On another note, wasn't it you guys mentioning elsewhere about your soon to enter the USA market sorta like "General"? Just suggestion to open up a post as to this very subject matter in THIS forum section with the details. :wink:
I thought the Cranberry Loose was popular. I thought it was pretty good. The Wintergreen Loose, never had. But I guess the Wintergreen Long Cut is still in production?
V2 made the only wintergreen loose, as far as I know. Did anyone use and like it? Hmmm... I'm kinda curious to try it.
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- During board meetings, Reynolds American Inc. Chief Executive Susan Ivey likes to suck on dissolvable smokeless-tobacco strips...
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. -- During board meetings, Reynolds American Inc. Chief Executive Susan Ivey likes to suck on dissolvable smokeless-tobacco strips to get her nicotine fix.
She's hoping to tempt millions of smokers to follow her lead.
Confronted with the inexorable decline of cigarette sales, Reynolds is transforming
Started by Marc and Patrick Vogel, V2 Tobacco began manufacturing Swedish snus in Silkeborg, Denmark in 2006, to the same exacting standards that snus manufactured in Sweden is.
Below is a list of the brands and varieties produced by V2 Tobacco: