Smoke flavourings

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  • Chewbacca
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2017
    • 305

    Smoke flavourings

    A rough translation from this website below:

    “An unexpected blow to Swedish snus - the EU bans smoky flavors
    The EU's decision to ban smoke flavors in food not only threatens the taste of classic Swedish snus, but risks changing a deep-rooted tradition forever. Despite the decision affecting over a million Swedish snus users, neither the government nor responsible authorities seem to have reacted to the consequences.

    The decision by the EU to ban smoke flavorings in food could hit the Swedish snus industry hard – a consequence that seems to have completely escaped the responsible minister Peter Kullgren and the Swedish authorities, despite the importance of snus to 1.3 million Swedes. The snus courier can report on this threat to snus after a deep dive into EU legislation and Swedish authority regulations.

    The EU's decision to remove the exemption for smoke flavors in food could force Swedish snus manufacturers to change their recipes, threatening the taste of classic brands such as Ettan, Göteborgs Rapé and General. These aromas are classified as hazardous to health due to "genotoxic properties" - something that can mean an increased risk of cancer.

    Snus manufacturers such as Swedish Match, BAT, Nordic Snus and Skruf Snus are facing major challenges. The EU's new regulations require manufacturers to either find new flavorings or change the recipes, something that can change the range dramatically. Transition periods until 2026 provide some time for adjustment, but the future of classic Swedish snus, including brands such as Lundgrens, Knox and LD, is uncertain.

    Could this mean the end of the taste of classic Swedish snus?

    EU and the smoke aromas
    The EU has recently decided to withdraw the approval for smoke flavors in food, which has unexpected consequences for the Swedish snus, which is classified as a food according to Swedish rules. According to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/2067, smoke flavorings SF-001 to SF-010 are to be removed from the Union list of approved flavoring substances due to health hazards. These aromas, which have historically given foods a smoky taste without traditional smoking, are now considered to pose risks because "most of the tested smoke aromas contain substances that are genotoxic", which can increase the risk of cancer (Food and Beverages Agency).

    EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) has evaluated the safety of these smoke flavorings as part of the EU regulations and stated that "it is not possible to rule out concerns about genotoxicity for any of the eight smoke flavorings" and that "for such substances it is not possible to determine a safe level ” (EFSA, Swedish Food Agency). To give producers time to adapt, the EU has introduced transitional periods: some foods, such as meat and fish, may use smoke flavorings until 1 July 2029, while other products must stop using them by 1 July 2026. Already manufactured products may be sold until their best-before date has passed (Livsmedelsverket).

    This decision, which hits hard against several food categories, has particularly dramatic consequences for Swedish snus, which according to Swedish rules is classified as a food.

    This is how Swedish snus is affected
    According to the Swedish Food Agency's regulations on snus, snus is classified as a food in Sweden and thus subject to strict rules for additives and ingredients. The regulations state that snus, with the exception of tobacco and nicotine, "must not contain ingredients that pose a risk to human health" (Livsmedelsverket). This means that only approved food additives and flavorings that are considered safe are allowed.

    Historically, smoke aromas have been central to giving Swedish snus its characteristic smoky taste, and these aromas have created flavors that many consumers appreciate. With the EU's decision to ban these smoke flavors, snuff manufacturers must now stop using them.

    As the Swedish Food Agency puts it, smoke aromas "will eventually disappear", which also affects Swedish snus. For snus manufacturers, this means they have to redo their recipes or risk losing the flavors that have been central to their brands. Many of the most popular Swedish snus brands are at risk of changing significantly.

    Consequences for Swedish snus and the manufacturers
    The decision to withdraw approval for smoking flavors has major consequences for manufacturers such as Swedish Match, BAT, Nordic Snus (JTI) and Skruf Snus. As smoke aromas have been decisive for the taste of many products, the ban affects a significant part of the range. Without these aromas, the snus risks losing its unique taste, or disappearing completely.

    Manufacturers are now faced with the challenge of developing new recipes that meet the regulations without smoke aromas. This may mean exploring other approved flavorings or creating entirely new flavors. The transition is both time- and resource-consuming and can lead to changes in the supply on the market, where some brands may be forced out completely.

    For the Swede, this may mean that the favorite snus may no longer taste the same – or disappear from the market entirely.

    We follow developments and demand answers
    Despite the iconic calm of snus​”
  • Link
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2008
    • 400

    There’s millions of harmful chemicals in many foods, but a priority to change centuries old recipes is really for everyone’s benefit?


    • Chewbacca
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2017
      • 305

      I’m actually not keen on the smoke flavourings but I can understand people being annoyed by this.


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9759

        Not to worry........they will come up with an approved smoke flavor. Their scientists are too dam smart to let their companies suffer from such an insignificate issue.
        Last edited by Premium Parrots; 15-11-24, 06:09 PM.
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


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