The official word on Skruf/FDA.

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  • PipenSnus
    • Apr 2010
    • 1038

    Boycotts are pointless unless they disrupt major market share, and the US market is in no way major in Imperial's eyes.

    Besides, there's one product Imperial makes that you forgot to list: Bell's Three Nuns pipe tobacco. Most US pipe smokers can't even get their hands on a tin, unless someone decides to auction some out of their hoard on eBay. I not only would never boycott Three Nuns, I might even consider criminal behavior to obtain some. It's that good.


    • danielan
      • Apr 2010
      • 1514

      Originally posted by PipenSnus View Post
      Boycotts are pointless unless they disrupt major market share, and the US market is in no way major in Imperial's eyes.
      Yeah, when you look at that list - pretty much Imperial is boycotting us.


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
        If you're a Skruf fan I'd suggest getting it from them before it gets shut down. But don't get mad if it doesn't make it to you, since it's on the FDA naughty list, they could randomly seize it at any time.

        I don't think Skruf sales from places like buysnus is going to get shut down.

        1. Buysnus is not in the "American market" even though they sell to some Americans over the internet.

        2. I don't think we should read into Imperials disinterest in applying for USA acceptability as meaning they are going to pull their current retailers (It just means they will not be seeking retailers in the USA). Thus I would expect Buysnus to continue to carry Skruf

        3. Make sure we understand the FDA requirements. Does the FDA specify snus sold to Americans (via the internet from foreign suppliers) or is it limited to snus sold in America (via US based retailers). What we found with the PACT act is that those who wrote the law had not even considered foreign internet sales from legitimate vendors).

        4. I think all this concern places way more confidence in Earl the Customs Guy than I presently have. Out of all the countless thousands of Packages with all the countless variety of products that pass by ol Earl every day, I'm just not sure that he is going to know that that roll of Skruf is not FDA approved while that Roll of General is

        Really I think it will be just fine
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • Joe234
          • Apr 2010
          • 1948

          I called off the boycott.

          Here's what emailed me.


          yes, we will keep selling Skruf to the US. But shipping will be only done by UPS from july 1st on.

          Best Regards,


          • Joe234
            • Apr 2010
            • 1948

            Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
            I received confirmation this morning from one of my contacts at Skruf that Skruf will not be a US product, and will not be registering with the FDA. They did use the phrase "at this time", so that may change one day, but they said they want to focus on Scandinavian operations, and at this point will not pursue the US.

            So, any site that has it for sale right now - I'd suggest buying what you can and stocking up on it while it's still for sale, because it won't be for much longer. And as with Montecristo/R&J/Lucky Strike, if you find it for sale anywhere, you do run a risk of it being seized as it is not and will not be a US registered product (at this time).

            Just wanted to pass that info along. Sorry guys!
            Reports of my death ( Skruf) are greatly exaggerated


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