I wanted to make sure everyone could have it, so I reached out to as many stores as possible to work something out.
It'll be initially on sale from SnusCENTRAL.com, I'm doing a 2 week presale period with them. After that, for the US - you can buy it from SnusDirect.com, BuySnus.com, Snus24.com
Internationally - Northerner.com
UK/EU - Snusline.com
Norway - I'm trying to get Northerner.com's Norway e-store, Snus.com to stock it. If Northerner stocks it, I'm sure they'll be able to do it for Snus.com.
Sweden - Snusbolaget.com
I wanted to make sure everyone could have it, so I reached out to as many stores as possible to work something out.
It'll be initially on sale from SnusCENTRAL.com, I'm doing a 2 week presale period with them. After that, for the US - you can buy it from SnusDirect.com, BuySnus.com, Snus24.com
Internationally - Northerner.com
UK/EU - Snusline.com
Norway - I'm trying to get Northerner.com's Norway e-store, Snus.com to stock it. If Northerner stocks it, I'm sure they'll be able to do it for Snus.com.
Sweden - Snusbolaget.com
Sounds like a plan!
Let us know when the pre-sale starts
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
We were able to get it bumped up in production, so it rolled off the assembly line yesterday (1 month early). Stores were able to order it as of yesterday so it should be up for order soon.
SnusLine told me it's going to be 6 weeks before they get it. They're going to sell it to the EU, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc, so hopefully they get it soon!
I bought some and I was pleasantly surprised! Most of you know I only like coffee flavored snus but this was pretty good.
Congrats Chad.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Today, I'm excited to announce my next snus release - and first collaboration with Ministry of Snus! Meet Snubie x Ministry of Snus: Bourbon Vanilla...