Eu revision of tobacco products directive

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  • frogbmth
    New Member
    • May 2009
    • 10

    Eu revision of tobacco products directive

    Public consultation on the possible revision of the Tobacco Products Directive 2001/37/EC is open until November 19th 2010

    EU citizens, economic operators, non governmental organisations and relevant national authorities are welcome to participate in the consultation.

    The consultation seeks to gather opinion on topics such as a possible ban on internet sales and postal delivery of tobacco procucts in the EU, possible lifting or tightening the snus ban and regulation of flavourings in tobacco products and sale of electronic cigarettes.

    Please take time to read and respond, your voice is needed!

    Make your voices heard guys. You don't want to go the same route as the USA
  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    Originally posted by frogbmth View Post
    Public consultation on the possible revision of the Tobacco Products Directive 2001/37/EC is open until November 19th 2010

    EU citizens, economic operators, non governmental organisations and relevant national authorities are welcome to participate in the consultation.

    The consultation seeks to gather opinion on topics such as a possible ban on internet sales and postal delivery of tobacco procucts in the EU, possible lifting or tightening the snus ban and regulation of flavourings in tobacco products and sale of electronic cigarettes.

    Please take time to read and respond, your voice is needed!

    Gee I wonder where they got the idea for this?

    I do feel sorry for ya'll. This isn't good.
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Wow that sucks.

      Hopefully it doesn't go way of this shitty PACT here in the states.


      • justintempler
        • Nov 2008
        • 3090

        To their credit they are atleast offering an option...

        Option 2 - Lifting the ban on snus
        All types of smokeless tobacco products would be freely marketed in the EU, subject to
        possible requirements for appropriate consumer information such as health warnings.

        Cigarette companies would love a ban on products that compete with their product while at the same time limiting how much tar and nicotine they are allowed in put in their addictive products so their customers have to buy more of their products making cigarette companies even more money.


        • Jwalker
          • May 2010
          • 1067

          Originally posted by justintempler View Post
          To their credit they are atleast offering an option...

          Cigarette companies would love a ban on products that compete with their product while at the same time limiting how much tar and nicotine they are allowed in put in their addictive products so their customers have to buy more of their products making cigarette companies even more money.
          No Joke, I was shocked Europe had tar limits knowing what we know about light cigs being a scam. I'm not sure the tobacco companies are worried about snus being expanded Imperial, BAT, and JTI all produce snus they'd like to sell. Phillip Morris Int. now that's a whole other thing. The internet ban would suck it's not like the U.S. where that's how most cig smuggling is done, there's no good reason for a ban.


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Sucks for you Euros. I'd assume the worst combination of options will end up passed, because nothing gets better over time :^/


            • pris
              • Mar 2025

              Oh, great, an EU PACT act

              So if Snus isn't licensed for sale outside Sweden with all necessary bogus health warnings on it then that's the end of my snus supply and back to the cigs and Nicorette. Brilliant

              What with what Skruf have just done to their products and now this I'm really p*ssed


              • Mykislt
                • Sep 2010
                • 677

                ugh, already paying amazingly high taxes, plus I lived in a country (lithuania) in which all non smokeable tobacco was banned (sale, and import, and everything, people got arrested for snus and snuff importation) and only a certain site would send to me.


                • CM
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 329

                  No worries guys, with laws like these they destroy themself, you have no idea how badly EU is ****ing itself up everyday,I havent heard even one person to say anything positive about EU.

                  Oh and hi, havent visited here in ages. :P


                  • chainsnuser
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 1388

                    Thanks for the info, frogbmth!

                    I've just made this EU-revision known in three German speaking international snus-forums.

                    Well, I fear that the continued legality of over the counter snus sales only in Sweden, in combination with a ban on postal sales will be the most likely outcome. The latter would be a surely welcome work-creation program for customs, regarding the enforcement of such nonsense.

                    I don't know what to say or do at the moment. Hopefully one of our members from the snus-industry has some first-hand informations and shares them with us.



                    • khalid
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 348

                      Oh shit. Yes it will undoubtedly be the worst combination of the options available. I doubt we will get the age verification and warning stickers option, just a ban on cross border sales.

                      The implementation is scheduled for 2012.Click image for larger version

Name:	TobaccoFreeEurope&.gif
Views:	1
Size:	5.6 KB
ID:	595547


                      • chossy
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 242

                        Its business as usual here on my end atleast, everyone seems worked up about everything nowadays. And yes the EU is a joke and has been since it was conceived and then they topped it of with the euro currency and I feel for my german brothers being suckered into that travesty of a currency. The day the Germans traded the Mark for a shared currency with mañana banana republics like Greece, Spain Italy and Portugal is a day marked in history.

                        Chainsnuser you really need to make an annual trip to Malmö and buy a years supply of tobacky here. I´ll show you the right place to go

                        Happy friday to everyone, think I´ll mosy down to the corner and get some LS lös, haven´t tried that stuff yet, top it off with some Highland 12 years old from my recent Mallorca visit and pass out.............. it´s a great week-end ahead


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435


                          Enjoy your weekend chossy. LS lös is pretty good. Weird grind, but a nice flavor. Is that Highland Park you got?


                          • chossy
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 242

                            Highland Park indeed Well I´m not gonna passa out, got get up early in the morning but it´s all good. Oops it´s already midnight. see ya laters snusers


                            • khalid
                              • Aug 2010
                              • 348

                              The 2008 E.U study recommends that Snus is attractive to children and would be a gateway to cigarette smoking. They do note that there is no evidence of this from Sweden but feel that Swedish culture is not representative of that of other E.U nations. They further note that there is no evidence of its effectiveness as a smoking cessation product and have findings that suggest that 27% of snusers continue to smoke cigarettes.

                              And there is much more......



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