Germany Is A Christian Nation

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  • devilock76
    • Aug 2010
    • 1737

    Originally posted by tom502 View Post
    Well, I quess the topic is religious persecution in America. I just don't see it. I, as an American, am free to attend the Buddhist temple, the Islamic Mosque, the Hindu Temple, the Catholic Church, the Church of Scientology, I can join any group, leave any group, express ciritical views of any group. Read and buy any religious texts I wish. I can even create my own religion, form a group, and carry on with that.
    Assume traditional Islamic dress and go to the airport and tell me how that works out for you. Maybe carry a Qu'ran in your luggage and tell me how your experience with security is.



    • justintempler
      • Nov 2008
      • 3090


      How many Muslims do you know?

      The USA has a few million of them. Do you really think they believe in the extreme view you are painting them with? You are pointing at the extreme and making it appear they all think like that.


      • devilock76
        • Aug 2010
        • 1737

        Originally posted by justintempler View Post

        How many Muslims do you know?

        The USA has a few million of them. Do you really think they believe in the extreme view you are painting them with? You are pointing at the extreme and making it appear they all think like that.
        Stop using reasonable arguments with Tom. They cannot penetrate his armor of rhetoric! HEHEHEHHE



        • tom502
          • Feb 2009
          • 8985

          Do the same thing in full KKK robe.
          But your point is not fully right, because the vast majority of world terrorist attacks have been by Muslims. So, at an airport, they might be a bit extra cautious, if they see a dressed up Muslim. But, these Muslims are flying in planes all the time, so I think it's a false perception. It's a touchy topic, but the airports and airlines do not want the mass of media and legal issues, so I don't think you'd be bothered at all. I think the leftist media wants us all to believe Muslims are all randomly dragged off of airplanes and beaten with bacon slices because thay had a Quran. No, apart from a few incidents that made the news, you have to imagine the large number of peoples of Islamic background routinely flying in planes every day all the time. I think it's more an outsiders perceived supposition than what really occurs.


          • devilock76
            • Aug 2010
            • 1737

            Originally posted by tom502 View Post
            Do the same thing in full KKK robe.
            But your point is not fully right, because the vast majority of world terrorist attacks have been by Muslims. So, at an airport, they might be a bit extra cautious, if they see a dressed up Muslim. But, these Muslims are flying in planes all the time, so I think it's a false perception. It's a touchy topic, but the airports and airlines do not want the mass of media and legal issues, so I don't think you'd be bothered at all. I think the leftist media wants us all to believe Muslims are all randomly dragged off of airplanes and beaten with bacon slices because thay had a Quran. No, apart from a few incidents that made the news, you have to imagine the large number of peoples of Islamic background routinely flying in planes every day all the time. I think it's more an outsiders perceived supposition than what really occurs.
            The 4 biggest terrorist attacks on US soil I can think of, half of them were domestic terrorists. Point still stands. I only mentioned Muslim to go back to my point. See the irony is you are countering that we have religious tolerance here when your counter arguments are all disparaging of Muslim religious law and applicable interpretations around the world. So in order to defend the idea of religious tolerance in the US you are being intolerant of a religion. I mean you have to love the irony of that.



            • tom502
              • Feb 2009
              • 8985

              You might find some irony in it, but I don't think it's untrue.


              • NonServiam
                • May 2010
                • 736

                Originally posted by shikitohno
                That's Poland, though. Poland is batsh¡t insane and something like 96% Roman Catholic last time I checked. If you look back a while ago, this is the same country that told a woman she would be arrested if she had an abortion, even though her doctors said the pregnancy might kill her, because the Pope frowns on that. She wound up going almost totally blind, but it was all okay, because at least her soul was saved, right?
                That would explain why so much anti-Christian music comes out of that country. With that much oppression you're bound to get a nasty backlash and reaction. I would be interested to see how many other European countries are as strict as Poland.


                • justintempler
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 3090

                  Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                  Do the same thing in full KKK robe....
                  Wait... the KKK are Christians extremists... does that mean all Christians believe what the KKK believe?

                  What about the Christian killing of an abortion doctor. What about the Mormon Church campaigning against Prop 8 in California. Christine O'Donnell's Christianity thinks it is a sin to masterbate. How about the Discovery Institute trying to get creationism taught in schools. The Westboro church has already been mentioned.. How about Pat Robertson with his TV network and Liberty university teaching that earthquakes in Haiti were caused because they made a deal with the devil.

