PACT Act Dead!!!!!

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  • LHB
    • Oct 2009
    • 115

    This Bill can only be kept alive during the 111th Legislative Session, which ends later this year. If it's not formally voted on, it will die. It would then have to be reintroduced in the House, just as it has twice before.


    • LaZeR
      • Oct 2009
      • 3994

      Originally posted by daruckis
      from the way it sounds, you always have your penis out for nothing.

      Yea you have a point there. :cry:


      • skruf_mcgruff
        • Mar 2008
        • 267

        I learned tonight that the PACT act died and clubsnus has ettan. A glorious day will follow.


        • texasmade
          • Jan 2009
          • 4159

          Originally posted by skruf_mcgruff
          I learned tonight that the PACT act died and clubsnus has ettan. A glorious day will follow.
          now they need grovsnus los for $2.50 a tin and we will be all set


          • MrAbstracto
            • Dec 2008
            • 389

            Originally posted by BuLLitz
            Originally posted by sagedil
            Note which members of which Paryt stepped up and stopped it. LMAO tonight.
            Originally posted by NYTimes
            a campaign of back-room lobbying
            Originally posted by Indians
            But we are trying to learn what works in America, and I guess making political contributions is something that works.
            You're right... democrats had more to do with that than the Repubs.

            Well said.
            They didnt "step up and stop it" they got paid off. The outcome effects me in a positive way, but it still makes me sick.


            • texasmade
              • Jan 2009
              • 4159

              Originally posted by MrAbstracto
              Originally posted by BuLLitz
              Originally posted by sagedil
              Note which members of which Paryt stepped up and stopped it. LMAO tonight.
              Originally posted by NYTimes
              a campaign of back-room lobbying
              Originally posted by Indians
              But we are trying to learn what works in America, and I guess making political contributions is something that works.
              You're right... democrats had more to do with that than the Repubs.

              Well said.
              They didnt "step up and stop it" they got paid off. The outcome effects me in a positive way, but it still makes me sick.

              fixed that for you


              • RRK
                • Sep 2009
                • 926

                Sounds pretty good but I have a couple of questions.

                What is a PITA republican and who got paid off? It seems like they were just threatening to campaign against a couple of the sponsors of the bill.

                Either way, GO NATIVE AMERICANS!


                  • Sep 2008
                  • 98

                  I think FDA will go forward with regulations if Pact Act will not go through. Their dead line is 4th quarter 2011... [/img]


                  • f. bandersnatch
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 725

                    Originally posted by
                    I think FDA will go forward with regulations if Pact Act will not go through. Their dead line is 4th quarter 2011... [/img]
                    Well, crap. I guess you just can't win some days...

                    I can say that I will make my own snus before I will start using any American made product again. I am rather lazy, so this will be done begrudgingly, but it will be done.

                    One question: Does this mean that they will be taxing our snus, or denying us our snus? I understand if no one really knows the answer to this, but some wild speculation might just make me feel better in my moment of despair.


                    • Snusdog
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 6752

                      I didn’t think the FDA regulations were anything that would really impact snus. I thought they only concerned the production of American tobacco products.


                      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                      • LHB
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 115

                        Here's my wild speculation:

                        The PACT Act has nothing whatsoever to do with FDA Regulation of Tobacco Products. It was intended to increase state tax revenues by making it illegal for people to buy tobacco products through anything other than bricks and mortar facilities, preferably in the state in which the consumer resides. All the garbage about "The Children" was a load of crap.

                        When New York State tried to crack down on the Seneca's, one of the things they did was extort an agreement from UPS and Fed Ex to not deliver tobacco products. Yet UPS and Fed Ex have "adult signature confirmation" options for shippers, which would have made it very difficult for people under 18 to take delivery of tobacco products ordered online. The USPS refused to submit to New York's extortion, which was why New York Senators and Representatives were initially among the PACT Acts most vocal proponents; it would have made it against Federal Law for the USPS to ship tobacco products (except cigars), which would have made it impossible for online tobacco retailers to legally ship their product. BTW, PACT stands for "Prevent All Cigarette Trafficking."

                        FDA regulation is much more of a mess, the main danger of which is going after flavorings in tobacco. But if they go after snus and snuff, they'll have to up against the big US smokeless tobacco producers, which would probably cause civil unrest in the Southern States and a big backlash among huge corporations who see their revenues from smokable tobacco dwindling.

                        I expect the FDA to mainly go after cigarettes, although with the FDA, who can tell. It's one of the most corrupt and irrational government agencies. Given the way in which the political pendulum seems to be swinging, I would expect them to take a less radical approach to tobacco regulation than some of the real anti tobacco fanatics (they call themselves "The International Tobacco Control Community") would like.

                        Remember, FDA chiefs are political appointees, and a lot of what the FDA does is politically motivated. How else can you explain their unwillingness to ban menthol from cigarettes when they were so willing to ban clove? It has nothing whatsoever to do with health. Look at the demographics of menthol cigarette consumption and you will have your answer.


                        • f. bandersnatch
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 725

                          Thanks for the input LHB.

                          I have calmed myself down to a reasonable extent, and am enjoying the snus for the wonderful thing that it is, not worrying about the progressively more ridiculous meanderings of our retarded political system. I am content on filling my entire freezer with snus and hiding some cans in my friends/family members chest freezers for now.


                          • redheadedmax
                            • Feb 2010
                            • 84

                            I called the Seneca Nation and thanked them for their, for lack of a better word, "work".


                            • GoVegan
                              • Oct 2009
                              • 5603

                              It's not over yet!


                              What would really suck is if the USPS is prohibited from delivering tobacco and UPS and FedEx still abide by their decisions not to deliver it as well. The smart ones will stock up!


                              • texasmade
                                • Jan 2009
                                • 4159

                                Originally posted by GoVegan
                                It's not over yet!


                                What would really suck is if the USPS is prohibited from delivering tobacco and UPS and FedEx still abide by their decisions not to deliver it as well. The smart ones will stock up!

                                GOD WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT!!! ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES? wtf, i didn't know the swedes were stockpiling nuclear weapons and funding terrorists


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