Where? When? Near every city has Moques, Hindu and Buddhist Temples, churches of all types, Scientology, various odd groups, atheist groups, Satanist groups, no one is forced to attend church. People are free to leave whatever religion or go to another. I have lots of critiques about America, but it's religious freedoms may be the best in the world.
I use this statement to refer to the irony of the pilgrims, and specifically the puritans escaping religious persecution in Europe and then turning around to conduct witch trials here in the states (Salem). I could expand the sarcasm to discuss our genocide of an entire people to claim this country as ours.
I'm an atheist and I am 100% for religious freedom, knock yourself out. What I am against is the state forcing other people's beliefs down my throat and telling me what I can and can not believe.
Merkel's speech wasn't really about the lack of Christian values, it was her Islamophobia. She's afraid of Muslims so she wants them to adopt Christian values.
The biggest reason the Muslim population keeps growing in Europe is they have more babies. Wait a minute... wasn't not using birth control and having large families originally a Christian value?
Maybe Muslims really are practicing Christain values after all!
Those news stories only support religious freedom in the US. You may not like certain religions, but they have their rights, that's why the US is not a religiously presecuting country. if they were banned and suppressed, then it would be.
Those news stories only support religious freedom in the US. You may not like certain religions, but they have their rights, that's why the US is not a religiously presecuting country. if they were banned and suppressed, then it would be.
The point is that we were founded on in tolerance and it still exists in our national DNA. Are we the worst, no, are we the best, no, but it pays to be mindful of it. Shall I dig into your post history of very anti-Islamic things you have said?
Try and open a Dharma Center in Saudi Arabia. By making posting these links and condemning them, shows you have the intolerance. I don't like many religions, but the US grants them free expression and practice. In an Islamic Nation, you don't get that. You mainly get it in a so-called Christian nation. I have a freedom to express critiques of Islam, just as you do of the Westborogh church. Personally, I don't like either of them. But in the US we have freedom of religion, which allows Churches and Mosques. Try burning a Quran in Pakistan, you will be killed if caught. You can't defend Islamic intolerance. Sure we have our "intolerant" religious groups in the US, but they don't cut your head off for drawning a cartoon of Jesus. Plus we offer freedom to worship what and how you choose, and leave your current faith, if you choose.
Try and open a Dharma Center in Saudi Arabia. By making posting these links and condemning them, shows you have the intolerance. I don't like many religions, but the US grants them free expression and practice. In an Islamic Nation, you don't get that. You mainly get it in a so-called Christian nation. I have a freedom to express critiques of Islam, just as you do of the Westborogh church. Personally, I don't like either of them. But in the US we have freedom of religion, which allows Churches and Mosques. Try burning a Quran in Pakistan, you will be killed if caught. You can't defend Islamic intolerance. Sure we have our "intolerant" religious groups in the US, but they don't cut your head off for drawning a cartoon of Jesus. Plus we offer freedom to worship what and how you choose, and leave your current faith, if you choose.
And again you talk about a small part of their population but instead generalize. Look I have no illusions about you wanting to get the point. You won't. It is not you, however you asked me to explain my remark, I did, with definitive reasons for it. I am glad you can feel better about such things and say well there are worst out there so no problem. You are still missing the point.
The point, as it seems to me, is I believe in freedom, and you don't. I believe in freedom to openly express views on religions, to make a cartoon, to be critical of them, as well as freedom to choose one's religion, to leave one's religion, to practice what and how ones chooses, as their personal faith choice, with allowance of equal freedom of others to do the same. As a whole, the "Christian nations" support this, apart from some EU incidents, but the USA yes. You can say Islam is evil, and draw cartoon of Jesus with poop on his head, or Krishna with a joint in his mouth, and no one really cares, well, unless a Muslim notices it, and then you may be targeted for death. And this is why islam stands out as a peculiar extremist entity, and needs to be honestly addresses, and not PC coddled. I wish Islam could be a freedom respecting personal faith choice, but it's not. Now of course there are so-called "western Muslims" that drink and smoke and watch football. But that doesn't stop Islam as still a massive world wide extremist death cult that seeks world dominance, and is taking over many western nations, in a slow but effective way, installing sharia laws and intollerant ways, and forcing their "way" on their host nations.
The point, as it seems to me, is I believe in freedom, and you don't. I believe in freedom to openly express views on religions, to make a cartoon, to be critical of them, as well as freedom to choose one's religion, to leave one's religion, to practice what and how ones chooses, as their personal faith choice, with allowance of equal freedom of others to do the same. As a whole, the "Christian nations" support this, apart from some EU incidents, but the USA yes. You can say Islam is evil, and draw cartoon of Jesus with poop on his head, or Krishna with a joint in his mouth, and no one really cares, well, unless a Muslim notices it, and then you may be targeted for death. And this is why islam stands out as a peculiar extremist entity, and needs to be honestly addresses, and not PC coddled. I wish Islam could be a freedom respecting personal faith choice, but it's not. Now of course there are so-called "western Muslims" that drink and smoke and watch football. But that doesn't stop Islam as still a massive world wide extremist death cult that seeks world dominance, and is taking over many western nations, in a slow but effective way, installing sharia laws and intollerant ways, and forcing their "way" on their host nations.
Like I said you don't get it, and once again prove it, but thanks for playing.
Well, I quess the topic is religious persecution in America. I just don't see it. I, as an American, am free to attend the Buddhist temple, the Islamic Mosque, the Hindu Temple, the Catholic Church, the Church of Scientology, I can join any group, leave any group, express ciritical views of any group. Read and buy any religious texts I wish. I can even create my own religion, form a group, and carry on with that.
I don't like any religion, but of the mainstream quasi Christian/bible types, Islam is at the top of my shit list. Judaism is the best, Islam is the worst, and everything else falls somewhere in the middle.
The following is an excerpt from the July 1943 issue of Mass Transportation Magazine. This was written for male supervisors of women in the work force...