Swedish Match

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  • Monkey
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 3290

    Swedish Match

    I do spend some time on Reddit, and I have seen that there are some rumors floating around there that Swedish match will no longer be available to ship to the United States. I’m not stressing out as it is still currently available, but the recent changes to general mint and wintergreen not being able to be shipped to the United States seems like the first step.

    I understand with the availability of SOME Swedish match in brick and mortar stores, and the restrictions that customs has made in Roda Lacket and Skruf (and most likely the desire of PMI to increase theSE sales, we are going to see a decrease in availability Especially since they announced that certain general brands ::ahem general mint and wintergreen:: are only going to be “American market“ available.

    TBH i’m really not the biggest fan of Swedish match, but I do like their los and out of all the companies that make loose snus, they are the only one that has a couple that I like that I can still get shipped here ::Skruf:: ahem.

    I know this website doesn’t get a lot of traffic, but if anyone is looking…especially the manufacturers… I will certainly buy the shit out of any loose snus that isn’t made with artificial smoke flavor that I can get shipped to the US…
  • squeezyjohn
    • Jan 2008
    • 2497

    Sounds like this new administration is you guys' Brexit. Sorry ... you should have learnt from our mistakes ... protectionism promises everything but just ends up meaning you can't trade freely with other countries. The promise is of freedom and protecting your rights ... as long as those rights don't want anything that is available globally. It was a lie for us ... and it it will prove to be a lie for you too.

    Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


    • Link
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2008
      • 400

      Plenty other global products available in US right now that may go away too if the tariff game gets going I'd imagine. How do you guys in UK get snus? Shipments allowed for now? In stores? Here is US, snus is available in some stores, but who knows what happens over the next four years.


      • Snusify
        • Aug 2009
        • 623

        Swedish Match should consider manufacturing snus in the USA as well as in Sweden.
        Snus and Dip Video Reviews


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