I read a press release from Umeå university.
“A doubled risk of alcohol dependency can be a seemingly quite moderate risk increase seen from the individual perspective, but if using snus is common in a population, it means that the overall use of snus might have an impact on public health. It is therefore important that the research results are made known to the general public and start being discussed”
You can read the full article here: http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/abo...ency.cid247516
I don't know what to say. I don't drink much, maybe a cople of times per year.
“A doubled risk of alcohol dependency can be a seemingly quite moderate risk increase seen from the individual perspective, but if using snus is common in a population, it means that the overall use of snus might have an impact on public health. It is therefore important that the research results are made known to the general public and start being discussed”
You can read the full article here: http://www.medfak.umu.se/english/abo...ency.cid247516
I don't know what to say. I don't drink much, maybe a cople of times per year.