knew he was committed as an actor but I think he went too far in his latest role as Princess Diana
Swedish MPs:
"Embarrassing EU"
Published 2012-12-19 14:55
Europaparlamentariker Christofer Fjellner (M), which has long campaigned for snus sales in Europe do not think the EU could go in and decide how snus is manufactured in Sweden.
"Something that should not be on the internal market, the EU not to do., It is a very simple legal principle," says Christofer Fjellner to SIX.
The European Commission's proposal on new tobacco directive proposes a ban on specific flavorings in tobacco products, including snus. Snus is banned in the EU except Sweden. The exemption applies, however, only marketing and sales, which opens to the EU can control other things like condiments reason EU Health Commissioner Tonio Borg.
Christofer Fjellner is confident that Sweden would win if you take battle to snus and pushing the issue in the European Court of Justice.
"It's embarrassing if the EU is forcing us to take the matter to court to assert the obvious. If the EU does not allow snus, so EU has not to do with how to produce it," says Christofer Fjellner to SIX.
Here are snuff that may be prohibited
Some flavors of snuff can be banned.
Sweden may not export snus to other EU countries in the future either.
Yesterday presented the European Commission's controversial proposal for a new tobacco law.
Snusflavours at risk:
Oden's Licorice Portion
Mocca Licorice Mini Snuff
XQ's Licorice Portion Nicotine Free Snus
Offroad Licorice White Portion
Catch White Licorice Portion
Catch Licorice Mini Dry Snuff
Catch Licorice Mini Snuff
LD Salmiak Portion
Oden's Extra Strong Cinnamon snus
Oden's Cinnamon Loose
Nordströmmen Julesnus Loose
Catch White Eucalyptus Portion
Catch Dry Eucalyptus Mini Snuff
Offroad Eucalyptus White Mini Snuff
Offroad Eucalyptus White Portion
Oomph Licorice Lemon 6mg Mini Snuff
Lemon Choice Nicotine Free Snus
Species Citrus Menthol 3mg Mini Snuff
Gothenburg Rapé Lime White Portion
Thunder Cool Orange Extra Strong snus
Blue Ocean Portion
Offroad Coffee Supreme
Thunder Chrome Coffee Supreme Longer Portion
Species Citrus Menthol
Northerner Citrus & Menthol
Oomph Wise Citrus Menthol Snuff
Skruf Cranberry White Portion
Juniper / Lingonberry
Gothenburg Rapé
The reason that almost all Swedish snus is flavored is that it is made of air-cured tobacco. Smoked tobacco, used for most other tobacco products, gives different taste, but also contains substances that are harmful to health.
- Would this be the final draft, the quality of snus be worse, a number of brands disappear, and fewer smokers will choose the snus instead, says Patrik Hildingsson. (Swedish Match)
Now the proposal is adopted by the EU Council and the EU Parliament. Are not they agree to put a conciliation commission. Much can thus be changed along the way. The new rules are adopted to take effect in 2015 or 2016th
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
The iron lady
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edit: why am I using past tense when she's still alive...
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