SNUS WARS: Northerner v. SnusCentral

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    SNUS WARS: Northerner v. SnusCentral

    The new Northerner/IceTool site (also known as SNUSON.COM) may be part of a marketing strategy brought on, in part by PACT and Northerner's perceived need to establish a stronger Internet presence aimed to overshadow facilities currently offered by SnusCentral.

    Snuson recently upgraded its forum software to vBulletin 4.0.x ( and recently added an auction module from mHelles ( Additionally, several other new features are on the horizon which are leaving some insiders asking, " Northerner attempting to gain the upper hand on SnusCentral's customer base?"

    For many years, maintained an almost invisible relationship with Northerner and Icetool; now however, ties seem to have strengthened with the introduction of advertisements appearing throughout the new site. And, with the introduction of an auction module, is Snuson attempting to attract SnusCentral users with a venue currently unavailable to them?

    Information concerning upgrades to the new Snuson site have been cryptic at best. Users have been reassured that changes will be both welcome and positive; however, at least one user, chadizzy1, ( and seems to have abandon the new Snuson. And, although the reasons for his departure are not clearly known, marketing and autonomy seem to be at the foundation.

    In general, the majority of Snuson users seem to be happy with the changes and direction the site has taken. Additionally, with the addition of the Auction Module, members may be able to conduct private transactions and bypass PACT restrictions placed on traditional vendor outlets such as Northerner and SnusCentral. How the Auction area will evolve remains to be seen.

    Another interesting addition to the new site is the "Points System." Site administrators have yet to reveal what points are to be used for; however, some are asking if they are going to be tied into Northerner products. If this is the case, Northerner will have gained another advantage over current SnusCentral marketing efforts.

    Without a doubt, the vBulletin software being utilized by Snuson is one of the more robust forum platforms currently available. It has yet to be seen if Snuson will be adding additional third party software that includes modules for Classifieds, Newsletters, Support and Widgets.

    Finally, some questions have been raised if Snuson will eventually offer paid membership options. Paid memberships could offer the site owner an additional revenue stream while providing users added benefits such as paid member access areas and additional blog, mail and storage space.

    On a lighter note, Roo recently stated in one of my more typical posts that, "I should say something and add my input to the discussions." So, if anyone does not like what they have read here... don't blame me... blame Roo
    If you have any problems with my posts or signature

  • texasmade
    • Jan 2009
    • 4159

    was this an article from snuscentral?? or did you write this?


    • wa3zrm
      • May 2009
      • 4436

      Originally posted by texasmade View Post
      was this an article from snuscentral?? or did you write this?
      I wrote it. I was trying to be "fair and balanced."
      If you have any problems with my posts or signature


      • texasmade
        • Jan 2009
        • 4159

        Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
        I wrote it. I was trying to be "fair and balanced."
        ah ok. pming but nice read.


        • Experimental Monkey
          • Mar 2010
          • 795

          To be honest, there is no Northerner/SC war. SC's prices are a TAD bit lower but most everyone will agree that Northerner's bonus points system, quicker shipping, and amazing customer service far outweigh the few cents a can you would save at SC. And their community is dormant. Very little activity there. I love Julls, one of the bright spots of SnusCentral, though. I wish he would post here.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Well written dude, that was actually interesting, and informative. I mean not to me, I already know this stuff, but for someone who isn't familiar, you laid it out very well :^)


            • danielan
              • Apr 2010
              • 1514

              The whole thing sounds goofy.

              SC's forum, while it seems to be peopled by nice, helpful people, is suffering from bad software.

              I have a big monitor, but everything is scrunched up in the middle, etc.

              Also, I'm not sure how to continue to use SC to order (I've done a couple big orders with them before) post-PACT.

              With the tax increase, I can't also easily swallow international UPS rates on a regular basis.


              • danielan
                • Apr 2010
                • 1514

                Originally posted by Experimental Monkey View Post
                but most everyone will agree that Northerner's bonus points system

                I'm too fat for the shirts. I don't need any pens or mouse pads. ClubSnus already hooked me up with several hats. I don't like candy. I've never in my entire life used a can cooler. I'm not sure what I would do with a book in Swedish. I don't lock my luggage (TSA has to have access - and if I had to worry about anyone stealing my clothes it would be them.

                I have all the Skruf I want right now.

                I'll probably get a bag and an Ice Tool, but once I have one of each of those - unless more loot is added, this will not be particularly exciting for me.


