I just ordered from Buysnus.com, got free shipping to the US for purchasing over 30 cans (saved $28). Plus, I got 50% off on my two rolls of Röda Lacket (saved over $24), AND got five free cans of Ettan for ordering one roll of that (saved over $24). They must be close to their "best by" date, but I've never had a problem with an order from there..... Not sure how long the deals will last. Ettan, I think is just for today.
Pretty good deal today....
Lucky timing, I guess. The only other good deal I've seen here was at a local Speedway gas station nearby. They had General 24 portion cans priced the same as those goofy 12 portion boxes (about $2.50 per can). Like a dope, I argued with the girl that it can't be the right price, and she said "that's what the price is; do ya want 'em or not?", pissed cause I came in and interrupted her iPhone chat. I bought out their stock of Original white portion. Hope they don't catch on!
Go Bears!