October = baseball

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    • May 2010
    • 165

    I'll be cheering on the Cincinnati Reds, since I have lived about 30 mins from Cincinnati about all my life. Wish my great Grandma was around she would have loved to see them make the playoffs, even if they were knocked out first round.

    I really don't like watching baseball that much, unless I have tickets to go. Ever since I have been watching hockey, baseball seems boring.


    • WickedKitchen
      • Nov 2009
      • 2528

      Well I think it'll be the Yankees and Phils although I'd pay good money to see the Devil Rays pass the Yankees.

      It was a sad day to see that E next to the Sox. I kinda figured it was coming at the All-Star break but it was still sad to see. My interest wains when football season starts but then picks up again mid-month.

      At least baseball is still affordable. I mean I try to go to a Pats game every year but when the ticket price crosses over $100 then $50 to park it sucks a big fat unclipped one. It almost makes it not worth it really. Baseball is getting to be that way, at least for the Sox and God forbid you want to see them play a good team.


      • raptor
        • Oct 2008
        • 753

        4/5 of the teams on AL East are really good... Toronto had a great year and might have had a solid shot if they weren't in the East. Citoball is fun to watch. Too bad he's retiring.

        It's all about the dingers.


        • Owens187
          • Sep 2009
          • 1547

          I fu*king hate baseball. Bores the living hell out of me. I'm a motorsports type of guy.


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