                • Fury
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 205



                  • justintempler
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 3090

                    Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
                    ..overshadow facilities currently offered by SnusCentral.
                    What facilities would that be? pimping for Buysnus?

                    Originally posted by wa3zrm View Post
                    ...Northerner attempting to gain the upper hand on SnusCentral's customer base?"...
                    I think Northerner has always had the upper hand from day one and opening a warehouse in Pa. pretty much makes it a royal flush.


                    • socal70xr7
                      • Dec 2009
                      • 83

                      Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                      What facilities would that be? pimping for Buysnus?
                      Actually Jonathon said he was getting his product from Northerner when I spoke with him a while back, Pre PACT while he was still planning on sticking around.
                      As for myself I went from getsnus horrible forum over to Larry's. He's a great guy and the folks over there are really helpful and family like. Recently started checking out snuson since I signed up here last year. I find the menus a little more imposing than the way snuscentral has it set up. But, I am willing to share time like a lot of the rest especially since you get a worldwide audience over here.


                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Guys -

                        My leaving was a personal issue that turned into something bigger than I had expected, and definitely something I didn't want to happen. It was nothing personal against Ice, SnusOn, Northerner, or any of you - most of you are like a second family to me.

                        That being said, there may be a lot of division, a lot of store vs store, forum vs forum, but I hope we all can look past that, forget these things, and focus on what matters the most. We all need to work together. Lost fans know what I'm talking about, "Live together, Die alone." We're all a family, and the more we work together, the more we can further our cause and help it grow in America.

                        Sorry guys if any of you got mixed up in this, or anything that happened on my end, but I'm glad to see this place is drama free once again, and everyone is happy and friendly. Let's try and look past the division of stores, forums, etc - and all work together!


                        • cj
                          • Jul 2009
                          • 1563

                          i second that request!


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Wait, Wazrm, you wrote this? I thought this was snus central propaganda. It's written as though by someone who has not been a member of snuson.

                            We all know what happened with chad and why.

                            "For many years, maintained an almost invisible relationship with Northerner and Icetool"

                            Who was not aware that this site is run by Ice? And Ice and Northerner are buddies for quite obvious reasons.

                            I think the article was extremely well write, I thought it was a news report or something, but lets keep it real, this site costs money to maintain and ads/partnerships were soon to come. I like the new site and I like icetool and northerner. If Northerner is the new deputy in town, than they will get my business. This site is 90% of my entertainment each and every day (sad I know), so i'm willing to support it however I can, even if it included personal donations. Obviously a paid member idea would be terrible but surely the ad revenue could be of worth.

                            Lets face it guys, Northerner just put it's nuts on the table by buying Getsnus, and it looks like theirs are the biggest on the table thusfar. They are the ones who did all the paperwork and got ready for pact., so that we may enjoy uninterrupted service.
                            I will buy from whoever supports snuson and whoever has good prices. If they don't fix the high shipping cost and offer other discounts, than I will just buy less snus.


                            • rickcharles606
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 2307

                              Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                              Wait, Wazrm, you wrote this? I thought this was snus central propaganda. It's written as though by someone who has not been a member of snuson.

                              We all know what happened with chad and why.

                              "For many years, maintained an almost invisible relationship with Northerner and Icetool"

                              Who was not aware that this site is run by Ice? And Ice and Northerner are buddies for quite obvious reasons.

                              I think the article was extremely well write, I thought it was a news report or something, but lets keep it real, this site costs money to maintain and ads/partnerships were soon to come. I like the new site and I like icetool and northerner. If Northerner is the new deputy in town, than they will get my business. This site is 90% of my entertainment each and every day (sad I know), so i'm willing to support it however I can, even if it included personal donations. Obviously a paid member idea would be terrible but surely the ad revenue could be of worth.

                              Lets face it guys, Northerner just put it's nuts on the table by buying Getsnus, and it looks like theirs are the biggest on the table thusfar. They are the ones who did all the paperwork and got ready for pact., so that we may enjoy uninterrupted service.
                              I will buy from whoever supports snuson and whoever has good prices. If they don't fix the high shipping cost and offer other discounts, than I will just buy less snus.

                              That being said, I'm still a member at SnusCentral, and will remain a member at SnusCentral. Larry is a friend, and I have many friends over there, and I have many friends over here too. While both sites are different, they are also very similar in the fact that we all love Swedish snus and want to see it a success in the U.S. Having both sites active can only further that goal. I personally don't see the so called "snus wars" between the two sites. Soooooo....


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