The Billy Meier UFO case

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    The Billy Meier UFO case

    The Billy Meier UFO case
    This is for those interested in UFOs, and this case.
    I have been interested in UFOs since I was a child. But this case is new to me. It's such a controversial and popular case, I am suprised I am just now learning about it.
    It's about a man called Billy Meier, from Switzerland, who claims to have had years of contact with ETs, and have taken numerous photos and films.
    Many people say he's a total hoax. Some think he's a partial hoax, or disinfo. Yet many are true believers. He has a lot of followers. Many of his pictures are really nice, clear, and can be appreciated for their artistic expression. Yet many appear very fake.
    Either way, I am unsure, though something about it seems fakey, it still remains a very interesting story.
    There are many youtube vids about this case, as well as books and websites. I recently ordered their book, and a DVD, as well as DL'd some stuff.
    One popular film is available in 10 parts on youtube, called Contact.
    I'm not finding the a way to post the youtube on this initiat post, so I'll do it on the follow up one.
    Comments after viewing the material is appreciated from those who wish to participate.
  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985


    His photos and films seem to have begun in the mid 1970's.


    • GoVegan
      • Oct 2009
      • 5603

      Have you ever noticed that something never seems quite right with any of the UFO photo's out there? The distances never seem in proportion. Even the more modern video's and pictures seem grainy and out of focus. It seems like when a UFO flies nearby, the only person around with a camera is some old camera collector who had his Super 8 projector or Kodak 110 on him. I am not saying that that UFO's don't exist as even the most respected physicist or astronomer will tell you that the odds are we are not alone but I do think that 98% of the stuff we see is crap.


      • tom502
        • Feb 2009
        • 8985

        Quality photos is and always has been an issue. Though I have seen some very quality footage, especially of these massive flocks of orbular craft in the sky. Of course things can be faked, especially in today's CGI and photoshop world. I think maybe, also, these craft may not be the solid metal mass of matter like what we know of, so maybe they are of a different material, maybe even inter-dimensional. But, of the probably millions of pictures and video, there is a lot of good clear stuff too.


        • CoderGuy
          • Jul 2009
          • 2679

          Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
          Have you ever noticed that something never seems quite right with any of the UFO photo's out there? The distances never seem in proportion. Even the more modern video's and pictures seem grainy and out of focus. It seems like when a UFO flies nearby, the only person around with a camera is some old camera collector who had his Super 8 projector or Kodak 110 on him. I am not saying that that UFO's don't exist as even the most respected physicist or astronomer will tell you that the odds are we are not alone but I do think that 98% of the stuff we see is crap.
          Exactly. Although most of the time people try and zoom into the object to get better pictures, which cause a pronounced jitteryness (hey, I just created a word!). We need the aliens to schedule simultaneous interviews with MSNBC and FoxNews to get maximum coverage and acceptance.


          • tom502
            • Feb 2009
            • 8985

            The Meier photos can be really nice. I found a big one of a craft in a field area and made it my computer display image, background, whatever it's called.


            • WickedKitchen
              • Nov 2009
              • 2528

              Very interesting.

              I wish there was something definitive about these alleged contacts. I mean if they're here to bring teachings, what have the taught us? I'm not saying that is has never happened but you'd think if they were coming for 30,000+ years they would have taught us. Maybe this is linked to the pyramids and ancient "astronomy". I wouldn't be surprised, but there isn't much concrete that has endured through the ages. Or perhaps it's hidden... I certainly would be thrilled with contact...I'd even ask to see the inside of their spiffy ship I think. Or maybe I'd just shit myself.

              Oh, and I bet there's some nice mushrooms growin' in them there woods.


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985

                I just wanna look up in the sky off my back yard patio and see a bunch of saucer craft in the sky.


                • stubby2
                  • Jun 2009
                  • 436

                  Oh no.... not the probie thingies


                  • tom502
                    • Feb 2009
                    • 8985

                    While most of the standard saucer pics look really cool, even most of the film footage, the problem photos for me, is the so-called Wedding Cake UFO. Being someone who wants to believe, I wish these photos never existed. They just seem very fakey to me, and have the appearance of a model. I don't know if he was forced to make these by disinfo agents or what. But in contrast to the other material, this just sheds a light of skepticism on it for me.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by GoVegan View Post
                      the only person around with a camera is some old camera collector who had his Super 8 projector or Kodak 110 on him.

                      Dont even get me started on the Kodak 110 conspiracy.

                      Also, anyone who has ever even touched photoshop can see these are blatant fakes. Not even good or remotely good ones. Infact i think these are the most photoshopped pictures of all time (according to kanye west)

                      I doubt that highly advanced ufo's would look like old oil cans. Cheap aluminul could probably not sustain superluminal speeds would be my guess.

                      /i can tell by the pixels


                      • WickedKitchen
                        • Nov 2009
                        • 2528

                        That one definitely looks fake.


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by tom502
                          Quality photos is and always has been an issue. Though I have seen some very quality footage, especially of these massive flocks of orbular craft in the sky. Of course things can be faked, especially in today's CGI and photoshop world. I think maybe, also, these craft may not be the solid metal mass of matter like what we know of, so maybe they are of a different material, maybe even inter-dimensional. But, of the probably millions of pictures and video, there is a lot of good clear stuff too.

                          Im so down with the ufo thing, but this trend of saying things are "interdimensional" has no scientific basis. Dimension does not mean some alternate universe, it literally means like a unit of measure. 3 dimensions means highth, length and depth/width.

                          Alternate universe maybe, but this interdimensional thing is bogus. And why would you assume they came from some exotic other reality when we exist in a universe filled with a trillion earthlike planets. Just seems more logical that they would have come from a similar origin as us, evolving through natural processes out of elements commonly found thruough the universe.


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            For what its worth, the guys story is convincing to say the least, but the pics posted here are really bad fakes from early 80's post-editing programs that do not weather objects properly or match ambient light levels etc. The lack of shadows alone shows these are two pics with drastically different light sources being pasted together.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              Well, these were from before photoshop, in the 70's. I suspect they are models, but some shots look hard to do with a model in the 70's. Of course I want to believe, and I tend to think most hoaxes are part true, and part not. But if one aspect is faked, then does that mean the whole thing is fake? I mean, take that viewpoint, and look at the verboten topic, the moon landing, 911...... We know faked aspects of all these, so does it mean the whole thing is fake? I tend to think it's a mix.


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