                  I can't condem a faith like Islam because of the minority, If I did that I could do that to Christianity


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                    I can't condem a faith like Islam because of the minority, If I did that I could do that to Christianity
                    I can happily condemn both. The problem, is Islam gets it's ass kissed too much, especially in Europe. If Christians tried pulling some of the same crap, you'd tell them to STFU, and go on with business. With the Muslims, everyone's concerned about what they're reaction will be. Screw them. Smacking hornet nests is fun, and if they get too out of control, you bring out the napalm....


                    • Darwin
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1372

                      It may be true that "only" two of the major terrorist attacks in this country were committed by radical Islamists but that certainly cannot be said of the rest of the world. The conundrum of attempting to tolerate intolerance is one of the knottiest problems we face. Perhaps there is no real solution to this paradox but even the most "tolerant" of us have our ultimate limits, which we have not yet reached in this country but in, for example the EU, the limits are fast approaching if not surpassed in many cases. Ms. Merkel is not a particularly adroit elucidator of the tensions in her country but that does not mean they do not exist. Unlike here a number of political precincts in Germany, and other countries as well, are coming under de facto, if not de jure, control of Sharia law. The main body of the citizenry cannot be expected to view this as a positive development and they and their spokesmen are increasingly critical of it, often in terms that many consider "racist" but which in reality are "culturist", if that's a legitimate word.

                      "Western" nations in general have as their cultural base the multi-thousand year evolution and distillation of the Judeo/Christian/Enlightenment mindset regarding the rights of the individual and his relationship to the state which differs dramatically in kind from the millennium long evolution, or lack thereof perhaps, of traditional Islamic attitudes towards those same issues. Ms. Merkel's clumsy and incomplete description of her country's, and the west's in general, cultural basis may rankle the overly tender sensibilities of some but the dilemma faced in this clash of "tolerances" is one that admits of no neat and perfectly rational resolution. If given the chance to vote on the issue I suspect most in this country, regardless of how they feel about church/state separation, would resoundingly defeat any move towards any sort of ecclesiastical jurisprudence isolated from our current body of common law. Allowing it would be utter madness.


                      • justintempler
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 3090

                        Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                        I can happily condemn both. The problem, is Islam gets it's ass kissed too much, especially in Europe. If Christians tried pulling some of the same crap, you'd tell them to STFU, and go on with business. With the Muslims, everyone's concerned about what they're reaction will be. Screw them. Smacking hornet nests is fun, and if they get too out of control, you bring out the napalm....
                        I think all religions get their ass kissed too much.


                        • devilock76
                          • Aug 2010
                          • 1737

                          Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                          You might find some irony in it, but I don't think it's untrue.
                          Irony and truth are neither antonyms nor synonyms. What are you trying to say?



                          • devilock76
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 1737

                            Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                            I think all religions get their ass kissed too much.
                            I agree with that.



                            • NonServiam
                              • May 2010
                              • 736

                              Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                              Screw them. Smacking hornet nests is fun, and if they get too out of control, you bring out the napalm....
                              Part of me agrees with that, and only if it were that easy! Then again, if you just flatten the entire middle east you are also killing innocents at the same time. Do the means justify the ends?

                              I'm fairly certain that the entire earth is on the brink of a WW3 (if we're not already in one). Which may well be needed, as I'm sure it would probably be the most devastating of them all and sweep clean the earth.

                              The most pronounced forms of religious persecution began with the formation of Judaism which introduced the Ten Commandments, specifically the commandment to not worship any other gods. Then came Christianity, with even more persecution and violence. Now we have Islam bringing their own form of persecution in their homelands and terrorism to the "infidels". All three faiths are intertwined, and each faith's level of violence appears to grow respectively.

                              So, in my opinion, it's a matter of pushing the red button and bracing ourselves for an all out war to end all wars (torching the hornet's nest) or selectively picking off the aggressors over many years (taking a fly swatter to any that actually sting us). The latter is ineffective at the actual problem but "civilized". The former could be the only real solution, but comes with serious moral/ethical implications. But as I've said before, you can kill the torch bearers, but can you extinguish the fire they light their torches from?


                              • lxskllr
                                • Sep 2007
                                • 13435

                                If I were running the show, I'd take a hardline stance against extremists. They could keep their burkhas, or whatever else they want, but any violence would be dealt with at the source. A car bomber came from a particular mosque? guess what, you just lost your mosque. It would be razed within a month. That might inspire them to keep a closer eye on their people. If that didn't work, I'd just expel them, but then any country I was running wouldn't be a democracy :^D


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